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The Addiction
Kathleen Conklin: You think hell shuts down after a couple of years? You think what you've ...
by The Addiction
0 votes   442 views  

Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Robin Hood: [Robin and Ahchoo are fight the sherif of Rottinghams men] Watch my back! Ahchoo: [Ahchoo ...
by Robin Hood: Men In Tights
0 votes   442 views  
Last Action Hero
Benedict: Gentlemen. Since you are about to die anyway, I may as well tell you the ...
by Last Action Hero
0 votes   442 views  
Death Becomes Her
Ernest Menville: [after the sample of potion] Oh my god... Lisle Von Rhuman: Oh! Thank you!
by Death Becomes Her
0 votes   442 views  
Iago: [Jafar is just being turned into a sorceror] Ladies and gentlemen, a warm Agrabah welcome ...
by Aladdin
0 votes   442 views  
Welcome to Reality
Adyashanti: You no longer have an argument with yourself, you no longer have an argument with ...
by Welcome To Reality
0 votes   442 views  
Gran Torino
Walt Kowalski: [about Korea] We shot men, stabbed them with bayonets, chopped up 17 year olds ...
by Gran Torino
0 votes   442 views  
Monsters vs Aliens
Susan Murphy: I can't believe it! Soon I'll be back in Derek's arms... or... he'll be ...
by Monsters Vs Aliens
0 votes   442 views  
The Hunting Party
Benjamin: We are journalists! We can't do this. It is unethical... and insane. Simon: It would be ...
by The Hunting Party
0 votes   442 views  
Death Race
Lists: Hector Grimm, the Grimm Reaper. The man's a master. Clinical psychopath. Three time consecutive life ...
by Death Race
0 votes   442 views  
Good Luck Chuck
Cam Wexler: [about penguin behavior] When a male is sweet on a female, he searches the ...
by Good Luck Chuck
0 votes   442 views  
Michelle Shocked
They sign a bunch of women, and they call it a movement. I don`t like ...
by Michelle Shocked
0 votes   441 views  
Martina Navratilova
Just by being out you`re doing your part. It`s like recycling. You`re doing your part ...
by Martina Navratilova
0 votes   441 views  
John Stuart Mill
A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both ...
by John Stuart Mill
0 votes   441 views  
Jean De La Bruyere
We perceive when love begins and when it declines by our embarrassment when alone together.
by Jean De La Bruyere
0 votes   441 views  
James Bond
This man called President Bush has a lot to answer for, ... I don`t know ...
by James Bond
0 votes   441 views  
Dave Mustaine
The Bible and several other self help or enlightenment books cite the Seven Deadly Sins. ...
by Dave Mustaine
0 votes   441 views  
Auguste Rodin
True artists are almost the only men who do their work for pleasure.
by Auguste Rodin
0 votes   441 views  
The Kingdom
Ronald Fleury: [to Prince Bin Khaled] I know you want him caught. We want him caught. ...
by The Kingdom
0 votes   441 views  
Flags of Our Fathers
General "Howlin' Mad" Smith: [on the telephone] I was promised ten days of shelling. You're giving ...
by Flags Of Our Fathers
0 votes   441 views  
Ephraim: First you resign from Mossad, [handing him a document] Ephraim: Your new contract. It says we ...
by Munich
0 votes   441 views  
Pretty Persuasion
Randa: [while watching pornography in which a woman is moaning loudly] How... how is it, please, ...
by Pretty Persuasion
0 votes   441 views  
Stage Beauty
[Kynaston is in a large, frilly costume dress, and a noblemen has just gone up ...
by Stage Beauty
0 votes   441 views  
Five Children and It
Cyril: She's right, you know. This is big. It's huge. It's immense. It's monumentally, colossally ginormous. ...
by Five Children And It
0 votes   441 views  
Chasing Liberty
Cynthia Morales: Well maybe you should stop overcompensating, you're a good looking... I mean you look ...
by Chasing Liberty
0 votes   441 views  
Herb Brooks: You think you can win on talent alone? Gentlemen, you don't have enough talent ...
by Miracle
0 votes   441 views  
James: When I was five years old, I had a defining moment in my life. It ...
by LolliLove
0 votes   441 views  
Eventual Wife
Dave: I'm just not sexually attracted to men and apparently that's a really important part of ...
by Eventual Wife
0 votes   441 views  
Star Trek: Nemesis
Praetor Shinzon: It amazes me how little you know yourself. Picard: I'm incapable of such an act! ...
by Star Trek: Nemesis
0 votes   441 views  
The Tao of Steve
Dave: I'm not looking for enlightenment, Dex. I'm looking for a girlfriend.
by The Tao Of Steve
0 votes   441 views  
Psycho Beach Party
Berdine: No one understands Bettina. Her screen persona is a brilliant comment on the socio-political structure ...
by Psycho Beach Party
0 votes   441 views  
Shadow of the Vampire
F.W. Murnau: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Max Schreck, who will be portraying our vampire, Count ...
by Shadow Of The Vampire
0 votes   441 views  
Just Visiting
Count Thibault: You are lionhearted, Julia, like the women of your lineage. You have courage.
by Just Visiting
0 votes   441 views  
Minority Report
[last lines] John Anderton: [voiceover] In 2054, the six-year Precrime experiment was abandoned. All prisoners were ...
by Minority Report
0 votes   441 views  
The Boondock Saints
Connor: It's the real deal, Roc. Evil men, dead men.
by The Boondock Saints
0 votes   441 views  
Mystery Men
Casanova Frankenstein: [pleading his case before a committee] Blessed... disciples of Hippocrates. My heart is torn ...
by Mystery Men
0 votes   441 views  
Sour Grapes
Studio Executive: Hey, they got their bad element just like anybody else. Somebody's going to steal ...
by Sour Grapes
0 votes   441 views  
Moby Dick
Queequeg: Ishmael, what is soul? Ishmael: Soul? Well, that's a difficult question. Do you believe in God? ...
by Moby Dick
0 votes   441 views  
The Green Mile
Paul Edgecomb: Men under strain can snap. Hurt themselves. Hurt others. That's why our job is ...
by The Green Mile
0 votes   441 views  
The Great White Hype
Terry Conklin: I've never been to a city more exploitive towards women. It makes me sick ...
by The Great White Hype
0 votes   441 views  
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