"Famouswhy" gives to the viewers and also to the editors the chance to contribue to the site with diferent articles, using the "Submit" page.
One can reach to it from the right upper side of the site and for the "Regions" section we need to select the correspondent option': "Regions".
Pay attention when you fullfill the fields, esspecially the validation formular,by introducing the characters in the small image generated for protection against the abuse. You have to add the picture only when you are its author or when you are sure it is in the "Public Domain".
When you write about certain city or a certain country, we have to ask you to take into consideration the following essentials paragraphs:
1. General Statistics Data 2. Geographical Settlement 3. Historical 4. Touristic Attractions 5. Explanations at the questions: 5.1. What famous persons are born there? 5.2. The explanation to he question: "Why is it this region a famous one?". Monday, June 22 2009 |