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Abbie Hoffman
I believe in compulsory cannibalism. If people were forced to eat what they killed, there ...
by Abbie Hoffman
0 votes   412 views  

Avner: If these people committed crimes we should have arrested them. Like Eichmann. Ephraim: If these guys ...
by Munich
0 votes   412 views  
Dorian Blues
Dorian Lagatos: You know the worst thing my father ever did to me? He convinced me ...
by Dorian Blues
0 votes   412 views  
Ricky: We don't need reparations! We need restraint! Billy: "Restraint"? Ricky: "Restraint"! Some discipline! Don't go out and ...
by Barbershop
0 votes   412 views  
Panic Room
Junior: [as they are arguing over siphoning propane into the Panic Room] Shut the fuck up. ...
by Panic Room
0 votes   412 views  
The Matrix Revolutions
Lock: Three captains, one ship. I assume the other two were lost under equally pointless circumstances? ...
by The Matrix Revolutions
0 votes   412 views  
Galaxy Quest
Mathesar: We were hoping you could come with us. Our people have no commander. Commander Peter ...
by Galaxy Quest
0 votes   412 views  
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Austin Powers: WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Basil Exposition: The shouting is a temporary side-effect of the unfreezing. ...
by Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery
0 votes   412 views  
Robert: Good morning, gentlemen. Undersecretary of Defense Daniel Harper: Shut up! You mind telling me what the ...
by Eraser
0 votes   412 views  
Genie: Rule number three, I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty ...
by Aladdin
0 votes   412 views  
Loose Change: Second Edition
Narrator: Every single attempt to uncover and investigate the truth behind 9-11 has been ridiculed and ...
by Loose Change: Second Edition
0 votes   412 views  
Death Race
Lists: Travis Colt. Our local superstar. He used to race for Nascar... Gunner: Yeah, he was good ...
by Death Race
1 votes   412 views  
Henry Van Dyke
Some people are so afraid do die that they never begin to live.
by Henry Van Dyke
0 votes   411 views  
Daniel Smith
There are many selfish people who are extremely original, then they take those pure ideas ...
by Daniel Smith
0 votes   411 views  
Claude Chabrol
There`s one thing which I hate about color films... people who use up a lot ...
by Claude Chabrol
0 votes   411 views  
Bob Evans
We have a lot of tough cases that come along, some involving young kids on ...
by Bob Evans
0 votes   411 views  
Kinky Boots
Lola: There are some very funny people out there.
by Kinky Boots
0 votes   411 views  
Land of the Blind
Joe: People are being sent to the re-education camps because they wear glasses! Children are rewarded ...
by Land Of The Blind
0 votes   411 views  
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ngunda Oti: You'll see little man, plenty of times you be alone. You different like us, ...
by The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
0 votes   411 views  
Claire Colburn: Welcome to the annual meeting of people who annually meet, and we'll see ya'll ...
by Elizabethtown
0 votes   411 views  
Kingdom of Heaven
Balian of Ibelin: [to the people of Jerusalem] It has fallen to us, to defend Jerusalem, ...
by Kingdom Of Heaven
0 votes   411 views  
The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara
Robert McNamara: It's almost impossible for our people today to put themselves back into that period ...
by The Fog Of War: Eleven Lessons From The Life Of Robert S. McNamara
0 votes   411 views  
Rush Hour 3
Detective James Carter: [to Lee, as they ride the elevator to their rooms] It's all your ...
by Rush Hour 3
0 votes   411 views  
Wooly Boys
A.J. 'Stoney' Stoneman: Skeleton trees. We head north. Charles: Skeleton trees? Bald rock, broke twig? This is ...
by Wooly Boys
0 votes   411 views  
The Fast and the Furious
Brian: Hey, wait, hold up! I don't have any cash, but I do have the pink ...
by The Fast And The Furious
0 votes   411 views  
The Usual Suspects
[Keaton is introducing quiet Verbal to the other suspects in the cell] Keaton: His name is ...
by The Usual Suspects
0 votes   411 views  
The Super
Big Lou Kritski: Will you stop about the tenants? Remember, they used to live in huts. ...
by The Super
0 votes   411 views  
No Burgers for Bigfoot
Michael Justice: I can't tell people I'm shooting a short... people might think I'm gonna go ...
by No Burgers For Bigfoot
0 votes   411 views  
Michael Winterbottom
When people approach me about my films it is usually to tell me how much ...
by Michael Winterbottom
0 votes   410 views  
The reason people think I look good now is because I was never a beauty ...
by Lulu
0 votes   410 views  
John Mccormick
We have an indoor covered arena, an outdoor arena, 200 acres of trails and 90 ...
by John Mccormick
0 votes   410 views  
Glenn Davis
We`re very appreciative of all the efforts, phone calls and prayers to get all these ...
by Glenn Davis
0 votes   410 views  
Dudley Moore
I can`t imagine not having music in my life, playing for myself or for other ...
by Dudley Moore
0 votes   410 views  
Dennis Hopper
The alcohol was awful. I was a terrible alcoholic. I mean, people used to ask ...
by Dennis Hopper
0 votes   410 views  
Dick Cheney
You got to have people at the top who respond to and are selected by ...
by Dick Cheney
0 votes   410 views  
Anna Walker
Many of the princess`s personal friends who rallied behind him and were prepared to give ...
by Anna Walker
0 votes   410 views  
Akeelah and the Bee
Dr. Larabee: Where do you think big words come from? Akeelah: People with big brains?
by Akeelah And The Bee
0 votes   410 views  
Dave: Mr. Goldbluth, we can take you to the top of the beef world. The highest ...
by Grilled
0 votes   410 views  
The Life and Death of Peter Sellers
Peter Sellers: People ask me why do I keep compromising my artistic integrity by walking in ...
by The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers
0 votes   410 views  
The Mexican
Frank: Guns don't kill people - postal workers do.
by The Mexican
0 votes   410 views  
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