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RSSLove Total of 2554 famous quotes  

Sin City
Dwight: It's your apartment. But be careful, Shellie, this clown's got big, mean drunk-on and he's ...
by Sin City
0 votes   518 views  

Matilda: I love it here! I love my school... it isn't fair! Miss Honey, please don't ...
by Matilda
0 votes   518 views  
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter: [about the Thestrals] So why can't the others see them? Luna Lovegood: The only people ...
by Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
0 votes   517 views  
Next Friday
Uncle Elroy: [to Craig] You family, I love you, you welcome to anything in my house. ...
by Next Friday
0 votes   517 views  
Sin City
Yellow Bastard: [to Hartigan] My dad - I'd love him if I didn't *hate* him! He ...
by Sin City
0 votes   516 views  
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!
Angelica: Rosalee, when great love is rejected something in a man dies.
by Win A Date With Tad Hamilton!
0 votes   516 views  
Jodi Picoult
You don`t love someone because they`re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact ...
by Jodi Picoult
-1 votes   515 views  
Tristan + Isolde
Isolde: [reading] I wonder by my troth, what thou and I Did, till we loved? were ...
by Tristan + Isolde
0 votes   515 views  
Apollo 13
Fred Haise: It hurts when I urinate. Jim Lovell: Well, you're not getting enough water. Fred Haise: No, ...
by Apollo 13
0 votes   515 views  
Tallahassee: [discovers Hostess truck filled with Sno-Balls] Sno-Balls? Sno-Balls? Where the fuck are the God damn ...
by Zombieland
0 votes   515 views  
Love in the Time of Cholera
Florentino Ariza: Please allow me to wipe the slate clean. Age has no reality except in ...
by Love In The Time Of Cholera
0 votes   515 views  
Ask the Dust
Arturo Bandini: What does happiness mean to you Camilla? Camilla: That you can fall in love with ...
by Ask The Dust
0 votes   514 views  
Almost Famous
Lester Bangs: You CANNOT make friends with the rock stars. That's what's important. If you're a ...
by Almost Famous
0 votes   514 views  
The Legend of Bagger Vance
Adele Invergordon: Ten years and not one single, solitary word from you? You don't do that ...
by The Legend Of Bagger Vance
0 votes   514 views  
Nutty Professor II: The Klumps
Granny: You better eat up Isaac, 'cause you gonna need your strength. Yeah, later on, me ...
by Nutty Professor II: The Klumps
0 votes   514 views  
My Sassy Girl
Jordan Roark: I hope that I've healed during our year apart, and that I'm sitting with ...
by My Sassy Girl
0 votes   513 views  
Almost Famous
Lester Bangs: Aw, man. You made friends with them. See, friendship is the booze they feed ...
by Almost Famous
0 votes   513 views  
The Prophecy
Lucifer: I was the first angel, loved once above all others... [singing] Lucifer: But like all true ...
by The Prophecy
0 votes   513 views  
Van Helsing: Jack. Come here. I know how deeply you loved her. That is why you ...
by Dracula
0 votes   513 views  
Richard Jeni: A Big Steaming Pile of Me
Richard Jeni: When you talk to the manhood, mark your tone well. 'Cause if the manhood's ...
by Richard Jeni: A Big Steaming Pile Of Me
0 votes   513 views  
Jonathan Demme
I was really hooked on movies at a very young age. The Manchurian Candidate, along ...
by Jonathan Demme
0 votes   512 views  
Bruce Almighty
Grace: Other people want idiotic crap like getting married and having babies with the man they've ...
by Bruce Almighty
0 votes   512 views  
Mona Lisa Smile
[about Charlie Stewart] Connie Baker: We spent last weekend at the Cape! A little hideaway he ...
by Mona Lisa Smile
0 votes   512 views  
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Anakin Skywalker: Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.
by Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
0 votes   512 views  
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Agent Simmons: One man, alone... Leo: Stop saying that! Agent Simmons: ...betrayed by the country he loves... Leo: Oh, ...
by Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
0 votes   512 views  
Jackie Moon: Everybody panic! Oh my God, there's a bear loose in the coliseum! There will ...
by Semi-Pro
0 votes   512 views  
Juno MacGuff: As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese ...
by Juno
0 votes   512 views  
Alpha Dog
Frankie Ballenbacher: What about me? Johnny Truelove: No. Frankie Ballenbacher: No, what? Johnny Truelove: He stays with you. Frankie ...
by Alpha Dog
-1 votes   511 views  
Love & Basketball
Quincy: All's fair in love and basketball.
by Love & Basketball
0 votes   511 views  
The Plague: Our recent unknown intruder penetrated using the superuser account, giving him access to our ...
by Hackers
0 votes   511 views  
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Sheriff of Rottingham: Sire, I have news! Prince John: And what sort of news do you have? ...
by Robin Hood: Men In Tights
0 votes   511 views  
Pieces of April
Bobby: She had this moment of unbelievable strength 'cause she had love. Latrell: [picks a piece of ...
by Pieces Of April
0 votes   510 views  
The Story of Us
Ben: Isn't this the moment where one of us is supposed to say: Look, this is ...
by The Story Of Us
0 votes   510 views  
Ruby Bridges
Lucielle 'Lucy' Bridges: No mater what they say. You know god loves you and they don't ...
by Ruby Bridges
0 votes   510 views  
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Padmé: Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo; so long ago when there ...
by Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
0 votes   510 views  
Pernell Roberts
I was teaching a Sunday school class at one of the churches in Waycross, Georgia, ...
by Pernell Roberts
0 votes   509 views  
Dangerous Beauty
Marco Venier: What God and greed have joined together, let no love put asunder.
by Dangerous Beauty
0 votes   509 views  
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Bobby Long: This is exactly why you haven't met my mother! Because you don't know how ...
by Zack And Miri Make A Porno
0 votes   509 views  
What Dreams May Come
Annie Nielsen: Dear Diary, I am writing in your bullshit pages because my shrink is crazier ...
by What Dreams May Come
0 votes   508 views  
The Green Mile
Old Paul Edgecomb: I think Mr. Jingles happened by accident. I think when we electrocuted Del, ...
by The Green Mile
0 votes   508 views  
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