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Hatching Pete
Pete Ivey: [at a game, dressed as the chicken. He stares at Angela while she's cheerleading] ...
by Hatching Pete
1 votes   419 views  

National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Ben Gates: Before the Civil War, the states were all separate. People used to say "United ...
by National Treasure: Book Of Secrets
0 votes   419 views  
Punisher: War Zone
[after getting out of his car, Billy bends down and checks his hair in the ...
by Punisher: War Zone
0 votes   419 views  
Nicole Vaidisova
Sure, I have a little confidence after winning two titles, but everything is new here. ...
by Nicole Vaidisova
0 votes   418 views  
George Michael
Parkinson (1971) is still the only interview on British TV that means anything. Perhaps that ...
by George Michael
0 votes   418 views  
Cowboy Troy
People laugh about that old joke where country music songs are about getting your truck ...
by Cowboy Troy
0 votes   418 views  
Aidan Gillen
On his role as Carcetti in _The Wire (2002)_: We follow Carcetti`s journey as a ...
by Aidan Gillen
0 votes   418 views  
Factory Girl
Andy Warhol: I think I'll quit my painting and, just make Edie a big star.
by Factory Girl
0 votes   418 views  
The Pacifier
[when Lulu's tracker alarm beeps, Shane runs to her classroom, opens the door, and rolls ...
by The Pacifier
0 votes   418 views  
Little Men
Barbara: Look at all the things he did to us. We need to give him a ...
by Little Men
0 votes   418 views  
Inara Serra: You came to the Training House looking for a fight. Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I came ...
by Serenity
0 votes   418 views  
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
SpongeBob SquarePants: Sorry to rain on your parade, Plankton. Plankton: Oh, don't worry about me. My parade ...
by The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
0 votes   418 views  
Vincent: Eat your scone. Stu 'Stuey' Ungar: Looks like a muffin. Vincent: It's a scone. It's from Europe. ...
by Stuey
0 votes   418 views  
The Whole Ten Yards
Nicholas 'Oz' Oseransky: Call Mrs. Himelfarb, remind her to floss... cancel my appointments for the rest ...
by The Whole Ten Yards
0 votes   418 views  
The Royal Tenenbaums
Eli: You never even gave me the time of day till I started getting good reviews. ...
by The Royal Tenenbaums
0 votes   418 views  
The Talented Mr. Ripley
[first lines] Tom Ripley: If I could just go back... if I could rub everything out... ...
by The Talented Mr. Ripley
0 votes   418 views  
Romeo + Juliet
Father Laurence: Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene. ...
by Romeo + Juliet
0 votes   418 views  
Empire Records
Joe: Gina, you'd better go home. Gina: Am I fired? Joe: Have I fired anyone today? No. Why ...
by Empire Records
0 votes   418 views  
Max Klein: Did you hear that? Jeff Gordon: Max, this is a very important meeting. I need ...
by Fearless
0 votes   418 views  
Hospital patient: No use in knocking that door. Doc say he in a gang war. Bastards ...
by Gladiator
0 votes   418 views  
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
John Connor: [holds up robot arm] Will this melt in the lava? The Terminator: Yes, Throw it ...
by Terminator 2: Judgment Day
0 votes   418 views  
Julie Delpy
Too many women throw themselves into romance because they`re afraid of being single, then start ...
by Julie Delpy
0 votes   417 views  
John Ellis
You could tell they had done a good day`s work, ... I almost started crying. ...
by John Ellis
0 votes   417 views  
Jim Lovell
We hadn`t seen any rats or evidence of rats until the school district started the ...
by Jim Lovell
0 votes   417 views  
Greg Brown
We have to turn it around quickly because it will be real hard to get ...
by Greg Brown
0 votes   417 views  
Gates Mcfadden
On auditioning for Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987): I walked in and was told ...
by Gates Mcfadden
0 votes   417 views  
Elbert Hubbard
Never get married in college; it`s hard to get a start if a prospective employer ...
by Elbert Hubbard
0 votes   417 views  
Alan Jackson
My mother kept asking me, `When are you going to do a gospel album?` And ...
by Alan Jackson
0 votes   417 views  
King Kong
Carl Denham: [filming the dinosaurs] Walk forward, Bruce. Bruce Baxter: What? Carl Denham: You're the star of this ...
by King Kong
0 votes   417 views  
The Guru
Ramu Gupta: [Upon seeing the apartment] You're a real bastard, you know that?
by The Guru
0 votes   417 views  
Death to Smoochy
Sheldon: Now I'm not pointing any fingers, Lord knows you start pointing fingers and someone's gonna ...
by Death To Smoochy
0 votes   417 views  
Sweet Home Alabama
Jake: [not recognizing Melanie in her sunglasses] Can I help you? Melanie Carmichael: Well, for starters, you ...
by Sweet Home Alabama
0 votes   417 views  
The Cell
Carl Stargher: Why are you here... don't lie. Catharine Deane: I came to help you. Carl Stargher: Bitch, ...
by The Cell
0 votes   417 views  
Mystery Men
The Shoveller: If we had a billionaire like Lance Hunt as our benefactor... Mr. Furious: That's because ...
by Mystery Men
0 votes   417 views  
Lone Star
Mayor Hollis Pogue: Back in the 1960's, a reporter from a national magazine went to the ...
by Lone Star
0 votes   417 views  
From Dusk Till Dawn
Old Timer: God damn you, God damn you... what the hell you want? Seth: What do you ...
by From Dusk Till Dawn
0 votes   417 views  
French Kiss
Luc: Meanwhile, his lover... Kate: Don't ever use that word again. Luc: All right, this bastard woman...
by French Kiss
0 votes   417 views  
The Cure
Erik: One time there was this kid, and he went swimming after eating, and he got ...
by The Cure
0 votes   417 views  
Apollo 13
Jim Lovell: Gentlemen, what are your intentions? [Jack Swigert and Fred Haise turn around and stare ...
by Apollo 13
0 votes   417 views  
The Phantom of the Opera
Erik The Phantom of the Opera: [hearing Carlotta singing for the first time] My God... this ...
by The Phantom Of The Opera
0 votes   417 views  
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