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RSSLove Total of 2554 famous quotes  

The Saint
Emma: [reading Simon's journal aloud] "I see my angel for the first time. Know my purpose, ...
by The Saint
0 votes   697 views  

Sin City
Gail: [to the Oldtown Girls] We'll fight the cops, the mob, and anybody else who tries ...
by Sin City
0 votes   695 views  
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: But it ain't all buttons and charts, little albatross. You know what the ...
by Serenity
0 votes   695 views  
Ned Kelly
Ned Kelly: Wasn't this the challenge of you whole life, Superintendent Hare? A feather in your ...
by Ned Kelly
1 votes   695 views  
Alicia Keys
But when I first fell in love with the piano, I knew it was me. ...
by Alicia Keys
0 votes   694 views  
Shark Tale
Shrimp: [trying to sob his way out of being eaten] Its true, its true! And the ...
by Shark Tale
1 votes   693 views  
Much Ado About Nothing
Benedick: I pray thee now tell me, for which of my bad parts didst thou first ...
by Much Ado About Nothing
-1 votes   693 views  
Tropic Thunder
[Jeff, Kirk, and Kevin have just learned Alpa is gay] Jeff Portnoy: Alpa, if you untie ...
by Tropic Thunder
0 votes   693 views  
Brodie: I love the smell of commerce in the morning.
by Mallrats
0 votes   690 views  
The Lion King
[singing] Timon: And if he falls in love tonight / It can be assumed... Pumbaa: His carefree ...
by The Lion King
0 votes   690 views  
Sin City
[last lines] The Salesman: [narrating] Turn the right corner in Sin City, and you can find ...
by Sin City
0 votes   688 views  
The Princess and the Frog
Princess Tiana: Daddy never got what he wanted... but he had what he NEEDED: love! He ...
by The Princess And The Frog
0 votes   688 views  
Facing the Giants
Grant Taylor: God can do whatever He wants to do, however He wants to do it. ...
by Facing The Giants
1 votes   686 views  
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Rebecca Bloomwood: A man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. ...
by Confessions Of A Shopaholic
0 votes   685 views  
Clerks II
Dante Hicks: [pause in dancing as he dips her; to Becky] I love you, Becky. Becky: I'm ...
by Clerks II
0 votes   681 views  
Othello: Arise black vengeance from thy hollow cell. Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted ...
by Othello
0 votes   675 views  
Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain: Tell me something, Buster... What do you think of Negroes? Sergeant 'Buster' ...
by Gettysburg
0 votes   675 views  
Love Actually
Daniel: So what's the problem, Sammy-o? Is it just Mum, or is it something else? Maybe... ...
by Love Actually
0 votes   674 views  
Best in Show
Harlan Pepper: [In an additional scene from the DVD: In his car, reciting a song called ...
by Best In Show
0 votes   674 views  
Indecent Proposal
David: I thought we were invincible. But now I know that the things that people in ...
by Indecent Proposal
0 votes   674 views  
Beauty and the Beast
[first lines] Narrator: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in ...
by Beauty And The Beast
0 votes   674 views  
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
White Goodman: And they love you. Whoo, do they love you. You're their Fonzie, Pete. "Heeeeey." ...
by Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
0 votes   670 views  
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Banky: Well, you're rich, you're in love [to Jay] Banky: Well, *you're* in love. And you've both ...
by Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
0 votes   664 views  
Smiley Face
Jane F.: They say that true potheads stops getting the munchies after a certain point. I ...
by Smiley Face
0 votes   661 views  
Pineapple Express
Saul: You lied to me. Red: I did. I lied big time to you. Saul: Dale said that ...
by Pineapple Express
0 votes   657 views  
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Jay: Why do they call you Cock-Knocker? Cock-Knocker: Actually, there's a funny story behind that. Ha, ha, ...
by Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
0 votes   655 views  
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Rita Skeeter: What a charismatic quartet! Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter. I write for the daily prophet. ...
by Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
0 votes   652 views  
Allan Ross
Thus self-love as one part of human nature, and the several particular principles as the ...
by Allan Ross
-1 votes   651 views  
Under the Tuscan Sun
Frances: Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you. Like ...
by Under The Tuscan Sun
0 votes   651 views  
Love Actually
Billy Mack: I realized that Christmas is... is the time to be with the people you ...
by Love Actually
0 votes   651 views  
Good Luck Chuck
Charlie: My entire life, I've been nothing more than a stepping-stone to every relationship I've ever ...
by Good Luck Chuck
0 votes   650 views  
The Producers
Ulla: [sung] Violinists love to play an E-string, but audiences really love a G-string!
by The Producers
0 votes   647 views  
Balthazar: What are you doing? John Constantine: I'm reading you your last rites. Balthazar: Spare me your remedial ...
by Constantine
0 votes   647 views  
A Low Down Dirty Shame
Shame: "Ooh, silk drawers and a green tie. I gotta wear these together! I hear those ...
by A Low Down Dirty Shame
0 votes   644 views  
Captain Bergin: Nail it! Shoot that overgrown pigeon! Prof. Michael Lovecraft: That might not be a good ...
by Pterodactyl
0 votes   644 views  
Lord of War
Yuri Orlov: You can't force someone to fall in love with you but, you can definitely ...
by Lord Of War
0 votes   642 views  
The Princess and the Frog
Prince Naveen: [practicing a marriage proposal with Evangeline] I'm not sure I want to be a ...
by The Princess And The Frog
0 votes   642 views  
Joyce Brothers
Virginity is such a personal thing. You can`t judge anyone on it. A lot of ...
by Joyce Brothers
0 votes   639 views  
True Romance
Clifford Worley: You're Sicilian, huh? Coccotti: Yeah, Sicilian. Clifford Worley: Ya know, I read a lot. Especially about ...
by True Romance
0 votes   636 views  
Wendy Chong
I think I’m lovely, smart, daring, very very imaginative and I don’t love talking to ...
by Wendy Chong
0 votes   635 views  
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