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RSSLive Total of 1397 famous quotes  

The Christmas Blessing
Robert Layton: Who would've thought a pair of shoes could change people's lives?
by The Christmas Blessing
0 votes   395 views  

Jonathan Lipnicki
It`s not fun. They don`t have the same chances to live long, healthy lives.
by Jonathan Lipnicki
0 votes   394 views  
Link Larkin: Uh... we're on live. Amber von Tussel: You have to vote for a person! Not ...
by Hairspray
0 votes   394 views  
Igby Goes Down
Sookie: How's your brother doing these days? Igby: I don't have a brother, I'm an only child. ...
by Igby Goes Down
0 votes   394 views  
Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road
Valerie McCabe: Fred, Mr. Oliver is a potential fugitive. Lock him up. Neal Oliver: Lock me up? ...
by Interstate 60: Episodes Of The Road
0 votes   394 views  
Titan A.E.
Stith: [Gune is losing consciousness] Gune! Come on, Gune! Gune! Gune: ...Must have nap... since I'm so ...
by Titan A.E.
0 votes   394 views  
Mr. Wrong
Jack Tramonte: OK Whitman's records. Lived with his mother until about six months ago. Had one ...
by Mr. Wrong
0 votes   394 views  
The Vanishing
Rita Baker: You have reached the home of Jeff Harriman and Jeff Harriman's twisted ego. Rita ...
by The Vanishing
0 votes   394 views  
Earl Talbot Blake: I'm gonna do something far worse than kill you. I'm gonna let you ...
by Ricochet
0 votes   394 views  
Yes Man
Allison: [riding on a motor scooter] Am I going too fast for you? Carl Allen: Nah. In ...
by Yes Man
0 votes   394 views  
Epic Movie
White Bitch: This crystal will finally put an end to the resistance. I will start a ...
by Epic Movie
0 votes   394 views  
Unaccompanied Minors
Zach Van Bourke: Oliver, after we get these kids back on their planes, I quit.
by Unaccompanied Minors
0 votes   394 views  
Kevin Fox
We honestly asked ourselves, `Will people live in this environment?` ... We`ve got critters, we`ve ...
by Kevin Fox
0 votes   393 views  
The Perfect Sleep
The Narrator: How do you expect to survive against me? Nikolai: Because, I want to kill you ...
by The Perfect Sleep
0 votes   393 views  
Assault on Precinct 13
Marion Bishop: Marcus Duvall still lives. To me this is unacceptable.
by Assault On Precinct 13
0 votes   393 views  
Shark Tale
Crazy Joe: Now that you live in a big penthouse, can I be your financial advisor? ...
by Shark Tale
0 votes   393 views  
Oliver 'Daddy' Warbucks: Who are you? Annie: I'm Annie.
by Annie
0 votes   393 views  
Mad Love
Casey: I don't want to be sick anymore, okay? Matt: You don't have to. Casey: I don't want ...
by Mad Love
0 votes   393 views  
Hudson Hawk
[Tommy Five-Tone is miraculously alive at the end of the film] Hudson Hawk: You're supposed to ...
by Hudson Hawk
0 votes   393 views  
Norbit: Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday... Rasputia: Say Tuesday again you ain't gonna live to see Wednesday.
by Norbit
0 votes   393 views  
Cheshire Cat: The Queen is dead and gone. Well, at least she's gone... for now. Long ...
by Alice
0 votes   392 views  
The Princess Diaries
Nelson Davenport: Mia Thermopolis is the daughter of local eclectic artist, Helen Thermopolis. They currently live ...
by The Princess Diaries
0 votes   392 views  
Training Day
Alonzo Harris: I run shit here! Y'all just live here!
by Training Day
0 votes   392 views  
Rasputin: [sneering] Long Live the Romanovs! Anastasia: All right! I couldn't have said it better myself! [tackles ...
by Anastasia
0 votes   392 views  
Kansas City
Seldom Seen: If my mother was alive, she'd cut your balls off. Woman went right to ...
by Kansas City
0 votes   392 views  
Big Bully
David Leary: You're alive! Roscoe Bigger: You're dead!
by Big Bully
0 votes   392 views  
The Quick and the Dead
Blind Boy: John Herod owns that house. He gets fifty cents of every dollar in this ...
by The Quick And The Dead
0 votes   392 views  
Teenage Exorcist
Baron DeSade: I do live here forever!
by Teenage Exorcist
0 votes   392 views  
Death Becomes Her
[after seeing Mad] Helen Sharp: It's alive! [Cut line] Helen Sharp: And it's beautiful...
by Death Becomes Her
0 votes   392 views  
Aldo: Never witness nuthin'. You live longer.
by Oscar
0 votes   392 views  
Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave
Cody: [Fighting the pizza delivery zombie] Man, you're always late!
by Return Of The Living Dead: Rave To The Grave
0 votes   391 views  
Hotel Rwanda
Colonel Oliver: [explaining why the world will not intervene] You're black. You're not even a nigger. ...
by Hotel Rwanda
0 votes   391 views  
Diarios de motocicleta
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: This isn't a tale of heroic feats. It's about two lives ...
by Diarios De Motocicleta
0 votes   391 views  
The Hours
Vanessa Bell: Your aunt is a very lucky woman Angelica. She has two lives. The life ...
by The Hours
0 votes   391 views  
Ever After
[last lines] Danielle: You, sir, are supposed to be charming. Henry: And we, princess, are supposed to ...
by Ever After
0 votes   391 views  
Bastard Out of Carolina
Glen Waddell: [to Anney] Don't go, I can't live without you! Kill me! Please, baby! Kill ...
by Bastard Out Of Carolina
0 votes   391 views  
The Shawshank Redemption
Red: [narrating] Two things never happened again after that. The Sisters never laid a finger on ...
by The Shawshank Redemption
0 votes   391 views  
Only the Lonely
Danny: I'll pick you up at seven. Where do you live? Theresa: Here. Danny: With the stiffs? Theresa: Um, ...
by Only The Lonely
0 votes   391 views  
The Grand
Harold Melvin: I have lived with my mother since I was born. I live with her ...
by The Grand
0 votes   390 views  
88 Minutes
Dale Morris: [giving toast] To our impossibly difficult professor, we say thank you for making our ...
by 88 Minutes
0 votes   390 views  
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