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RSSEnt Quotes Total of 502 famous quotes  

Jennifer Hudson
I just tried to live in the moment and be natural, as if there were ...
by Jennifer Hudson
0 votes   570 views  

Bill Foster
The sentiment was (barricades) have done more harm than good. Things were kind of quiet ...
by Bill Foster
0 votes   539 views  
John Houseman
Corporate society takes care of everything. All it asks of anyone -- all it has ...
by John Houseman
0 votes   538 views  
Lisa Ray
We have talked to the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and they said supplies are not ...
by Lisa Ray
0 votes   530 views  
James Franco
You know, directors kind of want different things. Some of them think that if they ...
by James Franco
0 votes   522 views  
Alex Kingston
About California... I thought it was an appalling place. Then I went through a period ...
by Alex Kingston
0 votes   522 views  
Edward Young
Procrastination is the thief of time: Year after year it steals, till all are fled, ...
by Edward Young
0 votes   521 views  
Michael Kinsley
They can`t take your house and give it to the mayor`s mistress, even if they ...
by Michael Kinsley
0 votes   518 views  
Joseph Cornell
Shadow boxes become poetic theaters or settings wherein are metamorphosed the element of a childhood ...
by Joseph Cornell
0 votes   506 views  
John Major
The first requirement of politics is not intellect or stamina but patience. Politics is a ...
by John Major
0 votes   502 views  
James Macdonald
We`re neither happy nor worried about it. The replacement program is doing what it`s supposed ...
by James Macdonald
0 votes   501 views  
Michael Bell
the rich legacy of our convention`s unwavering commitment to missions and evangelism.
by Michael Bell
0 votes   500 views  
Jonathan Miller
The foyer at Covent Garden looks like Harrods food hall has offered up its dead
by Jonathan Miller
0 votes   497 views  
Linda Hunt
This sort of thing happens all the time external to our campus, but we want ...
by Linda Hunt
0 votes   494 views  
Joe Jonas
`I Love You` isn`t something to say too quickly. It`s not just a word, though ...
by Joe Jonas
0 votes   493 views  
Brandon Routh
[Talking about his work with a movement coach to capture Superman`s physical presence]: We worked ...
by Brandon Routh
0 votes   493 views  
Mike Piazza
Yes, hard is good. When I was in high school, I spent a lot of ...
by Mike Piazza
0 votes   492 views  
Phil Harris
I can`t die until the government finds a safe place to bury my liver.
by Phil Harris
0 votes   491 views  
Penelope Cruz
I have stepped off the relationship scene to come to terms with myself. I have ...
by Penelope Cruz
0 votes   491 views  
John Bonham
With Zeppelin, I tried to play something different every night in my solos. I`d play ...
by John Bonham
0 votes   491 views  
Patty Duke
For the first time, I lived alone... in a luxury apartment on Sunset Strip. For ...
by Patty Duke
0 votes   488 views  
Guy Pearce
You meet these people who are confident all the time. They annoy me. And I ...
by Guy Pearce
0 votes   488 views  
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind ...
by Buddha
0 votes   488 views  
Mira Furlan
Babylon 5 is definitely not a fantasy. It is a show that constantly refers to ...
by Mira Furlan
0 votes   487 views  
Krista Vendy
At high school I wanted to be a million different things so acting is the ...
by Krista Vendy
0 votes   487 views  
Marquis De Lafayette
When the government violates the people`s rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each ...
by Marquis De Lafayette
1 votes   486 views  
Johann Sebastian Bach
There`s nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys ...
by Johann Sebastian Bach
0 votes   486 views  
Marty Robbins
Talent is being able to please people.
by Marty Robbins
0 votes   485 views  
Kevin Rose
I would have much rather have the new employees pay an extra 4 percent for ...
by Kevin Rose
0 votes   485 views  
Joe Wilson
When a government goes to war, particularly a democracy, it is the most solemn and ...
by Joe Wilson
0 votes   483 views  
John Kane
We just want to remind them of our agreement with the board,
by John Kane
0 votes   482 views  
Elizabeth I
All my possessions for a moment of time.
by Elizabeth I
0 votes   482 views  
Barbara Mcclintock
That image of the basement gamer, sitting in front of a screen - it`s a ...
by Barbara Mcclintock
0 votes   482 views  
Kelly Ripa
I`d rather not have a moment when I`m known for my looks; being funny and ...
by Kelly Ripa
0 votes   481 views  
Martine Mccutcheon
I`ve spent the last four days snogging Hugh and he is a really good kisser ...
by Martine Mccutcheon
-1 votes   480 views  
Jerry Butler
You use what talent God gave you, but I have to learn how to control ...
by Jerry Butler
0 votes   480 views  
George Herbert
Life is half spent before we know what it is.
by George Herbert
0 votes   480 views  
Gary Oldman
I suddenly got obsessive about boxing and Muhammad Ali around the time he was fighting ...
by Gary Oldman
0 votes   479 views  
James Newman
You are an extremely valuable, worthwhile, significant person even though your present circumstances may have ...
by James Newman
0 votes   478 views  
Christopher Walken
People always comment about my hair. It is unusual for a man my age to ...
by Christopher Walken
0 votes   478 views  
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