Lindsay Lohan vs. Danette Meyers: All Guns On Lindsay |
Thursday, June 3 2010
As you may know, Lindsay Lohan was forced to attend the alcohol education program. However, she dodged these classes a few times and now, Prosecutor Danetter Meyers is gunning Lindsay big time.
Meyers is planning to investigate Lohan's attendance at the alcohol education program and she believes the "Right On" program was covering for Lindsay when she claimed she was in compliance.
According to Danetter Meyers, the program violated its own rules by giving Lindsay passing marks.
Recently, we posted some news about Lindsay's attendance and alcohol education program.
It seems that Lohan skipped indeed multiple classes and did not attend all of the courses within the proper time limits (once every 7 days).
However, she followed another program guide which requires attendance at least once every 21 days.
Also, Meyers believes that the school also excused Lindsay's tardiness more than once.
Now the interesting part: Danette Meyers will finish prosecuting a death trial next week and after that, she is determined to focus all her efforts on Lindsay's upcoming hearing. Meyers is even sending D.A.
investigators out into the field to sniff out potential probation violations of one Lindsay Lohan.by FW Editor |