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Lord of War
Simeon Weisz: Bullets change governments far surer than votes.
by Lord Of War
0 votes   455 views  

Anton Ego: [Wipes his finger around his plate then licks it, talks to Linguini] I can't ...
by Ratatouille
0 votes   455 views  
Moonlight Mile
Bertie: So, commercial real-estate? Joe Nast: Commercial real-estate. Bertie: What the hell does that mean? Joe Nast: [laughing] I ...
by Moonlight Mile
0 votes   455 views  
Liberty Heights
Nate Kurtzman: The government doesn't know from shit. They integrate the golf courses in '51, and ...
by Liberty Heights
0 votes   455 views  
Deep Blue Sea
Dr. Susan McCallister: Tell me Mr. Franklin, have you ever known anyone with Alzheimer's? Russell Franklin: Well, ...
by Deep Blue Sea
0 votes   455 views  
Very Bad Things
Mike: Dad used to bring home these sparklers for me and Adam, you know? (laughs) Sparklers! ...
by Very Bad Things
0 votes   455 views  
Muppet Treasure Island
Gonzo: I thought pirates had talking parrots as pets. Long John Silver: Talking... parrots? Polly Lobster: What an ...
by Muppet Treasure Island
0 votes   455 views  
Batman Forever
Alfred Pennyworth: Broken wings mend in time. One day Robin will fly again. I promise.
by Batman Forever
0 votes   455 views  
The Baby-Sitters Club
Kristy Thomas: Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late. Can we start? Claudia Kishi: We already have. Okay, new ...
by The Baby-Sitters Club
0 votes   455 views  
Sister Act
Willy: What is she doin'? Joey: Oh, my God. She's prayin'. Delores: Lord, I want you to forgive ...
by Sister Act
0 votes   455 views  
A Few Good Men
Kaffee: Lieutenant, do you know what a code red is? Lt. Kendrick: Yes, I do. Kaffee: Have you ...
by A Few Good Men
0 votes   455 views  
The Nativity Story
Anna: An angel told you this? That you will bear the son of God? Mary... Mary: Elizabeth ...
by The Nativity Story
0 votes   455 views  
Patsy Ramsey
We were on our knees holding hands when the statement came out, ... We are ...
by Patsy Ramsey
0 votes   454 views  
Nikki Flores
It`s more the size factor and being the underdog that gets me mentally going. I ...
by Nikki Flores
1 votes   454 views  
Joan Lunden
Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and ...
by Joan Lunden
0 votes   454 views  
Elizabeth Edwards
Women are not inclined to go that way.
by Elizabeth Edwards
0 votes   454 views  
Christopher Eccleston
Any horror element is as much psychological as special effects.
by Christopher Eccleston
0 votes   454 views  
Bernard Shaw
You can almost reach out and touch Ed Turner`s impact on CNN. His standards were ...
by Bernard Shaw
0 votes   454 views  
Sin City
Klump: I can only express puzzlement, that borders on alarm.
by Sin City
0 votes   454 views  
The Merchant of Venice
Shylock: I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, ...
by The Merchant Of Venice
0 votes   454 views  
Love Comes Softly
Clark Davis: Father, I don't know why you brought Marty into my life only to have ...
by Love Comes Softly
0 votes   454 views  
Scientist: Gordon Freeman - it is you, isn't it? The Science Team has been tracking your ...
by Half-Life
0 votes   454 views  
Prozac Nation
Elizabeth: That article... it was just wish fulfillment. I was writing about how I wanted things ...
by Prozac Nation
0 votes   454 views  
Keeping the Faith
Anna Riley: I've seen the way women look at you, even though they know you're a ...
by Keeping The Faith
0 votes   454 views  
Professor Porter: Oh, Janie Jane! What an amazing discovery! A man with no language, no human ...
by Tarzan
0 votes   454 views  
Fierce Creatures
[the staff are now all reluctantly wearing animal costumes] Vince McCain: And I want to thank ...
by Fierce Creatures
0 votes   454 views  
Michael Kitz: Your having sent this announcement all over the world may well constitute a breach ...
by Contact
0 votes   454 views  
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Inspector Cobb: [to Simon] I can appreciate your feelings for McClane. But believe me, the jerk ...
by Die Hard: With A Vengeance
0 votes   454 views  
True Lies
[after watching her husband kill dozens of men] Helen Tasker: I married Rambo!
by True Lies
0 votes   454 views  
The Shawshank Redemption
Head Bull Haig: Dufresne? Get your ass out here, boy! You're holding up the show! [no ...
by The Shawshank Redemption
0 votes   454 views  
The Forbidden Kingdom
Ni Chang: How romantic. Men will tell you what you want to hear, Sparrow. But in ...
by The Forbidden Kingdom
0 votes   454 views  
Jim Bouton
Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team ...
by Jim Bouton
0 votes   453 views  
Don Campbell
You have to learn to go with the flow. Sometimes you get caught in the ...
by Don Campbell
0 votes   453 views  
Casper Van Dien
We make a lot of mistakes for women, and we`ll always do it again.
by Casper Van Dien
0 votes   453 views  
Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.
by Aristotle
0 votes   453 views  
One Night with the King
King Xerxes: [as his subjects become louder requesting the Queen] Am I to be a mockery ...
by One Night With The King
0 votes   453 views  
One Night with the King
Queen Esther: Perhaps, instead of asking questions of our trials, our trials are ment to ask ...
by One Night With The King
0 votes   453 views  
The Skeleton Key
Luke: Violet! I want you to meet somebody. Mrs. Violet Devoreaux meet Miss Caroline Ellis. Caroline, ...
by The Skeleton Key
0 votes   453 views  
The Hunting of the President
Bill Clinton: You have to understand there is an honest disagreement in America today, in the ...
by The Hunting Of The President
0 votes   453 views  
The Weather Man
Dave Spritz: The first time I was struck with something, a chicken breast from Kenny Rogers. ...
by The Weather Man
0 votes   453 views  
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