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Johnny Mnemonic
J-Bone: [at the base of the LoTek headquarters: Heaven] Where's Spider? Jane: He's dead. J-Bone: [looks over at ...
by Johnny Mnemonic
0 votes   388 views  

The Specialist
Ray Quick: [to a punk who jumped into the seat on the bus he vacated for ...
by The Specialist
0 votes   388 views  
Doc Holliday: You must be Ringo. [to Big Nose Kate] Doc Holliday: Look, darlin', it's Johnny Ringo. ...
by Tombstone
0 votes   388 views  
Running Cool
Bone: Look Ironbutt, If I ain't back in an hour, you bring the bros and you ...
by Running Cool
0 votes   388 views  
Jennifer Eight
Freddy Ross: Look at those amazingly bosoms.
by Jennifer Eight
0 votes   388 views  
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Marv: [looks up after falling through a huge hole in the floor] Whoa! What a hole!
by Home Alone 2: Lost In New York
0 votes   388 views  
Bud: I look like a fucking snowcone!
by Popcorn
0 votes   388 views  
Career Opportunities
Jim Dodge: Any little fraulein who expects anything more from me than a little bit of ...
by Career Opportunities
0 votes   388 views  
Reversal of Fortune
Sunny von Bülow: [narrating] Looking at him now, the issue seems simple: is he the Devil? ...
by Reversal Of Fortune
0 votes   388 views  
Back to the Future Part III
Doc: Clara! Climb out here to me! Clara Clayton: I don't know if i can... Doc: You can ...
by Back To The Future Part III
0 votes   388 views  
Winter and Spring
Rolly Winter: Look, I don't care what new orientation you find yourself in this evening - ...
by Winter And Spring
0 votes   388 views  
Col. Claus von Stauffenberg: Look them in the eye. They'll remember you.
by Valkyrie
0 votes   388 views  
The Mist
Myron: [looking into the mist] So... any boogeymen?
by The Mist
0 votes   388 views  
Spider-Man 3
The Narrator: [while Spider-Man fights Arsenic Candy girls in a church] Hey tall, dark and scary. ...
by Spider-Man 3
0 votes   388 views  
The Covenant
Caleb Danvers: [Caleb gets a phone call from Sarah about Kate being in the hospital, Caleb ...
by The Covenant
0 votes   388 views  
Category 7: The End of the World
Melody: Boss, we got nothing in reserve. We get hit by a second weather disaster, we're ...
by Category 7: The End Of The World
0 votes   388 views  
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Ben Gates: Well, would you look at that. Riley Poole: Oh yeah, it spells "smudge"!
by National Treasure: Book Of Secrets
0 votes   388 views  
Failure to Launch
Kit: Look, I don't see why it’s so complicated. You like Tripp. Tell Tripp you like ...
by Failure To Launch
0 votes   387 views  
Ashley: I wonder what she looks like. I bet she's skinny. She probably is. She's skinnier'n ...
by Junebug
0 votes   387 views  
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
[when Bailey is being taken away on the stretcher-type thing when she fainted in Wallman's ...
by The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
0 votes   387 views  
Zoë: [the elevator opens] Sir? Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: It's done. [looks at his crew notices River's missing] ...
by Serenity
0 votes   387 views  
A Good Woman
Dumby: Do you think she'd look at you if you were poor? Tuppy: Do you think I'd ...
by A Good Woman
0 votes   387 views  
Napoleon Dynamite
Uncle Rico: We also need some way to make us look official, like we got all ...
by Napoleon Dynamite
0 votes   387 views  
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
JB: [referring to tenac] I looked it up in the dictionary... it wasn't in there.
by Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny
0 votes   387 views  
Michelle: Okay, you can do this Rick. You can humiliate me, and mock me, and insult ...
by Rick
0 votes   387 views  
Matchstick Men
Roy: [while looking for his pills] Pygmies!
by Matchstick Men
0 votes   387 views  
The Perfect Score
Matty: This is never gonna work. Kyle: It'll be okay. Matty: [scoffs] Yeah, we're going to be great. ...
by The Perfect Score
0 votes   387 views  
Love Actually
[on being introduced to Terence, the head of the Downing Street staff] Prime Minister: I had ...
by Love Actually
0 votes   387 views  
Two Weeks Notice
Tony: She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping... Like a doll. [Lucy snores loudly] George Wade: A ...
by Two Weeks Notice
0 votes   387 views  
Haggard: The Movie
Don Vito: [to Ryan, through restaurant window] What're you *doin'* in there? I've been looking all ...
by Haggard: The Movie
0 votes   387 views  
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Younger Vivi: Don't look at me in that tone of voice!
by Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood
0 votes   387 views  
Our Lips Are Sealed
Maddie and Ashley: [paranoid, the girls scream when they run into Avery and Pete] Avery: Knew I ...
by Our Lips Are Sealed
0 votes   387 views  
Dean: You're the shit! [man next to him on plane looks over at him thinking he's ...
by Serendipity
0 votes   387 views  
The Way of the Gun
Interviewer: Heterosexual? Parker: Can I ask you something? Are you a faggot? See, you asked me if ...
by The Way Of The Gun
0 votes   387 views  
The Basket
[Ben forces Brigitta to look at his leg, amputated due to WWII injuries] Ben Emery: Look ...
by The Basket
0 votes   387 views  
Black Dawn
Jake Killian: [pointing out a strip bar called Bimbo Heaven to Constance] Oh look, it's ladies' ...
by Black Dawn
0 votes   387 views  
Stir of Echoes
Maggie Witzky: Look what I'm not cleaning up.
by Stir Of Echoes
0 votes   387 views  
Scream 3
Sidney: Hello? Phone Voice: Hello? Sidney: Um, Who's calling? Phone Voice: Um, Who's calling? Sidney: Look Dewey, Gail, whoever, I'll ...
by Scream 3
0 votes   387 views  
Ever After
Young Gustave: You look like a *girl*! Young Danielle: That's what I am, half-wit! Young Gustave: Yeah, but ...
by Ever After
0 votes   387 views  
The War at Home
Karen Collier: You know how in horror movies the door is swinging back and forth from ...
by The War At Home
0 votes   387 views  
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