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Happily Ever After
The Looking Glass: Snow White approaches a trap set by Lord Malice. But in the fog ...
by Happily Ever After
0 votes   427 views  

Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity
Jeff Dunham: Catwoman? Melvin the Superhero Guy: You know I used to date Catwoman. Jeff Dunham: Really? Melvin ...
by Jeff Dunham: Spark Of Insanity
0 votes   427 views  
The Rocker
Matt Gadman: Are you kidding me? Look at him, it's like Abercrombie is making people now.
by The Rocker
0 votes   427 views  
Pierce Brosnan
[on Casino Royale (2006)] I`m looking forward to it like we`re all looking forward to ...
by Pierce Brosnan
0 votes   426 views  
Nick Park
We have to look forward and keep filming new films and not get stuck in ...
by Nick Park
0 votes   426 views  
David Mitchell
You don`t want to get swept. My guys are not looking at (the game) toward ...
by David Mitchell
0 votes   426 views  
Bob Ballard
This discovery provides historians with the first look at an actual wreck from a key ...
by Bob Ballard
0 votes   426 views  
Andy Serkis
[on playing Gollum in Lord of the Rings:] Everyone has their own interpretation of what ...
by Andy Serkis
0 votes   426 views  
88 Minutes
Lauren Douglas: God, I wish Forster could see your face! You look so totally clueless!
by 88 Minutes
0 votes   426 views  
Friday After Next
Damon: Craig and Day-Day. Day-Day: Ohh... Damon: Just the niggas I need to see. Craig Jones: Yo, yo... what's ...
by Friday After Next
0 votes   426 views  
The Recruit
Zack: [to Burke] Are you a senior instructor at the Farm? Walter Burke: [wired up to a ...
by The Recruit
0 votes   426 views  
About Schmidt
Roberta Hertzel: People used to think it was strange 'cause I breast-fed him 'til he was ...
by About Schmidt
0 votes   426 views  
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Ben: Look, look, look, wait a minute. The one night we even thought about having sex, ...
by How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
0 votes   426 views  
Final Destination
Alex Browning: [looking at Tod in the funeral home] Is that him? Clear Rivers: I think so. ...
by Final Destination
0 votes   426 views  
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000
Terl: It is a pleasure to see you, your excellency, and I would be honored to ...
by Battlefield Earth: A Saga Of The Year 3000
0 votes   426 views  
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
[Marina is trying to get Sinbad to go to Tartarus and get the Book of ...
by Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas
0 votes   426 views  
Cast Away
[last lines] Bettina Peterson: You look lost. Chuck Noland: I do? Bettina Peterson: Where're you headed? Chuck Noland: Well, ...
by Cast Away
0 votes   426 views  
Polish Wedding
Russell: It's true what they say about you Pollack girls. All they have to do is ...
by Polish Wedding
0 votes   426 views  
Good Burger
Deedee: Ed! There must be 50 customers out there! It's unbelievable! What do you put in ...
by Good Burger
0 votes   426 views  
Super Mario Bros.
Scapelli: Who's in charge of this hole? Princess Daisy: I'm in charge here. Scapelli: I'm Anthony Scapelli. I'm ...
by Super Mario Bros.
0 votes   426 views  
Mrs. Doubtfire
Mrs. Doubtfire: [on the show] Oh a visitor! Who can it be and do we have ...
by Mrs. Doubtfire
0 votes   426 views  
Dutch: Nothing burps better than bacon. Your water looked tasty.
by Dutch
0 votes   426 views  
Blue Collar Comedy Tour: One for the Road
Larry The Cable Guy: One night, I was looking at the stars through my telescope because ...
by Blue Collar Comedy Tour: One For The Road
0 votes   426 views  
Sheriff: I heard there was a meeting back here. Who are you scheming with now? Herny ...
by Disappearances
0 votes   426 views  
The Hamiltons
Wendell Hamilton: [to Francis] Look, I know it fucking seems fucked up, alright? But we do ...
by The Hamiltons
0 votes   426 views  
Merle Oberon
Without security it is difficult for a woman to look or feel beautiful.
by Merle Oberon
0 votes   425 views  
Kate Hudson
I have zero problems when people say, `God, you look like your mother.` I go, ...
by Kate Hudson
0 votes   425 views  
David Richardson
The music is sort of a veil. It`s melodic and up and fast, and you ...
by David Richardson
0 votes   425 views  
Bing Crosby
[on Fred Astaire] But when you`re in a picture with Astaire, you`ve got rocks in ...
by Bing Crosby
0 votes   425 views  
Four Brothers
Bobby: [seeing Jack pissing on the floor] Look, look at your little brother. Jeremiah: Jack! Jack: Oh I'm ...
by Four Brothers
0 votes   425 views  
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Tibby: [to Bailey] Look, you seem like a sweet kid... actually you seem like a real ...
by The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
0 votes   425 views  
[Aaron and Abe are lowering the metallic containment-field shield over the device] Abe: Isn't there some ...
by Primer
0 votes   425 views  
Shallow Ground
Detective Russell: Mark's dead, they found him in his patrol car this morning. Stuart Dempsey: Oh my ...
by Shallow Ground
0 votes   425 views  
Without a Paddle
Dan Mott: [the three boys are wearing only their boxers at night, after losing their clothes] ...
by Without A Paddle
0 votes   425 views  
[the first time the army has come across monkeys] Hephaistion: They're animals. Monkeys. Alexander: Monkey... look at ...
by Alexander
0 votes   425 views  
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
[Sawyer pushes Quatermain out of the way of a thrown knife] Tom Sawyer: Look out! [they ...
by The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
0 votes   425 views  
Johnny: Yeah. That tofu cheese thing just really does something for me, man. Gets me going ...
by Chance
0 votes   425 views  
The Good Girl
[to Justine] Bubba: Look, you got your choice to make, destroy your marriage and break your ...
by The Good Girl
0 votes   425 views  
Kissing Jessica Stein
Dan Stein: You know, I've been hearing about "the one" for I don't know, like 20 ...
by Kissing Jessica Stein
0 votes   425 views  
House of 1000 Corpses
[last lines] Captain Spaulding: Sweet baby Jesus, girl. What the hell happened to you? Denise Willis: [mumbling] ...
by House Of 1000 Corpses
0 votes   425 views  
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