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Famous NFL Players born on October 07. RSS
James Brown
James Brown
October 7, 1970
Dan Bunz
Dan Bunz
October 7, 1955
Bob Wallace
Bob Wallace
October 7, 1945

Andre White
Andre White
October 7, 1944
Tom Rathman
Tom Rathman
October 7, 1962
Todd McNair
Todd McNair
October 7, 1965
Timon Marshall
Timon Marshall
October 7, 1979
Derland Moore
Derland Moore
October 7, 1951
Bo Rather
Bo Rather
October 7, 1950
Henry Wallace
Henry Wallace
October 7, 1888
Adell Duckett
Adell Duckett
October 7, 1981
Dick Jauron
Dick Jauron
October 7, 1950
Erick Anderson
Erick Anderson
October 7, 1968
Nate Lawrie
Nate Lawrie
October 7, 1981
Karl Koepfer
Karl Koepfer
October 7, 1934
Bill Jobko
Bill Jobko
October 7, 1935
Brad Lamb
Brad Lamb
October 7, 1967
Harry Howard
Harry Howard
October 7, 1949
LaDaris Vann
LaDaris Vann
October 7, 1980
Larry Todd
Larry Todd
October 7, 1942
Bo Hickey
Bo Hickey
October 7, 1945
Marvell Burgess
Marvell Burgess
October 7, 1965
Blair Thomas
Blair Thomas
October 7, 1967
Johnnie Morton
Johnnie Morton
October 7, 1971
Dwain Turner
Dwain Turner
October 7, 1964
Jon Pendergrass
Jon Pendergrass
October 7, 1978
Chuck Harris
Chuck Harris
October 7, 1961
Thomas Houchin
Thomas Houchin
October 7, 1980
Vaughn Hebron
Vaughn Hebron
October 7, 1970
Billy Rafter
Billy Rafter
October 7, 1895
Antonio Dingle
Antonio Dingle
October 7, 1976
Chuck Faucette
Chuck Faucette
October 7, 1963
Priest Holmes
Priest Holmes
October 7, 1973
Dwayne Provo
Dwayne Provo
October 7, 1970
Ryan Boschetti
Ryan Boschetti
October 7, 1981
Chuck Herman
Chuck Herman
October 7, 1958
Chick Lang
Chick Lang
October 7, 1900
Allen Smith 2
Allen Smith 2
October 7, 1942
Dick Szymanski
Dick Szymanski
October 7, 1932
George McGee
George McGee
October 7, 1935
Andre Davis 2
Andre Davis 2
October 7, 1975
Raymond House
Raymond House
October 7, 1980
Art Haley
Art Haley
October 7, 1895
Herb Rich
Herb Rich
October 7, 1928
Dick Hudson
Dick Hudson
October 7, 1898
Gerald McBurrows
Gerald McBurrows
October 7, 1973
Russ Hochstein
Russ Hochstein
October 7, 1977
Chris Denman
Chris Denman
October 7, 1983
Harry Marker
Harry Marker
October 7, 1899
Jim Nicely
Jim Nicely
October 7, 1898
Mark Bradford
Mark Bradford
October 7, 1984
Matt Herian
Matt Herian
October 7, 1983
Will Overstreet
Will Overstreet
October 7, 1979
Odis Crowell
Odis Crowell
October 7, 1914
Tavares Gooden
Tavares Gooden
October 7, 1984
Chris Morris 2
Chris Morris 2
October 7, 1949
Andrew Pace
Andrew Pace
October 7, 1983
Bill Kelley
Bill Kelley
October 7, 1974
Faddie Tillman
Faddie Tillman
October 7, 1948
Shane Olivea
Shane Olivea
October 7, 1981
Glen Burgeis
Glen Burgeis
October 7, 1921
Fred Morrison
Fred Morrison
October 7, 1926
Johnnie Hudson
Johnnie Hudson
October 7, 1898
Bill Larson 2
Bill Larson 2
October 7, 1953
Mike Johnson 3
Mike Johnson 3
October 7, 1943
Dick Cassiano
Dick Cassiano
October 7, 1917
Bronko Smilanich
Bronko Smilanich
October 7, 1915
Erk Taylor
Erk Taylor
October 7, 1907
Jeramie Johnson
Jeramie Johnson
October 7, 1984
Vaughn Mancha
Vaughn Mancha
October 7, 1921
Sheepy Redeen
Sheepy Redeen
October 7, 1891
Le'Shai Maston
Le'Shai Maston
October 7, 1970
Pat O'Donahue
Pat O'Donahue
October 7, 1930
Showing 1 - 73 of 73 records returned
Famous Birthdays by Category
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