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The Wedding Singer
Robbie: Hey, the goofball brothers! Tyler: Is it true you're in the middle of a nervous breakdown? ...
by The Wedding Singer
0 votes   458 views  

Men in Black
INS Agent Janus: Who are you, really? Kay: Really? [puts on a pair of sunglasses] Kay: I am ...
by Men In Black
0 votes   458 views  
[Anya and Dimitri have been arguing on the train - Vlad enters the compartment] Anastasia: Oh, ...
by Anastasia
0 votes   458 views  
In Love and War
Agnes von Kurowsky: You know what I've been told? Italian men respect their wives. They spoil ...
by In Love And War
0 votes   458 views  
Ché: High flying, adored. Did you believe in your wildest moments all this would be yours, ...
by Evita
0 votes   458 views  
The Program
Coach Winters: Alright, this is Mississippi State's offensive set. Second and two on our own 24, ...
by The Program
0 votes   458 views  
Demolition Man
Simon Phoenix: See, I told the city, I said "Look, nobody comes down here." Postmen figured ...
by Demolition Man
0 votes   458 views  
Earnhart: [commenting on another failure to bring in Furlong, while both standing in a lift] I ...
by Freejack
0 votes   458 views  
Hot Shots!
Admiral Benson: Gentlemen, we've waited a long time to hear this. In exactly five hours and ...
by Hot Shots!
0 votes   458 views  
Streets of Blood
Andy Devereaux: [to Brown] Now I'm not a lawyer, but I do have a rough idea ...
by Streets Of Blood
0 votes   458 views  
Arlen Faber
Arlen Faber: I'm sorry about when we met. The uh lap dancing, piercing, festival comment. I ...
by Arlen Faber
0 votes   458 views  
Mark Loring: So... Let's talk about how we're going to do this thing. Juno MacGuff: What do ...
by Juno
0 votes   458 views  
Patrick Murphy
When I was in Iraq, quite frankly I became disheartened with our government. I think ...
by Patrick Murphy
0 votes   457 views  
John Ford
Anybody can direct a picture once they know the fundamentals. Directing is not a mystery, ...
by John Ford
0 votes   457 views  
Helen Slater
(On facing mid-life crisis.) I can`t speak for all women, but I do think that... ...
by Helen Slater
0 votes   457 views  
Gloria Steinem
I`ve yet to be on a campus where most women weren`t worrying about some aspect ...
by Gloria Steinem
0 votes   457 views  
David Gregory
This gives all of the opportunities now to the companies and to the replacement workers, ...
by David Gregory
0 votes   457 views  
Clare Boothe Luce
Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, ...
by Clare Boothe Luce
0 votes   457 views  
Brian Spears
You spend money to save money. People want to reduce their living costs overall and ...
by Brian Spears
0 votes   457 views  
Boz Scaggs
There`s a whole lot of songs that men just can`t do. The words are from ...
by Boz Scaggs
0 votes   457 views  
Anne Wallace
This work is so immense -- it`s dangerous anytime you have a single organization monopolizing ...
by Anne Wallace
0 votes   457 views  
The Photographer: It's ironic. Women suck blood out of men every day. But at the end ...
by Murder-Set-Pieces
0 votes   457 views  
The Departed
Frank Costello: Arm. Billy Costigan: Arm? What fuckin' arm? Mr. French: [French pulls Costigan to a pool table] ...
by The Departed
0 votes   457 views  
Linguini: Listen, I just want you to know how honored I am to be studying under ...
by Ratatouille
0 votes   457 views  
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Harry: What is it out here with these women? Harmony: Oh please, Harry, they're no different from ...
by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
0 votes   457 views  
Walking Tall
[Chris has been captured by Jay's men; he lays on a table. Booth produces a ...
by Walking Tall
0 votes   457 views  
The School of Rock
Dewey Finn: God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your ...
by The School Of Rock
0 votes   457 views  
Anything Else
David Dobel: I broke up with this girl, and they put me with a psychiatrist who ...
by Anything Else
0 votes   457 views  
Love the Hard Way
Jack: She looks at him again, then with a painful smile she switches off the light ...
by Love The Hard Way
0 votes   457 views  
Get Over It
Dr. Desmond Forest Oates: Go Del. Del: Go bid the huntsmen, wake them with their horns. Dr. ...
by Get Over It
0 votes   457 views  
Bicentennial Man
World Congress Moderator: Ladies and Gentlemen: Ms. Marjorie Bota, President of the World Congress. President Marjorie ...
by Bicentennial Man
0 votes   457 views  
The Book of Life
Dave: I have a mind, I have senses. The soul is really just our awareness of ...
by The Book Of Life
0 votes   457 views  
Captain Jyanix Bach: We got a, uh, routine stop here. We have a report of some ...
by Troops
0 votes   457 views  
The Ninth Gate
[has found Balkan in a castle with the readings and now confronts him] Boris Balkan: [nervous] ...
by The Ninth Gate
0 votes   457 views  
Lisa: Men like you make me sick! Jesus is going to put an end to you. ...
by Orgazmo
0 votes   457 views  
Emma Woodhouse: [voiceover] Dear Diary, Today I tried not to think about Mr. Knightly. I tried ...
by Emma
0 votes   457 views  
Corky: If there's one thing I can't stand about sleeping with women, it's all the fucking ...
by Bound
0 votes   457 views  
Dracula: Dead and Loving It
Jonathan Harker: [having been told to drive a stake into Lucy] Oh, that's horrible. Is there ...
by Dracula: Dead And Loving It
0 votes   457 views  
Army of Darkness
Arthur: Are all men from the future loud-mouthed braggarts? Ash: Nope. Just me baby... Just me.
by Army Of Darkness
0 votes   457 views  
A Few Good Men
Kaffee: Did you assault Santiago with the intent of killing him? Dawson: No, sir. Kaffee: What was your ...
by A Few Good Men
0 votes   457 views  
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