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Birthdays Calendar
June 2024
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Most Popular Birthdays
1 Jan 352 celebrities
4 Apr 312 celebrities
14 Feb 310 celebrities
3 Mar 290 celebrities
17 Jan 289 celebrities
12 Feb 289 celebrities
19 Sep 283 celebrities
1 Mar 279 celebrities
7 Mar 278 celebrities
16 Oct 278 celebrities
all days
There are 7090 famous people born in June RSS
4 Activists 104 Actors 664 Actresses 1 Administrators
19 Adult_actors 1 Architects 2 Artists 1 Attorneys
9 Authors 2 Auto Racers 2 Baseball Players 3 Basketball Players
2 Bassists 3 Biologists 1 Boxers 22 Business People
1 Business_people 2 Cartoonists 4 Chemists 1 Clergymen
1 Columnists 4 Comics 5 Composers 2 Conductors
1 Country Singers 1 Cricket Players 5 Criminals 1 Dancers
1 Daredevil 3 Diplomats 1 Disc Jockey 2 Doctors
5 Economists 1 Editors 1 Educators 1 Engineers
1 Engravers 1 Explorers 1 Fashion Designers 6 Film Directors
4 Film Tv Producers 3 Film_directors 1 Firefighters 2 First Ladies
14 Football Players 1 Golf Players 7 Guitarists 1 Historians
2 Hockey Players 1 Inventors 5 Journalists 5 Judges
1 Linguists 1 Mathematicians 7 Military Personalities 10 Models
24 Musicians 1792 NFL Players 2 Nfl_players 8 Novelists
40 Others 11 Painters 4046 Personalities 2 Philosophers
1 Photographers 1 Physicians 2 Physicists 1 Physiologists
1 Pianists 1 Playwrights 15 Poets 63 Politicians
1 Popes 3 Pornstars 10 Presidents 1 Publisher
1 Publishers 2 Rappers 2 Relatives 6 Royalties
2 Scholars 19 Scientists 13 Singers 5 Singers And Songwriters
1 Soccer Players 1 Sociologists 1 Soul Musicians 1 Soundtrackers
1 Spies 1 Sport Stars 2 Sportives 2 Talk Show Hostesses
2 Tennis Players 1 Terrorists 9 Tv Personalities 1 U.S. First Ladies
1 Victims 1 Wrestlers 32 Writers 1 Zoologists

Peter Costigan
Peter Costigan
June 21, 1935
Raoul Dufy
Raoul Dufy
June 3, 1877
Rhys Huber
Rhys Huber
June 24, 1986

June 1, 1978
Sandra Dorne
Sandra Dorne
June 19, 1924
Tara Moran
Tara Moran
June 1, 1971
Tommi Santala
Tommi Santala
June 27, 1979
Yang Liwei
Yang Liwei
June 21, 1965
Emilian Galaicu-Paun
Emilian Galaicu-Paun
June 22, 1964
Margita E. White
Margita E. White
June 27, 1937
Steven Hauschka
Steven Hauschka
June 29, 1985
NFL Players
Visanthe Shiancoe
Visanthe Shiancoe
June 18, 1980
NFL Players
Bree Cuppoletti
Bree Cuppoletti
June 19, 1910
NFL Players
Fred Failing
Fred Failing
June 7, 1904
NFL Players
Frank Frazier
Frank Frazier
June 15, 1960
NFL Players
Woody Green
Woody Green
June 20, 1951
NFL Players
Don Heater
Don Heater
June 22, 1950
NFL Players
John Kimbrough 2
John Kimbrough 2
June 14, 1918
NFL Players
Andy Kowalski
Andy Kowalski
June 2, 1920
NFL Players
Joe Kraker
Joe Kraker
June 14, 1896
NFL Players
Fritz Loven
Fritz Loven
June 11, 1894
NFL Players
Mike McDonald
Mike McDonald
June 22, 1958
NFL Players
George Roberts
George Roberts
June 10, 1955
NFL Players
John Rupp
John Rupp
June 18, 1889
NFL Players
Nick Sacrinty
Nick Sacrinty
June 10, 1924
NFL Players
Prince Scott
Prince Scott
June 30, 1917
NFL Players
Mo Spencer
Mo Spencer
June 15, 1952
NFL Players
Leon Thomasson
Leon Thomasson
June 20, 1963
NFL Players
Elmer Wilkens
Elmer Wilkens
June 25, 1901
NFL Players
Jon Witman
Jon Witman
June 1, 1972
NFL Players
Zsuzsa Olah
Zsuzsa Olah
June 19, 1960
Abby MacAllister
Abby MacAllister
June 10, 1991
Antonie Nedosinska
Antonie Nedosinska
June 26, 1885
Genevieve Blinn
Genevieve Blinn
June 12, 1874
Ilka Soares
Ilka Soares
June 21, 1932
Brice Mack
Brice Mack
June 2, 1917
Showing 5761 - 5796 of 7090 records returned
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People Born on September 24
people born on September 24
People Born on September 26
people born on September 26
Famous Birthdays by Category
Error at line: 1055 : Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'famousw_famousdata.celebrity.c_views' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

SqlSELECT COUNT(c_id) as counter,c_category FROM celebrity WHERE c_category != '' GROUP BY c_category ORDER BY c_views DESC LIMIT 20