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February 2024
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1 Jan 352 celebrities
4 Apr 312 celebrities
14 Feb 310 celebrities
3 Mar 290 celebrities
12 Feb 289 celebrities
17 Jan 289 celebrities
19 Sep 283 celebrities
1 Mar 279 celebrities
7 Mar 278 celebrities
16 Oct 278 celebrities
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Famous Nfl Players born in February.
Kim McQuilken
Kim McQuilken
February 26, 1951
Hal Miller
Hal Miller
February 4, 1930
Duke Osborn
Duke Osborn
February 1, 1897

Chuck Ramsey
Chuck Ramsey
February 24, 1952
P.K. Sam
P.K. Sam
February 26, 1983
Ron Stallworth
Ron Stallworth
February 25, 1966
Ed Blount
Ed Blount
February 26, 1964
James Corbett
James Corbett
February 22, 1955
Jim Dooley
Jim Dooley
February 8, 1930
Jermaine Haley
Jermaine Haley
February 13, 1973
Jim Hargrove
Jim Hargrove
February 21, 1945
Tony Hunter
Tony Hunter
February 24, 1963
Craig Jay
Craig Jay
February 5, 1963
Bob Miller
Bob Miller
February 18, 1939
Bob Moore
Bob Moore
February 12, 1949
Kirk Pointer
Kirk Pointer
February 13, 1974
Bill Roe
Bill Roe
February 6, 1958
Kelly Saalfeld
Kelly Saalfeld
February 15, 1956
John Saunders
John Saunders
February 2, 1955
Donald Schwartz
Donald Schwartz
February 24, 1956
Chris Scott
Chris Scott
February 20, 1977
Kenyatta Walker
Kenyatta Walker
February 1, 1979
John Weiss
John Weiss
February 7, 1922
George Daney
George Daney
February 2, 1946
Rob Droege
Rob Droege
February 15, 1981
Clarence Ellis
Clarence Ellis
February 11, 1950
Andre Hines
Andre Hines
February 28, 1958
George Karamatic
George Karamatic
February 22, 1917
Corey Mayfield
Corey Mayfield
February 25, 1970
George Roman
George Roman
February 20, 1925
Don Samuel
Don Samuel
February 16, 1924
Joe Taibi
Joe Taibi
February 22, 1963
David Treadwell
David Treadwell
February 27, 1965
Dick Wood
Dick Wood
February 29, 1936
Steve Chomyszak
Steve Chomyszak
February 27, 1944
Larry Eisenhauer
Larry Eisenhauer
February 22, 1940
Showing 757 - 792 of 1844 records returned
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Famous Birthdays by Category
Error at line: 1055 : Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'famousw_famousdata.celebrity.c_views' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

SqlSELECT COUNT(c_id) as counter,c_category FROM celebrity WHERE c_category != '' GROUP BY c_category ORDER BY c_views DESC LIMIT 20