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RSSLaw Total of 587 famous quotes  

Luke Perry
It`s hard and sometimes it`s scary. It still amazes my mother. I went home for ...
by Luke Perry
0 votes   484 views  

Gangs of New York
Bill: At my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat, we are met at this chosen ...
by Gangs Of New York
0 votes   484 views  
Andrew Carnegie
And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is ...
by Andrew Carnegie
0 votes   483 views  
Muppet Treasure Island
Jim Hawkins: I'm sorry your present didn't work out. Long John Silver: Aww, Jim. Smollet sails by ...
by Muppet Treasure Island
0 votes   483 views  
Frank Coutelle: I know more about the law and the history out here than the people ...
by Thunderheart
0 votes   483 views  
Michael Clayton
Karen Crowder: Who's this guy they're sending here? Clayton? I never heard of him. Maude: Michael Raymond ...
by Michael Clayton
0 votes   483 views  
A Love Song for Bobby Long
Bobby Long: Someone should have told those Creole people we got something called winter in Louisiana ...
by A Love Song For Bobby Long
0 votes   482 views  
Find Me Guilty
Sean Kierney: Now listen to me, you guinea cocksucker. Don't fuck with me. We're taking down ...
by Find Me Guilty
0 votes   481 views  
In the Electric Mist
Elrod Sykes: Ya ever see the lights in the cypress trees at night? Dave Robicheaux: That's swamp ...
by In The Electric Mist
0 votes   481 views  
A Love Song for Bobby Long
Lawson Pines: We die only once, and for such a long time. Bobby Long: Molière.
by A Love Song For Bobby Long
0 votes   480 views  
A Civil Action
Jan Schlichtmann: The odds of a plaintiff's lawyer winning in civil court are two to one ...
by A Civil Action
0 votes   480 views  
Monsters vs Aliens
Mama Dietl: There's my future daughter-in-law. It's like a fairy tale. The weatherman and the weatherman's ...
by Monsters Vs Aliens
0 votes   480 views  
Million Dollar Baby
Maggie Fitzgerald: Momma, you take Mardell and JD and get home 'fore I tell that lawyer ...
by Million Dollar Baby
0 votes   479 views  
The Insider
Mike Wallace: [after watching a preview of the "60 Minutes" Wigand interview that has been edited] ...
by The Insider
0 votes   479 views  
Death Wish V: The Face of Death
Tony Hoyle: Let the law take these guys down. You know, sometimes the law works. Paul ...
by Death Wish V: The Face Of Death
0 votes   479 views  
Skinner: [on Linguini] Look at him out there, pretending to be an idiot! He's toying with ...
by Ratatouille
0 votes   478 views  
Wyatt Earp
Wyatt Earp: [Firing shotgun in air, blocking advancing Clemmens Crew] I'm Wyatt Earp! Cowboy #1: Who the ...
by Wyatt Earp
0 votes   478 views  
The Wolfman
Sir John Talbot: She exerts enormous power, doesn't she? Lawrence Talbot: I wish things were different. Sir ...
by The Wolfman
0 votes   478 views  
Psycho Beach Party
Captain Monica Stark: Frankly, Dr. Edwards, in the past, I've had little use for you headshrinkers, ...
by Psycho Beach Party
0 votes   477 views  
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Lock, Barrel, Shock: Jack! Jack! We caught him. [catching themselves] Lock, Barrel, Shock: We *got* him. Jack ...
by The Nightmare Before Christmas
0 votes   477 views  
Across the Universe
Cop: You two, scram! You're defacing city property! Jude: Oh, shit! Lucy: What are you talking about? This ...
by Across The Universe
0 votes   477 views  
Coach Carter
Coach Ken Carter: [to the people in attendance at the board hearing] You really need to ...
by Coach Carter
0 votes   476 views  
American Psycho
Patrick Bateman: Harold, it's Bateman, Patrick Bateman. You're my lawyer so I think you should know: ...
by American Psycho
0 votes   476 views  
Sling Blade
Bill Cox: [lawnmower won't start] Karl, see if you can figure out what's wrong with this. ...
by Sling Blade
0 votes   476 views  
Rice's Courier: [just before Pickett's Charge to the center of the Federal line] Colonel Rice has ...
by Gettysburg
0 votes   476 views  
Joe Thomas
We had three new starters, but two of the guys (guards Matt Lawrence and Jason ...
by Joe Thomas
0 votes   475 views  
Bennett Holiday: Lawyers are saying, "Hey if you can't trust a Big 5 accounting firm." And ...
by Syriana
0 votes   475 views  
It Takes Two
Diane Barrows: Sorry to ruin your wedding. I just didn't want the wrong girl going down ...
by It Takes Two
0 votes   475 views  
The Wedding Singer
Andy: [watering plants as Sammy pulls up] About time his best friend showed up. Sammy: How is ...
by The Wedding Singer
0 votes   474 views  
Tom and Huck
Becky Thatcher: Oh Tom, it's, it's, what is it? Tom Sawyer: It's your engagement ring. Becky Thatcher: It's ...
by Tom And Huck
0 votes   474 views  
Adam: Are they ok? Dr. Lawrence Gordon: My wife... , she, uh she mentioned your name. Adam: What ...
by Saw
0 votes   473 views  
Erin Brockovich
Erin Brockovich: Ya know why everyone thinks that all lawyers are back stabbing, blood sucking scum ...
by Erin Brockovich
0 votes   473 views  
Rush Hour 3
Marsha: I want a lawyer! Detective James Carter: You need a personal trainer! This license says you ...
by Rush Hour 3
0 votes   472 views  
Bend It Like Beckham
Mrs. Bhamra: What family would want a daughter-in-law who can run around kicking football all day ...
by Bend It Like Beckham
0 votes   471 views  
The Brady Bunch Movie
Bobby Brady: Excuse me, officers, but I hate to ask a law enforcement official to bend ...
by The Brady Bunch Movie
0 votes   471 views  
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Sally: [examining Jack in his newly-finished Santa suit] You don't look like yourself, Jack. Not at ...
by The Nightmare Before Christmas
0 votes   471 views  
Reversal of Fortune
Minnie: He says he doesn't have anything that'd help us. Alan Dershowitz: You with me? Sarah: Paydirt. Raj: What's ...
by Reversal Of Fortune
0 votes   471 views  
The Rules of Attraction
Mr. Lance Lawson: Can I interest you in a turn-on? Lauren: Um... no thanks. Mr. Lance Lawson: Well... ...
by The Rules Of Attraction
0 votes   470 views  
A Time to Kill
Ellen Roark: Ah. Ellen Roark, brilliant law student. Harry Rex Vonner: Do with me as you will. ...
by A Time To Kill
0 votes   470 views  
Eddie Lawson: That's you job and that's what you do and you have to win, or ...
by Faster
0 votes   469 views  
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