Released in 1988, this movie is a comedy. The movie shows two thieves robbing a large house, when the owner is absent. However, another intruder, a gorgeous woman comes to meet the owner where a casting party is supposed to take place and misinterprets the thieves to be the owner. The robbers plans to stay back to have some fun at the casting party. However, the only problem with their plan, which also adds the comic element in the movie, is that, some bad people turns up there to which the owners are indebted for a huge amount of money. It is a hilarious movie with a very good plot and wonderful lines from Hollywood at the end of the movie, which makes it even more like able.
It has been directed and written by Nico Mastorakis who has done a good job by working well with the scenes. The actors have acted well the photography of the film is great. This movie can definitely make you smile.