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Will: We're going to need as much waterline as we can get. Joe: I've factored in the ...
by Wind
0 votes   448 views  

The Foot Fist Way
Fred Simmons: Boom got him. Gotcha didn't she rick? Rick: No, i was just doing what you ...
by The Foot Fist Way
0 votes   448 views  
John Tucker Must Die
Kate: Oh, well before I say yes, how exactly did he get burned? Scott: Uh, well, that ...
by John Tucker Must Die
-1 votes   448 views  
Martin Bell
We are being delayed from investigating genuine crimes because of this problem and I want ...
by Martin Bell
0 votes   447 views  
Marcia Gay Harden
The only thing that seemed to me I could do in such a way that ...
by Marcia Gay Harden
0 votes   447 views  
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
... I wouldn`t date an actress. There`s only room for one actor in my life ...
by Jonathan Rhys Meyers
0 votes   447 views  
Harvey Keitel
I don`t want people to think that awards amount to the value of an actor. ...
by Harvey Keitel
0 votes   447 views  
Erik Palladino
They were 12- to 13-hour days. But the camaraderie on this set was unlike any ...
by Erik Palladino
0 votes   447 views  
Ed Harris
Acting is not a competition to me. One of the first things I learned about ...
by Ed Harris
0 votes   447 views  
David Mckay
Children are more influenced by sermons you act than by sermons you preach.
by David Mckay
0 votes   447 views  
Cynthia Daniel
I decided to pursue photography because I love it so much more than acting. I ...
by Cynthia Daniel
0 votes   447 views  
Clemence Poesy
On playing Mary, Queen of Scots in Gunpowder, Treason and Plot: I realised that since ...
by Clemence Poesy
0 votes   447 views  
Cab Calloway
You can`t say they look up to him - if you did, you`ve got to ...
by Cab Calloway
0 votes   447 views  
Bob Denver
People thank me for giving them a break from life. - referring to his Gilligan ...
by Bob Denver
0 votes   447 views  
Austin Peck
Then I did Japanese Death Poem. I played seven or eight different characters. It`s the ...
by Austin Peck
0 votes   447 views  
Amy Alcott
The President`s plan to privatize Social Security would actually take away guaranteed benefits and put ...
by Amy Alcott
0 votes   447 views  
Rosamund Pike
The response to Pride has been so overwhelming. I mean, people have really loved it. ...
by Rosamund Pike
0 votes   447 views  
Stage Beauty
Maria: What do you know of love, sir? Or loyalty? Or adoration suffered in deepest silence? ...
by Stage Beauty
0 votes   447 views  
The Big Bounce
Walter Crewes: Sometimes things are exactly as they seem.
by The Big Bounce
0 votes   447 views  
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Sanderson Reed: There is great unrest. Countries set at each other's throats, baying for blood. It's ...
by The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
0 votes   447 views  
The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy
Kevin: [voice-over - end of movie] A lot of people ask me when I first knew ...
by The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy
0 votes   447 views  
Small Time Crooks
Benny: Okay I say she gets a share, but not a full share Denny: Yeah, how about ...
by Small Time Crooks
0 votes   447 views  
Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang
Jailer: Your lawyer's here. Jacob Two Two: My lawyer? What lawyer? Jailer: Tough luck, kid. Your lawyer is ...
by Jacob Two Two Meets The Hooded Fang
0 votes   447 views  
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
Little Old Lady: I'm sorry. You have to speak up, son. I have this ringing in ...
by Beavis And Butt-Head Do America
0 votes   447 views  
Mighty Aphrodite
Linda Ash: But seriously, you wanna know why I liked you right from the start? Lenny ...
by Mighty Aphrodite
0 votes   447 views  
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit
Sister Mary Clarence: Now listen, I know you've got to think about your image, cause image ...
by Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit
0 votes   447 views  
Army of Darkness
[Directors cut ending: Ash emerges from a cave where he's been asleep for 700 years. ...
by Army Of Darkness
0 votes   447 views  
The Rocketeer
Charlie, Filmstage Actor: [Engaged in swordfight with Neville] Prepare to die that we may learn the ...
by The Rocketeer
0 votes   447 views  
King Corn
[last lines] Curt Ellis: We are wondering if there's anyway you'd let us try and raise ...
by King Corn
0 votes   447 views  
The Nines
Gavin: I have all these characters inside my head and they want to live.
by The Nines
0 votes   447 views  
Shirt Factory Supervisor: [to Chev] Hey, asshole! Asshole! Eve: Don't talk to him like that! My boyfriend ...
by Crank
0 votes   447 views  
Ashton Hale: Having a 300 IQ is kind of like having a twenty-inch dick. I mean ...
by Flakes
0 votes   447 views  
Michelle Brown
When we started out, we were actually going to do home care or daycare.
by Michelle Brown
0 votes   446 views  
Matt Allen
We thought that by selling, we would have much more capital available to us to ...
by Matt Allen
0 votes   446 views  
Mark Lewis
We conducted this drill to make sure that our spill response contractor is familiar with ...
by Mark Lewis
0 votes   446 views  
James Stewart
Well, I think one of the main things that you have to think about when ...
by James Stewart
0 votes   446 views  
Dominic Monaghan
[on his character the hobbit Meriadoc Brandybuck:] You don`t really see war through the eyes ...
by Dominic Monaghan
0 votes   446 views  
Clancy Brown
[on the making of Highlander (1986)] For the scene we did in the church there ...
by Clancy Brown
0 votes   446 views  
Chase Masterson
Trek has always been noted for having hot women on the show, so the guys ...
by Chase Masterson
1 votes   446 views  
Cassie Steele
On her Degrassi character, Manny Santos: I would be great friends with her in real ...
by Cassie Steele
0 votes   446 views  
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