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October 2024
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Famous NFL Players born on October 24. RSS
Carlos Snow
Carlos Snow
October 24, 1968
Donald Frank
Donald Frank
October 24, 1965
Frank Bosch
Frank Bosch
October 24, 1945

Patrick Hunter
Patrick Hunter
October 24, 1964
Pat Williams
Pat Williams
October 24, 1972
Jim Laslavic
Jim Laslavic
October 24, 1951
Y.A. Tittle
Y.A. Tittle
October 24, 1926
Chester Marcol
Chester Marcol
October 24, 1949
Jay Novacek
Jay Novacek
October 24, 1962
Frank Davis
Frank Davis
October 24, 1897
Doug Swift
Doug Swift
October 24, 1948
Walter Dunson
Walter Dunson
October 24, 1970
Eric Sutton
Eric Sutton
October 24, 1972
Charlie White
Charlie White
October 24, 1987
Mike Hennigan
Mike Hennigan
October 24, 1951
Johnny Lattner
Johnny Lattner
October 24, 1932
Kenny Holmes
Kenny Holmes
October 24, 1973
Will Brice
Will Brice
October 24, 1974
Tim Kearse
Tim Kearse
October 24, 1959
Bruce Holmes
Bruce Holmes
October 24, 1964
Tyrone Keys
Tyrone Keys
October 24, 1959
Vernice Smith
Vernice Smith
October 24, 1965
Jeff Sevy
Jeff Sevy
October 24, 1951
Terry Unrein
Terry Unrein
October 24, 1962
Curt DiGiacomo
Curt DiGiacomo
October 24, 1963
Lonny Calicchio
Lonny Calicchio
October 24, 1972
Derek Farmer
Derek Farmer
October 24, 1982
Cas Banaszek
Cas Banaszek
October 24, 1945
James Fenderson
James Fenderson
October 24, 1976
Al Pierotti
Al Pierotti
October 24, 1895
Chet Adams
Chet Adams
October 24, 1915
Boyd Morgan
Boyd Morgan
October 24, 1915
Willie Gillespie
Willie Gillespie
October 24, 1961
Chris Corley
Chris Corley
October 24, 1963
John Didion
John Didion
October 24, 1947
Nathan Parks
Nathan Parks
October 24, 1974
Kevin Reach
Kevin Reach
October 24, 1963
Brandon Johnson
Brandon Johnson
October 24, 1985
Joe McCall
Joe McCall
October 24, 1980
Randy Beisler
Randy Beisler
October 24, 1944
Alex Morrow
Alex Morrow
October 24, 1985
Hank Reese
Hank Reese
October 24, 1909
Ed Bernet
Ed Bernet
October 24, 1933
Gary Berry
Gary Berry
October 24, 1977
Kelvin Pritchett
Kelvin Pritchett
October 24, 1969
Ron Sbranti
Ron Sbranti
October 24, 1944
Corey Dillon
Corey Dillon
October 24, 1974
Archie Sampson
Archie Sampson
October 24, 1897
Earl Allen
Earl Allen
October 24, 1961
Derek Pagel
Derek Pagel
October 24, 1979
J.D. Maarleveld
J.D. Maarleveld
October 24, 1961
Lamont Hollinquest
Lamont Hollinquest
October 24, 1970
Johnny Thompson
Johnny Thompson
October 24, 1905
Johnny Gilroy
Johnny Gilroy
October 24, 1895
Stacey Dawsey
Stacey Dawsey
October 24, 1965
Mike Verstegen
Mike Verstegen
October 24, 1971
T.J. Cunningham
T.J. Cunningham
October 24, 1972
Bennie Aldridge
Bennie Aldridge
October 24, 1926
George Rado
George Rado
October 24, 1912
Anthony Anderson 2
Anthony Anderson 2
October 24, 1964
Wendell Davis
Wendell Davis
October 24, 1975
Mike Smith 2
Mike Smith 2
October 24, 1962
Dud Harris
Dud Harris
October 24, 1903
James Jones 2
James Jones 2
October 24, 1964
Vickiel Vaughn
Vickiel Vaughn
October 24, 1983
Gavin Tarquinio
Gavin Tarquinio
October 24, 1983
Stan White 2
Stan White 2
October 24, 1949
Tip O'Neill
Tip O'Neill
October 24, 1898
Showing 1 - 68 of 68 records returned
Famous Birthdays by Category
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