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RSSPeople Total of 2619 famous quotes  

Luke Goss
I buy American music as it`s like the last bastion of music. I sound like ...
by Luke Goss
0 votes   448 views  

Jim Greer
There was a guy in the stadium who got really drunk and was annoying people ...
by Jim Greer
0 votes   448 views  
James Doohan
I really didn`t have to work, shall we say, with Star Trek. It was a ...
by James Doohan
0 votes   448 views  
Dean Stockwell
I hate to admit it, but you can`t do a role unless it`s somewhere in ...
by Dean Stockwell
0 votes   448 views  
Colin Farrell
(On people who drink tequila) I tell them, `When you`re at home puking your guts ...
by Colin Farrell
0 votes   448 views  
Bubba Sparxxx
You know, I think when people fly the nest a little too soon, as far ...
by Bubba Sparxxx
0 votes   448 views  
Aaron Rice
I sense an insatiable demand for connectivity. Maybe all these people have discovered important uses ...
by Aaron Rice
0 votes   448 views  
One Night with the King
King Xerxes: Tell me of your people, teach me of your ways Queen Esther: My father told ...
by One Night With The King
0 votes   448 views  
Street Kings
Captain Jack Wander: [after Ludlow tears down his wall] This is my power. This is my ...
by Street Kings
0 votes   448 views  
Michael Moore Hates America
Michael Wilson: Hi, Mike, I'm Mike Wilson, I'm one of the "wackos". I'm directing a movie, ...
by Michael Moore Hates America
0 votes   448 views  
The Hunting of the President
Betsy Wright: I never understood how some of these Arkansas based people who were being relied ...
by The Hunting Of The President
0 votes   448 views  
Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
John Crichton: I have to protect the people I love. And you owe me for putting ...
by Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
0 votes   448 views  
Art School Confidential
Professor Sandiford: Now I don't have any particular wisdom to impart to you people, except to ...
by Art School Confidential
0 votes   448 views  
Aileen: People always look down their noses at hookers. Never give you a chance, because they ...
by Monster
0 votes   448 views  
Love the Hard Way
Jack: I thought I was disconnected from everything, for a long time I'd been leading an ...
by Love The Hard Way
0 votes   448 views  
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Carmila: Dunpeal Hunter. Your mother was human but your father was a vampire and you hav ...
by Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
0 votes   448 views  
[first lines] 911 operator: 911, what is your emergency? disguised voice: I'm tired of the way things ...
by D-Tox
0 votes   448 views  
Your Studio and You
Narrator: [as camera pans to office block] Now what else will make our studio Artist Friendly? ...
by Your Studio And You
0 votes   448 views  
The Out-of-Towners
Henry: Do you know what your problem is? You live here. You're jaded. What you need ...
by The Out-of-Towners
0 votes   448 views  
Will Sherman: Once upon a time there lived a young man who aimed to please. He ...
by Delivered
0 votes   448 views  
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Mitch: You're telling me that you're gonna fake some terrorist thing, just to scare some money ...
by The Long Kiss Goodnight
0 votes   448 views  
Art Chantry: So all these people come here, and then there's all this publicity, and... "Northern ...
by Hype!
0 votes   448 views  
Before Sunrise
Celine: Even though I reject most of the religious things I can't help but feeling for ...
by Before Sunrise
0 votes   448 views  
So I Married an Axe Murderer
Obituary Writer: There's another one here. Native San Franciscan. Plumber. Elliot, Ralph. Moved to Dallas, disappeared ...
by So I Married An Axe Murderer
0 votes   448 views  
It Was a Wonderful Life
[first lines] Title Card: Thousands of homeless people in the United States are hidden and go ...
by It Was A Wonderful Life
0 votes   448 views  
The Hangover
Stu Price: [after getting tasered] That was bullshit! I'm gonna tell everyone we stole a cop ...
by The Hangover
0 votes   448 views  
Pattie Boyd
One Christmas, I`d cooked lunch and most people had arrived and I couldn`t find Eric. ...
by Pattie Boyd
0 votes   447 views  
Michael Pitt
There`s this double standard with nudity. You can show a woman`s full anatomy, but it`s ...
by Michael Pitt
0 votes   447 views  
Marcia Gay Harden
The only thing that seemed to me I could do in such a way that ...
by Marcia Gay Harden
0 votes   447 views  
People are definitely respecting on what I`ve done on the Hollywood side of things. It`s ...
by Ludacris
0 votes   447 views  
Linda Williams
We`re trying to turn things up a notch. Care Night is going to be a ...
by Linda Williams
0 votes   447 views  
Keith Jackson
We didn`t get the win, so we can`t be too satisfied. But we showed people ...
by Keith Jackson
0 votes   447 views  
John Mayall
Working with people, the musical part is one thing but the personal part is totally ...
by John Mayall
0 votes   447 views  
Chris Tucker
I tell people that stand-up`s like golf: you gotta do it every day to get ...
by Chris Tucker
0 votes   447 views  
Carol Kane
I don`t put together cars, I put together people. It makes me happy to construct ...
by Carol Kane
0 votes   447 views  
Bob Denver
People thank me for giving them a break from life. - referring to his Gilligan ...
by Bob Denver
0 votes   447 views  
Brigitte Bardot
If I could do anything about the way people behave towards each other, I would, ...
by Brigitte Bardot
0 votes   447 views  
Beyonce Knowles
Who I am on stage is very, very different to who I am in real ...
by Beyonce Knowles
0 votes   447 views  
Arnold Levine
The thing that shocks a lot of people is that these kids are just normal ...
by Arnold Levine
0 votes   447 views  
Al Snyder
Visionary people face the same problems everyone else faces; but rather than get paralyzed by ...
by Al Snyder
0 votes   447 views  
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