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The Matrix Reloaded
Agent Smith: I killed you, Mr. Anderson. I watched you die... with a certain satisfaction, I ...
by The Matrix Reloaded
0 votes   635 views  

The Rock
[Hummel visits his wife's grave before setting his plan into action] General Hummel: I miss you ...
by The Rock
0 votes   634 views  
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Cedric Diggory: I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those ...
by Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
0 votes   628 views  
Pulp Fiction
The Wolf: You must be Jules, which would make you Vincent. Let's get down to brass ...
by Pulp Fiction
0 votes   628 views  
Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity
Jeff Dunham: You mispronounced my last name! Peanut: I knooow! Jeff Dunham: It's "Dunham". Peanut: Not when you look ...
by Jeff Dunham: Spark Of Insanity
0 votes   628 views  
Into the Wild
Christopher McCandless: Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. ...
by Into The Wild
-1 votes   626 views  
Major League II
Harry Doyle: [drunk] So, Hiroshi "Kamikaze" Tanaka, recently of the Tokyo Giants, knocks himself cold for ...
by Major League II
0 votes   625 views  
The Supermarket
Deirdre Boyle: What they don't realize is how many people are going to be forced to ...
by The Supermarket
0 votes   620 views  
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Cotton McKnight: In 23 years of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all, folks. But it ...
by Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
0 votes   619 views  
So I Married an Axe Murderer
[last lines] Charlie Mackenzie: Rose, jailbird. Happy in her cage, no longer full of rage. She ...
by So I Married An Axe Murderer
0 votes   617 views  
The Supermarket
Jenkins: [Voiceover] Around noon or so, Newman will saunter in about five hours late but never ...
by The Supermarket
0 votes   611 views  
The Producers
Leo Bloom: I'm very sorry I caught you feeling up the old lady. Max Bialystock: "Feeling up ...
by The Producers
0 votes   610 views  
Dirty Love
Rebecca: Let me give you a tip: buy yourself a mango, cut it in half, practice.
by Dirty Love
0 votes   610 views  
All: To Dance! Mimi: [sung] No way to make a living, masochisms, pain, perfection, muscle spasm, chiropractors, ...
by Rent
0 votes   609 views  
Funny People
Tom Anderson: Now, do you actually use MySpace? George Simmons: No, I fuck girls, Tom. I don't ...
by Funny People
0 votes   609 views  
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I've staked my crew's life on the theory that you're a person, actual ...
by Serenity
0 votes   605 views  
Aristotle: The East has a way of swallowing men and their dreams, but still to think ...
by Alexander
0 votes   604 views  
Scary Movie 2
Dwight Hartman: Okay, thanks, "Handyman". Hanson: I'm actually the caretaker. Oh, aren't those cool new skates? Now ...
by Scary Movie 2
0 votes   604 views  
Fight Club
Narrator: Was it ticking? Airport Security Officer: Actually throwers don't worry about ticking 'cause modern bombs don't ...
by Fight Club
0 votes   600 views  
Inglourious Basterds
Sgt. Donny Donowitz: Speaking of Frau von Hammersmark, whose idea was it for the death trap ...
by Inglourious Basterds
0 votes   597 views  
Love Actually
Daniel: [knocks on Sam's door] Sam, time for dinner. Sam: I'm not hungry. Daniel: Sam... I've done chicken ...
by Love Actually
0 votes   597 views  
American Psycho
Paul Allen: This is really a beehive of, uh, activity, Halberstam. This place is hot, very ...
by American Psycho
0 votes   597 views  
The X Files: I Want to Believe
Fox Mulder: I can feel you thinking. Dana Scully: Sorry. I can't sleep. Fox Mulder: Actually, I have ...
by The X Files: I Want To Believe
1 votes   597 views  
Boogie Nights
Amber Waves: [having sex, filming a porno] Oh, John. You're a wonderful actor. Dirk: It's okay to ...
by Boogie Nights
0 votes   593 views  
The Hangover
Phil Wenneck: You're not really wearing that are you? Alan Garner: Wearing what? Phil Wenneck: The man purse. ...
by The Hangover
0 votes   593 views  
Mean Girls
Regina: I gave him everything! I was half a virgin when I met him. Karen: Do you ...
by Mean Girls
0 votes   590 views  
The Rock
Carla: [after telling Stanley she's pregnant] You didn't mean what you just said, did you? Stanley ...
by The Rock
0 votes   590 views  
Morgan Freeman
Give me something interesting to play and I'm happy.
by Morgan Freeman
0 votes   587 views  
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Car Rental Agent - Los Angeles: Holy smokes! You just backed over two-foot concrete embutment and ...
by Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
0 votes   586 views  
Mean Girls
Regina: Why don't I know you? Cady: I'm new. I just moved here from Africa. Regina: What? Cady: I ...
by Mean Girls
1 votes   585 views  
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Queen Amidala: Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always ...
by Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
0 votes   584 views  
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Cal: Be David Caruso in "Jade." Andy Stitzer: Oh, ok, I know exactly what you're talking about.
by The 40 Year Old Virgin
0 votes   583 views  
Love Actually
Mikey, DJ interviewer: Wow. Thanks for that, Bill. Billy Mack: For what? Mikey, DJ interviewer: Well, for actually ...
by Love Actually
0 votes   583 views  
Ines Sainz Gallo
I think that each woman wants to be attractive
by Ines Sainz Gallo
0 votes   582 views  
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Seamus: It's not like I *try* to blow things up, exactly, it just sorta happens. You ...
by Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
0 votes   582 views  
Uptown Girls
[first lines] Ray: [narration] Some fairy tales are true, most of there stories we make up ...
by Uptown Girls
0 votes   579 views  
Wo hu cang long
Li Mu Bai: No growth without assistance. No action without reaction. No desire without restraint. Now ...
by Wo Hu Cang Long
0 votes   579 views  
[Angela is explaining to Ellie all about sex using the horse as an example] Angela: See ...
by Angela
0 votes   578 views  
Gina Wild
'I need the satisfaction the way some other people need food…'
by Gina Wild
0 votes   577 views  
Jean Parker
Acting is truly a glorious and noble profession. When anyone can give other people a ...
by Jean Parker
0 votes   576 views  
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