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Mystery Men
Mr. Furious: [as the Blue Raja and the Shoveller walk away] Well here I thought I ...
by Mystery Men
0 votes   427 views  

The Green Mile
[after Wild Bill causes havoc and nearly kills Dean] Harry Terwilliger: We thought he was doped. ...
by The Green Mile
0 votes   427 views  
Flirting with Disaster
Mr. Coplin: Why is everyone getting worked up all of the sudden? I thought we were ...
by Flirting With Disaster
0 votes   427 views  
Legends of the Fall
One Stab: I thought Tristan would never live to be an old man. I was wrong ...
by Legends Of The Fall
-1 votes   427 views  
Danny Devito
What you do with it and things like that, but I basically chose this after ...
by Danny Devito
0 votes   426 views  
Before Sunset
Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the ...
by Before Sunset
0 votes   426 views  
Ryan: So I know bullfighting is part of your culture and everything but have you ever ...
by Americano
0 votes   426 views  
The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
Ranger Brad: Lissen. I don't wanna frighten you folks but a farmer nearby was horribly mutilated, ...
by The Lost Skeleton Of Cadavra
0 votes   426 views  
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Ben: Look, look, look, wait a minute. The one night we even thought about having sex, ...
by How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
0 votes   426 views  
Enemy at the Gates
Vassili: On the train... coming here... we were in the same car. Tania: No... Vassili: I saw you. ...
by Enemy At The Gates
0 votes   426 views  
Addison Sinclair: You have a modest humor, Gideon. I appreciate that. So many men today are ...
by Gideon
0 votes   426 views  
Far and Away
[Joe Donnelly dies] Danty Duff: God bless your soul... poor Joe Donnelly... [everyone is quiet, they ...
by Far And Away
0 votes   426 views  
Michael Ealy
Teaching. When I was in college I was an English major and my last year ...
by Michael Ealy
0 votes   425 views  
Chris Pratt
We`ve pretty much gotten used to the response of, Eww, that`s weird. That`s creepy. The ...
by Chris Pratt
0 votes   425 views  
Anthony Henry
People are starting to see that earnings aren`t as bad as they initially thought. It`s ...
by Anthony Henry
0 votes   425 views  
College girl: My friend Tina, she thought you were dead. Ian Ziering: Oh, really? Well, tell your ...
by Domino
0 votes   425 views  
Tugger: She just sprung it on me, just... [pauses, flips lighter open and closed] Tugger: It's a ...
by Brick
0 votes   425 views  
Kissing Jessica Stein
Dan Stein: You know, I've been hearing about "the one" for I don't know, like 20 ...
by Kissing Jessica Stein
0 votes   425 views  
Queen of the Damned
Lestat: Akasha! Akasha: Why so surprised, my love? You've called, I've come. Lestat: My love? Akasha: Never fear me, ...
by Queen Of The Damned
0 votes   425 views  
Forever Fabulous
Corinne Daly: Because she was born in Paris, Texas, Loreli chose French as her second language. ...
by Forever Fabulous
0 votes   425 views  
The American President
[after President Shepherd's speech] Leon Kodak: Well, you don't see that every day of the week. ...
by The American President
0 votes   425 views  
The Hamiltons
Francis Hamilton: We live with a disease. Mom used to say it was the one thing ...
by The Hamiltons
0 votes   425 views  
Melinda Messenger
I just automatically picked up my bags and walked out. Suddenly I realized something was ...
by Melinda Messenger
0 votes   424 views  
Chris Daughtry
Maybe some people thought I was `safe` so they didn`t really bothered to vote for ...
by Chris Daughtry
0 votes   424 views  
Blake Mitchell
We played hard, we played tough. We had our chances. I thought I did some ...
by Blake Mitchell
0 votes   424 views  
Husbands and Wives
[On finding out that her husband, with whom she separated recently, had been cheating on ...
by Husbands And Wives
0 votes   424 views  
IKE: A Documentary
Mamie Aoughsten: Ike was a tale, a tale of my land. Of my people's island. A ...
by IKE: A Documentary
0 votes   424 views  
Michelle Pfeiffer
[On playing her part of Claire Spencer in What Lies Beneath (2000)] I thought about ...
by Michelle Pfeiffer
0 votes   423 views  
Amy Miller
We felt like our legislature was ready to make the changes that are necessary to ...
by Amy Miller
0 votes   423 views  
The Weather Man
Noreen: [reading Dave's note about her from their group session] "Throughout marriage, BJs lacked enthusiasm. Had ...
by The Weather Man
0 votes   423 views  
Monty's Mom: So I called your house today, at two. You were still asleep, weren't you? ...
by Waiting...
0 votes   423 views  
A Life Less Ordinary
Celine: Despite your crummy poem, I came to see you and all you could do was ...
by A Life Less Ordinary
0 votes   423 views  
Evil Ambitions
[discovering that Julie, the woman his cult intended to sacrifice, isn't a virgin after all] ...
by Evil Ambitions
0 votes   423 views  
That Night
Alice Bloom: I thought if either of my parents died, I'd die too, that if they ...
by That Night
0 votes   423 views  
Lisa Daniels
You would have thought so, right?! ... You would have thought so! We`re a superpower, ...
by Lisa Daniels
0 votes   422 views  
Dean Seagrave: It's his mother. Louise: Whose mother? Dean Seagrave: Pablo's. Louise: What? The subtle one? I thought she ...
by Testosterone
0 votes   422 views  
Silver City
Chuck Raven: 'Environmental Heritage Initiative'... Chandler Tyson: We thought it sounded better than 'Developers' Bill of Rights.'
by Silver City
0 votes   422 views  
Not Another Teen Movie
Jake: Hey Janey. What's up? Janey: Excuse me? Jake: So listen, you ever wondered what it'd be like ...
by Not Another Teen Movie
0 votes   422 views  
According to Spencer
Melora: [to Craig] I thought I could settle for 70% of a really great guy, but ...
by According To Spencer
0 votes   422 views  
The Royal Tenenbaums
Henry Sherman: I just wanted to apologize for the other day, when I proposed to you. ...
by The Royal Tenenbaums
0 votes   422 views  
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