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Ty Cobb: I had to fight all my life to survive. They were all against me, ...
by Cobb
0 votes   427 views  

The Supermarket
Jenkins: This is the most serious thing to happen to our town ever and we're acting ...
by The Supermarket
0 votes   427 views  
Blue Collar Comedy Tour: One for the Road
Larry The Cable Guy: One night, I was looking at the stars through my telescope because ...
by Blue Collar Comedy Tour: One For The Road
0 votes   427 views  
Preston Bailey
The folks that we work for have seen it all, so you have to start ...
by Preston Bailey
0 votes   426 views  
Ken Bruce
When I first started building these six years ago, nobody knew what they were. Now ...
by Ken Bruce
0 votes   426 views  
George Weiss
There is tremendous market opportunity in the Linux server industry for startups who can fill ...
by George Weiss
0 votes   426 views  
Christopher George
The first time I met John Wayne, I addressed him as Mr. Wayne. The name ...
by Christopher George
0 votes   426 views  
Chris Harrison
The last two years they`ve made great improvements and have had a great work ethic. ...
by Chris Harrison
0 votes   426 views  
Andrea Smith
When I started at Hurricane, there was already a shortstop there. So, I played third.
by Andrea Smith
0 votes   426 views  
Before Sunset
Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the ...
by Before Sunset
0 votes   426 views  
The Notebook
Noah: Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, ...
by The Notebook
0 votes   426 views  
Grunt: I'm glad that food nipple is waiting for me on the starship cause man, have ...
by Halo
0 votes   426 views  
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
Ranger Brad: Lissen. I don't wanna frighten you folks but a farmer nearby was horribly mutilated, ...
by The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra
0 votes   426 views  
Mean Machine
Danny Meehan: Oh right lads, you wanna be nothing, prisoners... numbers... that's fine But you win ...
by Mean Machine
0 votes   426 views  
The Dig
[the rodent steals the machine part again, causing the door to shut, locking Boston inside ...
by The Dig
0 votes   426 views  
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
Tyrell: See anybody out there? How about Freddy or Jason or somebody? [Karla stares at him, ...
by I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
0 votes   426 views  
Saving Private Ryan
Private Reiben: You want to explain the math of this to me? I mean, where's the ...
by Saving Private Ryan
0 votes   426 views  
Good Burger
Deedee: Ed! There must be 50 customers out there! It's unbelievable! What do you put in ...
by Good Burger
0 votes   426 views  
George of the Jungle
[Lyle, Max, Thor, Kwame and his comrades are taking a walk on a trail] Lyle: Gosh, ...
by George Of The Jungle
0 votes   426 views  
The English Patient
Katharine Clifton: This - what is this? Almásy: It's a folk song. Katharine Clifton: Arabic. Almásy: No, no. It's ...
by The English Patient
0 votes   426 views  
Madelyne Thompson: [singing] Start spreading the news/I'm leaving tonight/I've had it up to here with all ...
by Daylight
0 votes   426 views  
The Beverly Hillbillies
Aunt Pearl: You folks oughta move yourselves to a place like... Beverly Hills, Californy. Jethro: They got ...
by The Beverly Hillbillies
0 votes   426 views  
A Perfect Getaway
Nick: [handing her the ring] This is for you. Gina: Holy crap. Gina: Did you get it from ...
by A Perfect Getaway
0 votes   426 views  
Eastern Promises
Anna: My uncle has gone missing, since I told you about him translating the diary. Nikolai ...
by Eastern Promises
0 votes   426 views  
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Cristina: If you don't start undressing me soon this is going to turn into a panel ...
by Vicky Cristina Barcelona
0 votes   426 views  
Mullet Fingers: You've got to start thinking like an outlaw!
by Hoot
0 votes   426 views  
Patty Schnyder
When I`m ready, I would like to start serving. I know she does it and ...
by Patty Schnyder
0 votes   425 views  
Kellie Martin
I wouldn`t want to be a superstar, like Julia Roberts or Madonna, and be on ...
by Kellie Martin
0 votes   425 views  
Anthony Henry
People are starting to see that earnings aren`t as bad as they initially thought. It`s ...
by Anthony Henry
0 votes   425 views  
Without a Paddle
Dan Mott: [the three boys are wearing only their boxers at night, after losing their clothes] ...
by Without A Paddle
0 votes   425 views  
Open Range
Boss Spearman: I believe you have a friend of ours in your jail. His name's Mose ...
by Open Range
0 votes   425 views  
Big Fat Liar
Jason Sheperd: As much as I wanted to write my paper, I mean I really really ...
by Big Fat Liar
0 votes   425 views  
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Customer at Quick Stop: Are you even supposed to be here today? Dante Hicks: Don't get me ...
by Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
0 votes   425 views  
Treasure Planet
[Doppler wants to start eating his meal, but notices a frog-like girl staring at him] ...
by Treasure Planet
0 votes   425 views  
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
[laser fire surrounds Naboo Starfighter. R2D2 beeps] Anakin: I know we're in trouble, just hang on!
by Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
0 votes   425 views  
Muppet Treasure Island
Captain Abraham Smollett: Bejamina, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. Benjamina Gunn: Sorry? No, ...
by Muppet Treasure Island
0 votes   425 views  
Tony Two Toes: There they are. Commie bastards! Mikey: They're not communists any more, Tony. They're a ...
by Eraser
0 votes   425 views  
The Shawshank Redemption
Red: [narrating] The following April Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank. Year ...
by The Shawshank Redemption
0 votes   425 views  
The Power of One
Sgt. Botha: You ruin the country, you bastard. You and that Marais bitch!
by The Power Of One
0 votes   425 views  
Martha Plimpton
I realized as I got older that I could choose to be an actor to ...
by Martha Plimpton
0 votes   424 views  
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