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James Marsters
It`s just me and a guitar, so I`m not going to be doing a lot ...
by James Marsters
0 votes   238 views  

John Steinbeck
It doesn`t matter that Cathy was what I have called a monster. Perhaps we can`t ...
by John Steinbeck
0 votes   237 views  
Don Drysdale
When we played, World Series checks meant something. Now all they do is screw your ...
by Don Drysdale
0 votes   237 views  
Don Brown
When you have eight turnovers and you have the ball at mid-field with a minute ...
by Don Brown
0 votes   237 views  
Alfred Lord Tennyson
For I dipped into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the vision ...
by Alfred Lord Tennyson
0 votes   237 views  
Chris Jordan
When we put the other Tillman kid in there, he`s not a very good man ...
by Chris Jordan
0 votes   236 views  
Adam Clayton
Unless man is committed to the belief that all mankind are his brothers, then he ...
by Adam Clayton
0 votes   236 views  
Rachel Weisz
I`m a bit superstitious about certain things, like what shoes to wear. If I wear ...
by Rachel Weisz
0 votes   235 views  
Katie Leung
[on hate sites regarding her and her role in Harry Potter] This kind of stuff ...
by Katie Leung
0 votes   235 views  
Chris Van Allsburg
The Polar Express is about faith, and the power of imagination to sustain faith. It`s ...
by Chris Van Allsburg
0 votes   235 views  
Maya Angelou
Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It ...
by Maya Angelou
0 votes   234 views  
Kimberly Stewart
This past year in the fall semester I hit the schools hard to force the ...
by Kimberly Stewart
0 votes   234 views  
Kirsten Dunst
Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you ...
by Kirsten Dunst
0 votes   234 views  
Eugene Mccarthy
Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough ...
by Eugene Mccarthy
0 votes   234 views  
Jason Flemyng
My fan website says `site open since 1987, 37 visitors`. So I`ve got a very ...
by Jason Flemyng
0 votes   233 views  
Enrique Murciano
I may have had one line, but the back of my ear became famous. [On ...
by Enrique Murciano
0 votes   233 views  
Chris Harris
We`re so excited to have EDGE here in Providence. Finally -- we`ll have a website ...
by Chris Harris
0 votes   233 views  
Bill Jenkins
We have had two floods. There was water under the tile on the outside terrace, ...
by Bill Jenkins
0 votes   233 views  
Art Buchwald
You can`t make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you`re doing ...
by Art Buchwald
0 votes   233 views  
Arlen Specter
I know that the president will listen to what Senator Frist has to say. I`m ...
by Arlen Specter
0 votes   233 views  
Alice Waters
She has influenced all of us.
by Alice Waters
0 votes   233 views  
Adam Vinatieri
To be the best, you`ve got to beat the best. That`s all there is to ...
by Adam Vinatieri
0 votes   233 views  
Polly Walker
It`s her currency. She`s not a bimbo, not a playmate. She has an objective in ...
by Polly Walker
0 votes   232 views  
Joyce Carol Oates
Boxing is a celebration of the lost religion of masculinity all the more trenchant for ...
by Joyce Carol Oates
0 votes   232 views  
Gordie Howe
All hockey players are bilingual. They know English and profanity.
by Gordie Howe
0 votes   232 views  
Cole Porter
My sole inspiration is a telephone call from a director.
by Cole Porter
0 votes   232 views  
Arthur Machen
That`s all coach Karl does is talk about Carolina. I can`t stand it. He`s definitely ...
by Arthur Machen
0 votes   232 views  
Adam Archuleta
When you put yourself in a situation where your back is against the wall and ...
by Adam Archuleta
0 votes   232 views  
Margot Kidder
What happened to me - the biggest nervous breakdown in history, bar possibly Vivien Leigh`s ...
by Margot Kidder
0 votes   231 views  
Justin Bradley
We need to bring all options to the table. The cost of energy is a ...
by Justin Bradley
0 votes   231 views  
Claire Danes
I had an unwavering focus. My parents never condescended to me. As a child, I ...
by Claire Danes
0 votes   231 views  
James Thurber
Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a ...
by James Thurber
0 votes   230 views  
Huston Street
You`ve definitely got to be careful. That last pitch he could have hit 450 feet. ...
by Huston Street
0 votes   229 views  
Bonnie Raitt
There were so many great music and political scenes going on in the late `60s ...
by Bonnie Raitt
0 votes   229 views  
For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been ...
by Boethius
0 votes   229 views  
Aaron Ross
We shall find no fiend in hell can match the fury of a disappointed woman,â€â€scorned, ...
by Aaron Ross
0 votes   229 views  
Mike Sullivan
We`ve had a number of calls from companies in utter chaos. They`re at risk of ...
by Mike Sullivan
0 votes   228 views  
Isaac Asimov
Creationists make it sound as though a `theory` is something you dreamt up after being ...
by Isaac Asimov
0 votes   228 views  
Casey Mears
This year we`re a lot better prepared for it. We had a special paint scheme ...
by Casey Mears
0 votes   228 views  
Albert Belle
You didn`t write a story about my Hall of Fame induction. You guys never report ...
by Albert Belle
0 votes   228 views  
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