This movie is an action drama released in the year 2001. It is a true story and is based on the life of Earnest Gordon. Life is very difficult and cruel in camps of Japan and Burma where the POW’s are struggling every moment. It showcases the lives of four POW’s who faces cruel treatments from the Japanese captors who forces them to create a railroad all the way through the jungle of Burma. They need to work in tough situations, horrible conditions and cruel discipline. The movie proceeds to show us how these POW”s moves ahead in changing their fortune. The movie is impactful and emotional. It gives us a message, whether we should cling to anger and revenge on one hand or learn to forgive on the other.
The movie has been presented very differently by the director. Some of the scenes are very powerful and the best thing is, it ends with a note of optimism. It won the Great Feature Film Award and the Crystal Heart Award.