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RSSWork Total of 1923 famous quotes  

Jack Frost
Stone: We hadn't even tested the acid on an amoeba, let alone a human cell. This ...
by Jack Frost
0 votes   394 views  

The American President
President Andrew Shepherd: What I did tonight was not about political gain. Leon Kodak: Yes sir. But ...
by The American President
0 votes   394 views  
On Deadly Ground
Drunken Eskimo: Buh... buh... buy a drink? Big Mike: Listen to me you yellow snow eating, welfare ...
by On Deadly Ground
0 votes   394 views  
Searching for Bobby Fischer
Man #1: I did not pull on my ear! Man #2: You pulled on your ear, when ...
by Searching For Bobby Fischer
0 votes   394 views  
John Driscoll
What we need to know is the complete package. We need to know that our ...
by John Driscoll
0 votes   393 views  
Frankie Beverly
We don`t have bombs exploding onstage and fireworks going off, ... We simply come out ...
by Frankie Beverly
0 votes   393 views  
Mystery Men
[the Spleen is shot in the rear] The Spleen: I CAN'T FEEL MY ASS. I CAN'T ...
by Mystery Men
0 votes   393 views  
[Johnny C is working as a bartender in a drag club. John comes to see ...
by Eraser
0 votes   393 views  
Bad Boys
Mike Lowrey: I don't know why you going home to your wife. You got shot in ...
by Bad Boys
0 votes   393 views  
Mike Jackson
We`re very happy with the work they did down in Laurel for the families,
by Mike Jackson
0 votes   392 views  
Mary Lynn Rajskub
I`m not married and I don`t think that`s going to work out for me. I`m ...
by Mary Lynn Rajskub
0 votes   392 views  
Keith Bulluck
They have an explosive offense. Where this offense was a little more 1-2, they have ...
by Keith Bulluck
0 votes   392 views  
Small Time Crooks
Ray: Yeah! but no museums, coz Im not going to museums. The pictures spook me out... ...
by Small Time Crooks
0 votes   392 views  
Mighty Aphrodite
Lenny Weinrib: Who's Rickey? Linda Ash: He's, he's... he takes a percentage of my work. Lenny Weinrib: He's ...
by Mighty Aphrodite
0 votes   392 views  
D2: The Mighty Ducks
[after the final Iceland vs. USA game] Wolf Stansson: Gunnar... you lost it for me. Gunnar ...
by D2: The Mighty Ducks
0 votes   392 views  
The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising
John Stanton: Will, you're a kid. Just enjoy it. Just be happy to you don't have ...
by The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising
0 votes   392 views  
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time
Rufus 3000: I must return to the future, before more damage is done to the time ...
by Kim Possible: A Sitch In Time
0 votes   391 views  
The Interpreter
Tobin Keller: Xola's dead. Kuman's dead. Who do you work for? Charlie Russell: Don't touch. Tobin Keller: Those ...
by The Interpreter
0 votes   391 views  
Final Destination 2
Kat: [while being freed by a Rescue Worker using the jaws of life] Could you be ...
by Final Destination 2
0 votes   391 views  
The House of Yes
Jackie-O: Well, there's something I've been meaning to ask you. There's this thing I've heard, and ...
by The House Of Yes
0 votes   391 views  
McBain: Santos is dead. You remember Santos? This is his sister. Frank Bruce: Yeah, I remember Santos. ...
by McBain
0 votes   391 views  
Refuge of Dragonflies
Chancez: I'm a poet, I cry for the freedom of Tibet! Moon Dog: And China makes the ...
by Refuge Of Dragonflies
0 votes   391 views  
Jim Harris
You didn`t mind working so hard for him because he worked twice as hard.
by Jim Harris
0 votes   390 views  
Ray Verrine: Mr. Stone, are you now or have you ever been a homosexual communist? Are ...
by Straight-Jacket
0 votes   390 views  
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Gilderoy Lockhart: Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club, to train ...
by Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
0 votes   390 views  
Dark Blue
Det. Sgt. Eldon Perry Jr.: You got to be heartless in my line of work!
by Dark Blue
0 votes   390 views  
Con Air
Cyrus Grissom: Thanks Poe. You've proven to be a most useful mammal. Cameron Poe: Many hands make ...
by Con Air
0 votes   390 views  
The English Patient
Muller: You are a Canadian spy working for the Allies. Code-name Moose.
by The English Patient
0 votes   390 views  
The Jerky Boys
Mrs. B: Brett is a very nice hard working man. I wish the two of you ...
by The Jerky Boys
0 votes   390 views  
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
Storm Shadow: McCullen gave me orders to kill the Baron if he so much as touched ...
by G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra
0 votes   390 views  
Freezer Burn
Rex Turner: Can you give dogs mouth-to-mouth? Rex Turner: Hey, month-to-snout works. It's kinda fun.
by Freezer Burn
0 votes   390 views  
Michael Powell
We are closely monitoring the situation and are doing everything possible to ensure and protect ...
by Michael Powell
0 votes   389 views  
Darren Aronofsky
There`s always been a lot of pressure and tension on the line. If Pi (1998) ...
by Darren Aronofsky
0 votes   389 views  
Bee Movie
Trudy: And you'll be happy to know that bees as a species haven't had a day ...
by Bee Movie
0 votes   389 views  
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time
Shego: I'm working with a guy named "Monkey Fist". My evil career is *so* in the ...
by Kim Possible: A Sitch In Time
0 votes   389 views  
Hollywood Homicide
Joe Gavilan: Don't call me sir. I work for a living.
by Hollywood Homicide
0 votes   389 views  
Buddy: Hi! Deb: Hi! Buddy: Do you remember me? Deb: I do! I didn't recognize you! Buddy: I know I'm ...
by Elf
0 votes   389 views  
The Forsaken
Sean: So what's your deal, what do you do? Nick: As little as possible. Sean: yea... but you ...
by The Forsaken
0 votes   389 views  
The Last Days of Disco
Alice Kinnon: I think it's much better to wait until things happen naturally. Forcing things never ...
by The Last Days Of Disco
0 votes   389 views  
Last Man Standing
John Smith: [narrating] For most of my life I made my own rules. You don't do ...
by Last Man Standing
0 votes   389 views  
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