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Mulholland Falls
[trying to thread a projector] Coolidge: Damn it! I can't get my finger in there. It ...
by Mulholland Falls
0 votes   374 views  

Miracle on 34th Street
[Bryan and Dorey are at the altar] Priest: Are you ready? Dorey Walker: For what? Priest: To get ...
by Miracle On 34th Street
0 votes   374 views  
Alsatia Zevo: I just cant believe no one has asked you for an applesauce sandwich before. ...
by Toys
0 votes   374 views  
Anita Thompson
We have some good writers already.
by Anita Thompson
0 votes   373 views  
Four Brothers
Bobby: I don't know what to do anymore. I already lost one brother. You guys are ...
by Four Brothers
0 votes   373 views  
Freddy vs. Jason
[Hears Trey from the cornstalks] Trey: I'm dead one day and you're already out gettin' shitfaced? ...
by Freddy Vs. Jason
0 votes   373 views  
The Tao of Steve
Dex: You can't just go up to a woman and say, 'Hi! I'm Dave! I like ...
by The Tao Of Steve
0 votes   373 views  
The Unbearable Whiteness of Dean
Delbert, The Martinizer: I got a hot lead biscuit all buttered up and ready for ya!
by The Unbearable Whiteness Of Dean
0 votes   373 views  
Frankie: What was the best book you ever read? Jake Bridges: Moby Dick, by Herman Melville.
by Gunshy
0 votes   373 views  
Jack Frost
Jill Metzner: Come and get me when you're ready. Tommy: Yes! If I was any more ready, ...
by Jack Frost
0 votes   373 views  
The Hunting Party
CIA Operative: Let me tell you something, Mr. Cunt... Simon: Hunt. CIA Operative: Mr. *Hunt*. You're lucky I ...
by The Hunting Party
0 votes   373 views  
The Village
Lucius Hunt: [reading a letter to the elders] My mother is unaware of the reason for ...
by The Village
0 votes   372 views  
Saul Ornstein: [reading a newspaper:] Yuval Reissman died; that's too bad. Jerry: [tsk-ing:] You always go straight ...
by Straight-Jacket
0 votes   372 views  
Narrator: There is a secret test hidden within the SAT. This test does not measure a ...
by D.E.B.S.
0 votes   372 views  
Secondhand Lions
Adult Walter: [reading his uncles' will] The kid gets it all. Just plant us in the ...
by Secondhand Lions
0 votes   372 views  
Snow Dogs
George: [reading will] "And to Thunder Jack, I leave my outhouse and all its contents."
by Snow Dogs
0 votes   372 views  
Final Destination
Tod Waggner: We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say ...
by Final Destination
0 votes   372 views  
Minority Report
[the readings Agatha is giving run quickly on a makeshift screen] John Anderton: It's too fast. ...
by Minority Report
0 votes   372 views  
SLC Punk!
[handing Stevo a bag of weed] Mark: Here you go, but be careful, that stuff'll make ...
by SLC Punk!
0 votes   372 views  
Liar Liar
Judge Stevens: Afternoon, Counselors. Are we ready to begin? Fletcher: No, sir! We are NOT ready to ...
by Liar Liar
0 votes   372 views  
[his last lines] Andrew Beckett: Miguel, I'm ready.
by Philadelphia
0 votes   372 views  
The Key Party
Craig: I mean... I just can't believe there's not a band called 'Black Dragon' yet; there ...
by The Key Party
0 votes   372 views  
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Riley Poole: [while trying to convince them of a conspiracy theory] Ben, if it were you ...
by National Treasure: Book Of Secrets
0 votes   372 views  
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time
[explaning why he can't wait for Latin class] Ron: Are you kidding? I can't wait for ...
by Kim Possible: A Sitch In Time
0 votes   371 views  
Big Fish
[Amos returns from the woods after being a wolf for a night] Amos Calloway: Didn't kill ...
by Big Fish
0 votes   371 views  
Rusty Zimmerman: [opens door] Oh let me guesss, a johovas witness? Walt Koontz: I was wondering, uh ...
by Flawless
0 votes   371 views  
Fa Zhou: I am ready to serve the emperor. Mulan: Father! You can't go! Fa Zhou: Mulan! Mulan: Please, ...
by Mulan
0 votes   371 views  
Shang: Let me see your conscription notice. [Reads it] Shang: Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou? Chi Fu: I ...
by Mulan
0 votes   371 views  
Love! Valour! Compassion!
Arthur: What room are you in? Buzz: The little horror under the eaves. I call it "The ...
by Love! Valour! Compassion!
0 votes   371 views  
Hamlet: If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it ...
by Hamlet
0 votes   371 views  
Executive Decision
[One of the Navy planes tilts so its missiles are visible] 747 Captain: Jesus Christ. What ...
by Executive Decision
0 votes   371 views  
Party Girl
Derrick: Have you seen Karl? Mary: Ugh! He came already, he's not coming back.
by Party Girl
0 votes   371 views  
Brain Donors
Roland T. Flakfizer: Miss, these seats are dreadful. They're facing the stage.
by Brain Donors
0 votes   371 views  
Regarding Henry
Henry: I can read.
by Regarding Henry
0 votes   371 views  
Jackass Number Two
Dimitry Elyashkevich: [Johnny Knoxville is ready to be launced on the rocket] 5... 4... 3... 2... ...
by Jackass Number Two
0 votes   371 views  
Spiritual Warriors
Roger: You have surrender the idea of winning. Christopher Finn: I'm not ready.
by Spiritual Warriors
0 votes   371 views  
Skinner: [to Linguini] Do you know what would happen if anyone knew we had a rat ...
by Ratatouille
0 votes   370 views  
The Rundown
Hatcher: You're dead already. You just don't know it.
by The Rundown
0 votes   370 views  
Snow Dogs
George: [reading will] "First, to Peter Yellowbear, my neighbor and fellow snow golfer, I leave my ...
by Snow Dogs
0 votes   370 views  
John Preston: You're an offender! Reading Room Proprietor: I'm not! John Preston: No? Then why are you so ...
by Equilibrium
0 votes   370 views  
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