The section Famous People is strictly dedicated to celebrities, now being formed of this categories: Artists, Actors, Actresses, Film Directors, Tv Personalities, Models, Designers, Business people, Famous Scientists, Writers, Philosophers, Musicians, Poets, Presidents, Sport Stars, NFL Players, NHL Players, Painters, Politicians, Bands, Adult Actors, Others.
In the near by future we will be structuring these names under different sub categories, hopefully a few hundreds of them, with at least a million biographies, written and edited by our visitors, contributers, editors and moderators on FamousWhy.
Our intention, even from the beginning was to write to every individual biography something about the career and things that are happening in the life of that person, a picture of them from the public domain, a few quotes, videos, love affairs and professional domain, the opportunity that fans would write and comment about them, the specific tags that editors would add when editing, tabs of the top categories in which the famous person is integrated to, general top people or similar famous people, a section of external links and useful links towards the fan clubs and ultimately, the answer to the question: Why is he/she famous?
At the moment, we are improving our approaching style and the editorial vision , working towards other aspects of major interst, derived words from “fame” . For exemple : "What was he/she doing before becoming famous?" and the like.
But this page is only complete in a proportion of 25% and we intend to bring in absolutely unique stuff and of a major impact which hopefully will satisfy our most strict or bored visitors. Every page of the celebrities includes a unique and unseen before kind of rank for that particular celebrity, a system constituted of 5 levels of “fame”
- Noted - Celebrated - Notorious - Illustrious - Famous
Any visitor of FamousWhy is welcomed to put in a daily vote to that celebrity, in accordance with the state of fame that the specific visitor thinks the celebrity is in. After voting, the adding up and the rank will appear on the right hand corner. This will contribute to the classification and the forming of monthly stats, used when creating tops, lists,and interesting articles. This is a guide for those interested in this section:
a) Adding a biography on
b) Editing an existing biography on
c) Posting a comment on
d) About the link section in the celebrities’ pages
Friday, June 12 2009 |