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October 2024
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16 Oct 278 celebrities
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Famous NFL Players born on October 14. RSS
Lance Rentzel
Lance Rentzel
October 14, 1943
Jason Davis
Jason Davis
October 14, 1984
Terry Williams
Terry Williams
October 14, 1965

Paul Palmer
Paul Palmer
October 14, 1964
J.J. Smith
J.J. Smith
October 14, 1972
Frank Wycheck
Frank Wycheck
October 14, 1971
Boss Bailey
Boss Bailey
October 14, 1979
John Green
John Green
October 14, 1921
Ron Wolfley
Ron Wolfley
October 14, 1962
Jay Walker
Jay Walker
October 14, 1974
Ed Hughes
Ed Hughes
October 14, 1982
Roger Bernhardt
Roger Bernhardt
October 14, 1949
Dan Birdwell
Dan Birdwell
October 14, 1940
Derrick Rodgers
Derrick Rodgers
October 14, 1971
Roger Gill
Roger Gill
October 14, 1940
Al Latimer
Al Latimer
October 14, 1957
LaRon Landry
LaRon Landry
October 14, 1984
Keith Byars
Keith Byars
October 14, 1963
Wade Key
Wade Key
October 14, 1946
Ron Pitts
Ron Pitts
October 14, 1962
Bob Kuechenberg
Bob Kuechenberg
October 14, 1947
Gene Williams
Gene Williams
October 14, 1968
Ade Schwammel
Ade Schwammel
October 14, 1908
Johnny Sims
Johnny Sims
October 14, 1967
Justin Forsett
Justin Forsett
October 14, 1985
Paul Francisco
Paul Francisco
October 14, 1969
Dinger Doane
Dinger Doane
October 14, 1893
Mike Archie
Mike Archie
October 14, 1972
Charlie Joiner
Charlie Joiner
October 14, 1948
Kay Bell
Kay Bell
October 14, 1914
Mike Haggerty
Mike Haggerty
October 14, 1945
Floyd Christman
Floyd Christman
October 14, 1902
David Pittman
David Pittman
October 14, 1983
Tommy Parks
Tommy Parks
October 14, 1968
Ben Whaley
Ben Whaley
October 14, 1926
Harry Stuhldreher
Harry Stuhldreher
October 14, 1901
Don Estes
Don Estes
October 14, 1938
Jim Norris
Jim Norris
October 14, 1939
Tony Paige
Tony Paige
October 14, 1962
Scott Mayle
Scott Mayle
October 14, 1983
Frank Marchlewski
Frank Marchlewski
October 14, 1943
Khari Samuel
Khari Samuel
October 14, 1976
Mike Graybill
Mike Graybill
October 14, 1966
Ed Berrang
Ed Berrang
October 14, 1922
Bill Fortune
Bill Fortune
October 14, 1897
Don Wemple
Don Wemple
October 14, 1917
Jeff Campbell
Jeff Campbell
October 14, 1978
Kindal Moorehead
Kindal Moorehead
October 14, 1978
Javon Walker
Javon Walker
October 14, 1978
Pete Lauer
Pete Lauer
October 14, 1897
Billy Joe
Billy Joe
October 14, 1940
Joe Schaffer
Joe Schaffer
October 14, 1937
John Spilis
John Spilis
October 14, 1947
Brad Rhoades
Brad Rhoades
October 14, 1982
Ben Clime
Ben Clime
October 14, 1891
Brian Williams 2
Brian Williams 2
October 14, 1957
Scott Kooistra
Scott Kooistra
October 14, 1980
Elvin Hutchison
Elvin Hutchison
October 14, 1912
Mike Williams 2
Mike Williams 2
October 14, 1957
Terrence McGee
Terrence McGee
October 14, 1980
Wilrey Fontenot
Wilrey Fontenot
October 14, 1984
Wayne Walker 2
Wayne Walker 2
October 14, 1944
Zac Henderson
Zac Henderson
October 14, 1955
Ed Mieszkowski
Ed Mieszkowski
October 14, 1925
Showing 1 - 64 of 64 records returned
Famous Birthdays by Category
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