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RSSMind Total of 827 famous quotes  

Max Fischer: Your mind's as warped as your ear, Magnus. Magnus Buchan: Don't Get Nasty, Brother.
by Rushmore
0 votes   439 views  

Dusty Rhodes
Wow. You just caught me off guard. One of the most creative minds there has ...
by Dusty Rhodes
0 votes   438 views  
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Narcissa Malfoy: I know I'm not to be here. The Dark Lord himself forbid me to ...
by Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince
0 votes   438 views  
Sling Blade
Charles Bushman: There was a young man by the name of John Leggit Hunter who ran ...
by Sling Blade
0 votes   438 views  
Kato Kaelin
Thoughts would go in and out of my mind, but I didn`t want to believe ...
by Kato Kaelin
0 votes   437 views  
Frank Kelly
You kind of feel a little sorry for the guy. What keeps going through my ...
by Frank Kelly
0 votes   437 views  
Big Daddy
Sonny: I'm thinkin' about keepin' the kid. Phil D'Amato: Sonny, remember that time you went with me ...
by Big Daddy
0 votes   437 views  
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Manny: Just WHEN exactly did you loose your mind? Buck: About three months ago. I woke up ...
by Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
0 votes   437 views  
[last lines] Puzzlehead: By scanning the baby's brain I was able to begin again. I'd program ...
by Puzzlehead
0 votes   437 views  
Georg Cantor
The fear of infinity is a form of myopia that destroys the possibility of seeing ...
by Georg Cantor
0 votes   436 views  
Alan Parker
Every time I`ve been to Cannes, I`ve made up my mind never to return. Every ...
by Alan Parker
0 votes   436 views  
Henry Chinaski: If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise don't even start. This ...
by Factotum
0 votes   436 views  
June: I'm standin' in the kitchen, carving up a chicken for dinner, minding my own business, ...
by Chicago
0 votes   436 views  
Before and After
[Jude visits her and Jake's tree house] Judith Ryan: Jake? I know you don't wanna talk, ...
by Before And After
0 votes   436 views  
Dances with Wolves
Ten Bears: Let us smoke a while. John Dunbar: [voiceover] With Ten Bears, it was always more ...
by Dances With Wolves
0 votes   436 views  
The Royal Tenenbaums
Richie: I think he's very lonely. Lonelier than he lets on. Maybe lonelier than he even ...
by The Royal Tenenbaums
0 votes   435 views  
Moby Dick
Ishmael: It seems a trifle small for two grown men. Peter Coffin: Well, if you're going to ...
by Moby Dick
0 votes   435 views  
Meg Ryan
Clearly romantic comedy is my franchise genre, I don`t mind saying that, it`s true. I ...
by Meg Ryan
0 votes   434 views  
V for Vendetta
V: More than 400 years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November ...
by V For Vendetta
0 votes   434 views  
Super Mario Bros.
King Koopa: Now... where's the rock? [Iggy and Spike look at each other, then at Koopa] ...
by Super Mario Bros.
0 votes   434 views  
John Thomas
We find it disturbing that the networks in question seem to have no problem exploiting ...
by John Thomas
0 votes   433 views  
Bette Midler
After thirty, a body has a mind of its own.
by Bette Midler
0 votes   433 views  
Casino Royale
[first lines] James Bond: M really doesn't mind you earning a little money on the side, ...
by Casino Royale
0 votes   433 views  
Jiminy Glick in Lalawood
Jiminy Glick: [pointing at Toronto's C.N. Tower] That's a phallic-looking thing! Remind you of anybody? Dixie ...
by Jiminy Glick In Lalawood
0 votes   433 views  
Bend It Like Beckham
[Re: Jesminder's breasts] Dressmaker: Don't worry, Miss Bahmra. Our designs will make even these little mosquito ...
by Bend It Like Beckham
0 votes   433 views  
Die Another Day
Raul: We may have lost the Revolution, but our health system is second to none. James ...
by Die Another Day
-1 votes   433 views  
Wing Commander
[Explaining why no one mentions dead pilots] Angel: In all likelihood you're going to die out ...
by Wing Commander
0 votes   433 views  
Well-to-do People: Such a shame she wandered into our enclosure, how unfortunate this person has forced ...
by Evita
0 votes   433 views  
Adam West
[on his being passed over for Tim Burton`s 1989 Batman (1989)] I cried for an ...
by Adam West
0 votes   432 views  
Seaweed: My mom's havin' a platter party tonight. Y'all wanna come check it out? Tracy Turnblad: Now? ...
by Hairspray
0 votes   432 views  
Spider-Man 2
Black Cat: Nice night for a little swing through the city, isn't it? Spider-Man: I don't get ...
by Spider-Man 2
0 votes   432 views  
From Hell
Sir Charles Warren: My God. He's out of his mind. Abberline: That's very astute of you sir.
by From Hell
0 votes   432 views  
[after waking from his coma and watching a video of his surgery] Castor Troy: Hello, Doctor. ...
by Face/Off
0 votes   432 views  
Set It Off
Francesca 'Frankie' Sutton: The only way we gonna see cash is if we take a bank. ...
by Set It Off
0 votes   432 views  
The Paper
Henry: I realize this doesn't exactly get us off on the right foot. Paul Bladden, New ...
by The Paper
0 votes   432 views  
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Klingon ambassador: The Chancellor of the High Council is dead - the result of an unprovoked ...
by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
0 votes   432 views  
Lars and the Real Girl
Reverend Bock: Lars asked us not to wear black today. He did so to remind us ...
by Lars And The Real Girl
0 votes   432 views  
Aleister Crowley
The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from within, ...
by Aleister Crowley
0 votes   431 views  
The Wedding Date
TJ: [sees Kat with Jeffery] Oh my God! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my ...
by The Wedding Date
0 votes   431 views  
Mr Elliot: Have you thought any more about my offer? Anne: What offer was that? Mr Elliot: My ...
by Persuasion
0 votes   431 views  
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