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RSSEnt Quotes Total of 502 famous quotes  

John Fiske
We shall be inclined to pronounce the voyage that led to the way to this ...
by John Fiske
0 votes   280 views  

Peter Berg
You might make a lot of money, but it`s very hard to get out from ...
by Peter Berg
0 votes   278 views  
David Faustino
[about the first season`s terrible ratings] After the show was on for two or three ...
by David Faustino
0 votes   275 views  
Lisa Tucker
We`re from all different organizations and it`s important for us to show the community that ...
by Lisa Tucker
0 votes   274 views  
Eric Swanson
With all the rain, it`s reproducing rapidly, ... It has gone from covering 10 percent ...
by Eric Swanson
0 votes   273 views  
Apolo Anton Ohno
She is going to be great. We have a program that includes the best from ...
by Apolo Anton Ohno
0 votes   273 views  
Jonathan Davis
We`ve never been a political band. But if I can`t say the F-word in the ...
by Jonathan Davis
0 votes   272 views  
David Pearson
We welcome Kuhn`s Quality Foods to the SUPERVALU family. Kuhn`s is a quality retailer, and ...
by David Pearson
0 votes   272 views  
Louise Brooks
When I went to Hollywood in 1927, the girls were wearing lumpy sweaters and skirts ...
by Louise Brooks
0 votes   271 views  
John Powell
More than 90 percent of all the prisoners in our American prisons have been abused ...
by John Powell
0 votes   271 views  
Jose Ferrer
The truth is I made a few good movies in the `50s, then went into ...
by Jose Ferrer
0 votes   269 views  
Lee Harvey Oswald
We do not support the man. We do not support the individual. We support the ...
by Lee Harvey Oswald
0 votes   267 views  
John Wood
The biggest problem facing us is the amount of water they`re letting into the creek ...
by John Wood
0 votes   266 views  
Andrei Codrescu
The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
by Andrei Codrescu
0 votes   265 views  
Amy Johnson
You cannot possibly invent painting all by yourself.
by Amy Johnson
0 votes   265 views  
Michelle Lee
We are not allowing the current shortfall to impede the process.
by Michelle Lee
0 votes   264 views  
George Best
I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I ...
by George Best
0 votes   264 views  
David Murray
The sky just exploded. It was debris everywhere. When it went across the road and ...
by David Murray
0 votes   264 views  
John Heywood
If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent ...
by John Heywood
0 votes   262 views  
Antonin Scalia
You could have 50 different states having 50 different regulations... until they were all litigated ...
by Antonin Scalia
0 votes   262 views  
Mike Campbell
We had to wire them money for gas, and then their car battery went bad. ...
by Mike Campbell
0 votes   261 views  
Jessica Williams
Those teams are very comparable. We felt confident going into today. We weren`t about to ...
by Jessica Williams
0 votes   261 views  
Adam Curry
With sixteen million dollars worth of airplane strapped to my ass, and the next generation ...
by Adam Curry
0 votes   260 views  
Mike Vrabel
When we went to the 4-3, I thought we gave them some problems. We`re going ...
by Mike Vrabel
0 votes   259 views  
John Russo
We have evidence to show that the father masterminded it, and the son went along ...
by John Russo
0 votes   258 views  
Brandon Davis
We had a plan that all the Acura cars would stay together and use the ...
by Brandon Davis
0 votes   258 views  
Adrian Fenty
Try as hard as we may for perfection, the net result of our labors is ...
by Adrian Fenty
0 votes   257 views  
John Ensign
Until we can fully grasp the extent of corruption and fraud involved in the administration ...
by John Ensign
0 votes   256 views  
Andy Pettitte
They`ve got some horses over there, and it`s no different than us. It`s going to ...
by Andy Pettitte
0 votes   255 views  
George Plimpton
That is one of the problems with oral biography, in that many different points of ...
by George Plimpton
0 votes   253 views  
Marc Lawrence
[regarding his short-term membership in the Communist party in the 1930s]: I went to about ...
by Marc Lawrence
0 votes   252 views  
Jim Carrey
Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain`t ...
by Jim Carrey
0 votes   252 views  
Ann Harrington
When they rent space, the money goes to Miles of Smiles.
by Ann Harrington
0 votes   251 views  
Mike Love
There are different things one can do to establish and hasten the peace process. Meditation ...
by Mike Love
0 votes   250 views  
Matthew Macfadyen
The other day, I was somewhere terribly glamorous - Brent Cross, I think it was ...
by Matthew Macfadyen
0 votes   250 views  
Charles Rangel
We owe it to the flood victims of New Orleans to give them truthful answers ...
by Charles Rangel
0 votes   249 views  
Peter Murphy
This is as close to an accident as it is possible to come.
by Peter Murphy
0 votes   248 views  
Barbara Comstock
She just has that ability to get the girls motivated, ... She plays excellent defense ...
by Barbara Comstock
0 votes   248 views  
Dr Seuss
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in ...
by Dr Seuss
0 votes   247 views  
Andrew Fagan
We need to send a clear message to gang members that violent crime will not ...
by Andrew Fagan
0 votes   246 views  
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