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Stay Tuned
Crowley: Now, if you excuse me, I'm off to warmer megahertz. Gonna find a channel with ...
by Stay Tuned
0 votes   423 views  

The Doors
Jim Morrison: I was stoned. It seemed like a fun thing to do at the time.
by The Doors
0 votes   423 views  
Jim Turner
We are always exploring new ways to drive tune-in from AETV.com to the network. BlueStream`s ...
by Jim Turner
0 votes   422 views  
James Walker
That was just her assumption, you can fault her for it. You`re on your honeymoon, ...
by James Walker
0 votes   422 views  
Judy Collins
Writing anything is terribly hard but, alas for me, because I am addicted, a heck ...
by Judy Collins
0 votes   422 views  
Angela Nicholas
It`s been unbelievable. Really, everybody, I believe, has a lot of empathy for the people ...
by Angela Nicholas
0 votes   422 views  
The United States of Leland
Pearl Madison: I'm only human, man. Leland: It's funny how people only say that after they do ...
by The United States Of Leland
0 votes   422 views  
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Moaning Myrtle: Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw ...
by Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
0 votes   422 views  
The Boondock Saints
Rocco: That was funny, wasn't it? That was real fucking funny, huh? Huh? Bartender: Not me! Not ...
by The Boondock Saints
0 votes   422 views  
Scream 3
Jennifer: Jese! Gale: What the hell are you doing? Jennifer: Being Gale Weathers! What are you doing? Gale: I ...
by Scream 3
0 votes   422 views  
Very Bad Things
Robert Boyd: Time for some serious self-exploration - how do I function. For real! No more ...
by Very Bad Things
0 votes   422 views  
Starship Troopers
Jean Rasczak: I expect the best and I give the best. Here's the beer. Here's the ...
by Starship Troopers
0 votes   422 views  
Demolition Man
[the voice-activated car that Spartan is riding in is malfunctioning] John Spartan: Brake! Brake! Brake now, ...
by Demolition Man
0 votes   422 views  
Not Without My Daughter
[Moody laughs unexpectedly] Betty Mahmoody: What's so funny? Moody: You know, they think we make love all ...
by Not Without My Daughter
0 votes   422 views  
The Skeptic
Bryan Becket: It's funny, though: you mentioned my mother. It's sad, I barely remember her. Except ...
by The Skeptic
0 votes   422 views  
Donna Burke
We`d like to see everyone who works for the town or works in town in ...
by Donna Burke
0 votes   421 views  
Dominick Dunne
She was a gallant soul. I knew her from way back because Gig Young was ...
by Dominick Dunne
0 votes   421 views  
A Walk to Remember
Jamie: Please don't pretend like you know me, ok? Landon: But I do, I do. We've had ...
by A Walk To Remember
0 votes   421 views  
Prehysteria! 3
Ella: Now, that's what I call a bloomin' good shot. This is more fun than a ...
by Prehysteria! 3
0 votes   421 views  
Heavy Weights
Lars: Hello, I am your new friend and counselor. Please insists about wearing your Perkins System ...
by Heavy Weights
0 votes   421 views  
The Crow
Skank: [fast and hysterically] That's him! That's him! But he looked different. He was all painted ...
by The Crow
0 votes   421 views  
Molly Shannon
My dad was a real fun guy and, despite his personal problems, he was a ...
by Molly Shannon
0 votes   420 views  
Jeanne Tripplehorn
Well, I think a lot of people only hear about the extreme, fundamentalist kind of ...
by Jeanne Tripplehorn
0 votes   420 views  
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Ben: That's what I'm talking about. Where's the sexy, cool, fun, smart, beautiful Andie that I ...
by How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
0 votes   420 views  
American Outlaws
[first lines] Cole: Gatling! They got a Gatling gun! Bob: Goddamn it Cole, this stopped bein' fun ...
by American Outlaws
0 votes   420 views  
Fox: [Thumbelina is helped onto her feet by a fox] Well, look'a what we got here. ...
by Thumbelina
0 votes   420 views  
Mamma Mia!
Tanya: [after a crack loudly appears in the courtyard after "Money, Money, Money] What happened? Donna: [laughs] ...
by Mamma Mia!
0 votes   420 views  
Date Movie
Julia Jones: You had me at hello. Grant Funkyerdoder: I'm just a girl. Standing in front of ...
by Date Movie
0 votes   420 views  
Melanie Lynskey
[on the success of Two and a Half Men (2003)] It seems funny to me ...
by Melanie Lynskey
0 votes   419 views  
Cole Hauser
(On working on the set of Pitch Black (2000)) Learning to use all of those ...
by Cole Hauser
0 votes   419 views  
Bartleby Gaines: [waving and fake smiling at girls leaving in their yellow buggy] Hey! I hate ...
by Accepted
0 votes   419 views  
A Love Song for Bobby Long
Lee: Look, I'm sorry. Why don't you just cook me some dinner and I'll go rent ...
by A Love Song For Bobby Long
0 votes   419 views  
Scary Movie 3
George: [at Brenda's funeral] Sue wanted to pay respects to her teacher. You? Cindy: Brenda was my ...
by Scary Movie 3
0 votes   419 views  
Gosford Park
Henry Denton: You Brits really don't have a sense of humor do you? Elsie (Head Housemaid): We ...
by Gosford Park
0 votes   419 views  
Lucky Numbers
Russ: You know, you better start taking notes, because when me and Gig start hashing it ...
by Lucky Numbers
0 votes   419 views  
D3: The Mighty Ducks
Connie Moreau: This ninja stuff really makes you look uh, I don't know how you say ...
by D3: The Mighty Ducks
0 votes   419 views  
The Mighty Ducks
Goldberg: [the team leaves him tied to the net] Hey, guys! Excuse me, guys, you gotta ...
by The Mighty Ducks
0 votes   419 views  
Isabel Bigelow: [jumping up and down in excitement with Maria] I don't know why we're doing ...
by Bewitched
0 votes   418 views  
Blade: Trinity
Dracula: Funny, isn't it? All this time, my people were trying to create a new kind ...
by Blade: Trinity
0 votes   418 views  
Val: You want this hour's bad news? Every major road in L.A. is blocked! I know ...
by Torque
0 votes   418 views  
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