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What is FamousWhy

FamousWhy.com was born on the 22nd of march 2006, starting off from the idea of offering the right answers to questions or curious enquires about the fame of the celebrities and the different important aspects that we all come in contact with, such as :

Why is this celebrity famous? What was he/she doing before becoming famous? How did he/she become famous?

Trying to adapt daily to the thirst of information that our visitors have and the diverse interests, this site covers now a wide range of domains, like: celebrities, regions, articles, software, celebrities' birthdays and astrological sign, the colleges or universities that they studied at, their intimate and romantic lives, the films they played in, famous quotes, films and enquires, shocking news, famous sites and lists of interests. And also, FamousWhy gives the opportunity for anyone to join the community of "famous" members with whom you can talk on different topics. The idea that supports every biography, region, article or software that we offer for downloading is to explain the reason of fame or to  justify the importance of that very fact.

The information that the site provides is brought by and can be contributed to by anyone capable of such qualities, giving them the opportunity to become a FamousWhy Editor. The moderators of the site have the main purpose to verify and make sure that the  information brought by contributors is accurate and qualitative.

Also, we want to encourage and motivate visitors to contribute to the development of the virtual space of FamousWhy, by adding accurate information, editing and contributing with their opinions. Of course, the whole of the contributions are being monitored by the moderating team, who makes sure that the terms and conditions are being honoured.

At this moment in time, FamousWhy has 15 different sections and is continuingly developing. We consider the fact that its structure is complete in a proportion of 35% (on the 15th of April 2009).

The 15th sections of FamousWhy are:

1. Famous People -> http://people.famouswhy.com
2. Famous Regions -> http://regions.famouswhy.com/
3. Famous Articles -> http://articles.famouswhy.com/
4. Famous Software -> http://download.famouswhy.com/
5. Famous People Birthdays -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Born_Today.html
6. Famous People Birthplaces -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Born_Where.html
7. Fame Schooling -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Fame_Schooling.html
8. Famous Movies -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Movies.html
9. Famous Lists -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Famous_Lists.html
10. SHOCKing News -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Shocks.html
11. Best Of -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Best_Of.html
12. Famous People Horoscope -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Zodiac.html
13. Famous Websites/Blogs -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Sites_Blogs.html
14. FamousWhy - Website Blog -> http://www.famouswhy.com/Blogs.html
15. Famous Forum -> http://forum.famouswhy.com

Tuesday, March 17 2009

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