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Man of the House
Jack Sturgess: Ben, what are you doing here? Ben Archer: I came back here to help you. ...
by Man Of The House
1 votes   465 views  

Jack Kelly: Santa Fe, my old friend/I can't spend my whole life hiding/You're the only light ...
by Newsies
0 votes   465 views  
Bob Munro: [a raccoon has invaded their RV; Bob is trying to muster the family to ...
by RV
0 votes   465 views  
The Tailor of Panama
Harry Pendel: The way I see it, we all have a dream of ourselves, that we ...
by The Tailor Of Panama
0 votes   464 views  
Stuart Little
Stuart Little: You seem tense! Snowbell: Tense? Oh, I'm - I'm way, way past tense Stuart Little: Well, ...
by Stuart Little
0 votes   464 views  
Mission: Impossible
Ethan Hunt: [talking about Prague] Ahh, we missed you, Jim. Jim Phelps: Missed you too, Ethan. Jack ...
by Mission: Impossible
0 votes   464 views  
A River Runs Through It
Rev. Maclean: Each one of here today will at one time in our lives look upon ...
by A River Runs Through It
0 votes   464 views  
Anthony Williams
These will be a great help in shaping the budget measures provide real insights into ...
by Anthony Williams
0 votes   463 views  
A Little Princess
Miss Minchin: Sara,this is Monsieur Dufarge. You will begin French lessons with him this afternoon. Sara ...
by A Little Princess
0 votes   463 views  
Kevin Carroll
This will help the soldier to be able to rely on reach-back consolidated IT locations ...
by Kevin Carroll
0 votes   462 views  
Allison Smith
We wanted to help this charity because they help so many families in their time ...
by Allison Smith
0 votes   462 views  
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Agent Sands: El, you really must try this because it's puerco pibil. It's a slow-roasted pork, ...
by Once Upon A Time In Mexico
0 votes   462 views  
The Mothman Prophecies
John Klein: Alexander Leak? Alexander Leek: Who the hell are you? John Klein: I'm John Klein. I called ...
by The Mothman Prophecies
0 votes   462 views  
Alan Parrish: What, are you crying? You don't cry, all right? You keep your chin up. ...
by Jumanji
0 votes   462 views  
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Katey Miller: Look at the way they feel the music. James Phelps: They're feeling it all right.
by Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
0 votes   461 views  
Get Well Soon
Bobby: When did you get this new vocabulary? Lily: When did I get it? Bobby: Yeah, when did ...
by Get Well Soon
0 votes   461 views  
U.S. Marshals
Detective Caldwell: Hello Mr. Warren. I'm detective Caldwell. [hands Sheridan a piece of paper] Mark J. ...
by U.S. Marshals
0 votes   461 views  
Epic Movie
Samuel Jackson Look-Alike: I have had it with these goddamn snakes on this goddamn plane! Susan: Oh, ...
by Epic Movie
0 votes   461 views  
Peter Forsberg
We had a great group of guys when I was there, five of us, I ...
by Peter Forsberg
0 votes   460 views  
Julie Andrews
I had a teacher who stressed for me the importance of diction in terms of ...
by Julie Andrews
0 votes   460 views  
Daniel Craig
[On the backlash from Bond fans]: I didn`t expect this backlash. You take it in, ...
by Daniel Craig
0 votes   460 views  
Bret Boone
These are two things I feel strongly about, ... So half of the proceeds go ...
by Bret Boone
0 votes   460 views  
Ephraim: We have 11 Palestinian names. Each had a hand in planning Munich. You're going to ...
by Munich
0 votes   460 views  
Hope Floats
Bill Pruitt: [Bill is leaving the Calvert house, Bernice is following him with her bag... he ...
by Hope Floats
0 votes   460 views  
Phoebe in Wonderland
Hillary Lichten: Did you have your try-out today? Phoebe: I'm concentrating. Hillary Lichten: I was going to make ...
by Phoebe In Wonderland
0 votes   460 views  
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
[Edmund walks in after helping Peter out of a fight] Edmund Pevensie: You're welcome. Peter Pevensie: [Peter ...
by The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
0 votes   460 views  
Alice Braga
I think people who have the power of communication, who have the power of publicity, ...
by Alice Braga
0 votes   459 views  
Rob McLaughlin: Help me understand something, Katie. He said he gave you the topic to your ...
by Flicka
0 votes   459 views  
Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story
Ben Crane: This is a pipe dream. Lily: Remember dreams, Ben? This one's Cale's. Help her live ...
by Dreamer: Inspired By A True Story
0 votes   459 views  
Hollie Baylor: A few days after Mitch died I was walking through the yard and I ...
by Elizabethtown
0 votes   459 views  
Henry Doyle: [rays of sunlight come through the window] Look at the rays! Do you know ...
by Evelyn
0 votes   459 views  
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
[after the attack on Mrs. Norris] Professor Snape: If I might, Headmaster. Perhaps Potter and his ...
by Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
0 votes   459 views  
Earl Partridge: I loved her so. And she knew what I did. She knew all the ...
by Magnolia
0 votes   459 views  
Surf Ninjas
Mac: [Johnny and Mac are in Shock for a moment as the camera angle focuses on ...
by Surf Ninjas
0 votes   459 views  
FernGully: The Last Rainforest
Zak: What about you, Crysta? What is it that fairies do? Crysta: Do? Zak: Yeah, do you have ...
by FernGully: The Last Rainforest
0 votes   459 views  
The Distinguished Gentleman
Thomas Jefferson Johnson: Well I've got to do something to help these people. Celia Kirby: Don't tell ...
by The Distinguished Gentleman
0 votes   459 views  
Gran Torino
Ashley Kowalski: [clearly uninterested] Grandpa Walt, you want me to help you with that, the chairs? ...
by Gran Torino
0 votes   459 views  
[first lines] [Charlie sitting at her desk at home. Phone rings. Charlie lets the answering ...
by Monster-in-Law
0 votes   458 views  
[Casey is tied to a chair, Dallas is holding a gun on him] Dallas: So, it ...
by Thursday
0 votes   458 views  
Rob Roy
Mary: I love the bones of you, Robert McGregor, but you take too much to heart ...
by Rob Roy
0 votes   458 views  
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