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March 2024
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1 Jan 352 celebrities
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3 Mar 290 celebrities
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1 Mar 279 celebrities
7 Mar 278 celebrities
16 Oct 278 celebrities
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Famous Personalities born in March.
Star Jones Reynolds
Star Jones Reynolds
March 24, 1962
Vernon Ayres
Vernon Ayres
March 27, 1909
Bob Lewis
Bob Lewis
March 4, 1947

Bob Wilber
Bob Wilber
March 15, 1928
Brian Swanson
Brian Swanson
March 24, 1976
Christopher Collet
Christopher Collet
March 13, 1968
Chris Eigeman
Chris Eigeman
March 1, 1965
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly
March 17, 1936
Duane Rupp
Duane Rupp
March 29, 1938
Elwood Hillis
Elwood Hillis
March 6, 1926
Frank McLaughlin
Frank McLaughlin
March 18, 1935
Gene Morgan
Gene Morgan
March 12, 1893
Heather Goldenhersh
Heather Goldenhersh
March 26, 1973
Iya Savvina
Iya Savvina
March 2, 1936
Jack Townley
Jack Townley
March 3, 1897
Jay Duplass
Jay Duplass
March 7, 1973
Jean Brochard
Jean Brochard
March 12, 1893
John Duttine
John Duttine
March 15, 1949
Justin Braun
Justin Braun
March 31, 1987
Kathy Brier
Kathy Brier
March 10, 1975
Kelly Salmon
Kelly Salmon
March 23, 1987
Ken Sunshine
Ken Sunshine
March 12, 1948
Les Anning
Les Anning
March 17, 1927
Megahn Perry
Megahn Perry
March 11, 1977
Michael Berg
Michael Berg
March 3, 1945
Mike Griffiths
Mike Griffiths
March 18, 1962
Mr Cheeks
Mr Cheeks
March 28, 1971
Nelson Algren
Nelson Algren
March 28, 1909
Peter Haddon
Peter Haddon
March 31, 1898
Pilar Bardem
Pilar Bardem
March 14, 1939
Robert Emden
Robert Emden
March 4, 1862
Steve Black
Steve Black
March 31, 1927
Sybille Bedford
Sybille Bedford
March 16, 1911
Virginia Pearson
Virginia Pearson
March 7, 1886
Yared Hagos
Yared Hagos
March 27, 1983
Andrei Zubarev
Andrei Zubarev
March 3, 1987
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Error at line: 1055 : Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'famousw_famousdata.celebrity.c_views' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

SqlSELECT COUNT(c_id) as counter,c_category FROM celebrity WHERE c_category != '' GROUP BY c_category ORDER BY c_views DESC LIMIT 20