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What Lies Beneath
Claire Spencer: I think she's startin' to suspect something. Norman: Who? Claire Spencer: [face morphs into the ghost] ...
by What Lies Beneath
0 votes   364 views  

Zero Effect
Daryl Zero: Gregory Stark is the son of a fat man.
by Zero Effect
0 votes   364 views  
Tony Gardella: Tom Dale. *Big* star. He's in New York filming an adaptation of a sequel ...
by Celebrity
0 votes   364 views  
Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire: I started talking to Dennis Wilburn about your re-negotiation this morning. Rod Tidwell: Talking. Jerry ...
by Jerry Maguire
0 votes   364 views  
Death at a Funeral
Simon: [the coffin starts moving] I knew it!
by Death At A Funeral
0 votes   364 views  
Zeebad: Dispose of the prisoner! Soldier Sam: Cant't do that sir, Geneva Convention. Zeebad: I don't care if ...
by Doogal
0 votes   364 views  
Chapter 27
Mark David Chapman: [Staring at himself in the mirror] I *am* Holden.
by Chapter 27
0 votes   364 views  
Cecil Fielder
I would probably say he might have a couple of big-league All-Star Games under his ...
by Cecil Fielder
0 votes   363 views  
How to Deal
Macon: You're gonna let this slide, because it's only the first day , it was an ...
by How To Deal
0 votes   363 views  
Varsity Blues
Billy Bob: [staring at Miss Davis's breasts] Miss Davis, would you go to the prom with ...
by Varsity Blues
0 votes   363 views  
The Crow: Salvation
Stan Robbers: [a baby starts to cry] Can you turn that baby down?
by The Crow: Salvation
0 votes   363 views  
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
[McClane and Zeus break into a car] John McClane: You know how to hot-wire this thing? ...
by Die Hard: With A Vengeance
0 votes   363 views  
The Program
Darnell Jefferson: Yo, motherfucker! You missed that block on purpose! Ray Griffen: Hey, *you're* the one who ...
by The Program
0 votes   363 views  
Dennis the Menace
[in bed at night] Mrs. Martha Wilson: George, are you sleeping? George Wilson: I was until you ...
by Dennis The Menace
0 votes   363 views  
[Sennett is explaining the film industry to Chaplin as Rollie edits a film] Mack Sennett: Now ...
by Chaplin
0 votes   363 views  
Victor: [to Guy:] Sir, if I may: Mr. Foster is a man of much higher caliber ...
by Straight-Jacket
0 votes   362 views  
Coyote Ugly
Violet: Okay, I've never had anyone stare at my ass for half an hour, so I'm ...
by Coyote Ugly
0 votes   362 views  
Mary Magdalene: Were you a good carpenter? Jesus: It's a good thing I started preaching.
by Jesus
0 votes   362 views  
Super Mario Bros.
Mario: If you 2 don't start talkin' we're gonna leave ya to these guys... for lunch. ...
by Super Mario Bros.
0 votes   362 views  
Romulus: [Throwing someone out of a high rise window] It's going to start raining hostages
by Shadowchaser
0 votes   362 views  
King Ralph
[reciting some rules of etiquette to Ralph on videotape] Phipps: When in public, a royal personage ...
by King Ralph
0 votes   362 views  
The Red Face of Fury
[last lines] Chen Sen Feng: You'll never change, you old smelly bastard.
by The Red Face Of Fury
0 votes   362 views  
Jackass Number Two
Dimitry Elyashkevich: [terrible Middle East accent] Father, hello, Father. Ehren McGhehey: [outraged] You shut up, I told ...
by Jackass Number Two
0 votes   362 views  
Mike Hall
The kids are making plays. They`re starting to buy into the system.
by Mike Hall
0 votes   361 views  
Frank Gifford
We started out as boss and player, and Wellington was almost like my father.
by Frank Gifford
0 votes   361 views  
Bob Mackie
We have a lot of important brocades and bouclés and hand-painted chiffons. ...Things that are ...
by Bob Mackie
0 votes   361 views  
Best in Show
Meg Swan: We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks but we saw each other ...
by Best In Show
0 votes   361 views  
Nine Months
Samuel Faulkner: Think, you Commie bastard! Dr. Kosevich: Shut up, you limey prick!
by Nine Months
0 votes   361 views  
Above the Rim
Rollins: Born with all the gifts, but you just gave up. Oh yeah, I'd say you ...
by Above The Rim
0 votes   361 views  
Saw V
Mark Hoffman: What floor are you going to? [starts to draw his gun from his jacket] ...
by Saw V
0 votes   361 views  
Steven Johnson: [sees an random African in the airport] What up, my brother? Steven Johnson: [guy stares ...
by Primeval
0 votes   361 views  
Kane: They started this fire. They can burn in it!
by Doomsday
0 votes   361 views  
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
Carla Dunkirk: You were staring at her butt. Hannah Lewis: [smiling; flattered] He was? Matt Saunders: No I ...
by My Super Ex-Girlfriend
0 votes   361 views  
Barbara Lindsay
When we started this, we were true amateurs.
by Barbara Lindsay
0 votes   360 views  
Over the Hedge
Bucky: [while driving the van, the others are arguing] Hey, no fighting while we're driving! Spike: We ...
by Over The Hedge
0 votes   360 views  
Jackass: The Movie
Johnny Knoxville: You little bastard!
by Jackass: The Movie
0 votes   360 views  
Blood Work
Terry McCaleb: Where you're going? Buddy Noone: We're going to lean on him, right? You go after ...
by Blood Work
0 votes   360 views  
Born to Be Wild
[Rick hands Katie a can of Coke. She starts to shake it] Rick Heller: [annoyed; signing ...
by Born To Be Wild
0 votes   360 views  
Vincent Hanna: You know, we are sitting here, you and I, like a couple of regular ...
by Heat
0 votes   360 views  
The Baby-Sitters Club
Kristy Thomas: When can you start? Alan Gray: Yesterday. Kristy Thomas: You've got a deal. Dawn Schafer: Kristy! He's ...
by The Baby-Sitters Club
0 votes   360 views  
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