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RSSTime Total of 3864 famous quotes  

Captain Keyes: [FPV from Jenkins' helmet cam] Right, well let's get this door open. Pvt. Mendoza: I'll ...
by Halo
0 votes   473 views  

Star Trek: Nemesis
[Picard is raising a toast to Riker and Troi] Picard: Will Riker, you have been my ...
by Star Trek: Nemesis
-1 votes   473 views  
Maid in Manhattan
Chris: She's about five-six, dark hair, really beautiful, has a kid named Ty. What the hell ...
by Maid In Manhattan
0 votes   473 views  
Osmosis Jones
[Drix is at the bladder, about to board the next barge out] Osmosis: Drix! Yo, Drix! ...
by Osmosis Jones
0 votes   473 views  
Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby
White Girl: [after White Girl and Cyclona have had sex for the first time] Hey, what's ...
by Freeway II: Confessions Of A Trickbaby
0 votes   473 views  
Final Justice
Merle Hammond: [reading an excerpt from George Saticoy's editorial, at the trial of Damon Benning, George's ...
by Final Justice
0 votes   473 views  
Intolerable Cruelty
Marylin Rexroth: Miles, you'll always be my favorite husband. But no more sentiment, darling. I really ...
by Intolerable Cruelty
0 votes   473 views  
Moby Dick
Starbuck: Time and tide flow wide, sir. Moby-Dick has the whole round watery world to swim ...
by Moby Dick
0 votes   473 views  
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
[Holding a Hockey Stick] Jimmy Howell: Jimmy's been suspended five times this year already for gettin' ...
by Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
0 votes   473 views  
Harry Wormwood: Are you in this family? Matilda: Mmmm... Harry Wormwood: Hello? [short pause] Harry Wormwood: Are you in ...
by Matilda
0 votes   473 views  
The Langoliers
Nick Hopewell: Shut up! [kicking C. Toomey] Laurel Stevenson: Stop it! Don Gaffney: Hey. What'dya hafta do that ...
by The Langoliers
0 votes   473 views  
Xavier March: Let me tell you a story about a clockmaker. He was over a hundred ...
by Fatherland
0 votes   473 views  
Cool Runnings
Irv: All right, Derice. Let me lay out some difficulties for you. Snow: you don't have ...
by Cool Runnings
0 votes   473 views  
Honeymoon in Vegas
Jack Singer: Listen, Mahi, I don't have time for this horse shit.
by Honeymoon In Vegas
0 votes   473 views  
Bad Obsession
Nick: The point is - it's gotta be real. And that's what gets me everytime. I'll ...
by Bad Obsession
0 votes   473 views  
In Bruges
Harry: [about Ray] So he's having a really nice time? Ken: Well, I'm having a really nice ...
by In Bruges
0 votes   473 views  
The Warriors
Chatterbox: HI-HATS! IT'S SHOWTIME! My p-p-poor Warriors, It's been fun for us Hi-Hats! Ajax: Hey, why don't ...
by The Warriors
0 votes   473 views  
The Holiday
Miles: Now let me ask you. Have you seen this? Iris: Chariots of Fire. Loved it. Miles: [doing ...
by The Holiday
0 votes   473 views  
John Berger
Publicity is the life of this culture - in so far as without publicity capitalism ...
by John Berger
0 votes   472 views  
Dave Foley
Nothing really happens fast. Everything happens at such a rate that by the time it ...
by Dave Foley
0 votes   472 views  
Courtney Brown
My sister (Kendra, a sophomore point guard) is the fastest girl on the team. Every ...
by Courtney Brown
0 votes   472 views  
Everything Is Illuminated
Alex: I have reflected many times upon our rigid search. It has shown me that everything ...
by Everything Is Illuminated
0 votes   472 views  
Head Agent: No, you don't understand. You've got it all wrong, Mr. Jones. Adam Jones: What do ...
by EMR
0 votes   472 views  
The Weather Man
Dave Spritz: Man, I'd like to put my face in there. Right in there. Tartar sauce. ...
by The Weather Man
0 votes   472 views  
The Final Cut
Delila: What is it? Alan Hakman: Some implants have defect. They can't see the difference between what ...
by The Final Cut
0 votes   472 views  
Matron Mama Morton: Sometimes you get a little success, and it's good riddance to who put ...
by Chicago
0 votes   472 views  
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Gilderoy Lockhart: Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun. Harry: ...Spooky...
by Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
0 votes   472 views  
Shallow Hal
Tony Robbins: You got a pattern of judging women by their exterior, we can't talk about ...
by Shallow Hal
0 votes   472 views  
Out Cold
Stumpy: Did I ever tell you about the time I invented snowboarding? Ya I don't want ...
by Out Cold
0 votes   472 views  
Big Trouble
Annoyed Sports Radio Host: I'm looking for one brave Gators fan to call, just one. Oh ...
by Big Trouble
0 votes   472 views  
Big Trouble
Alan Seitz: What makes you think this is the first time? Pat Greer: Never mind which time ...
by Big Trouble
0 votes   472 views  
Waking Life
Man on the Train: Hey, are you a dreamer? Wiley: Yeah. Man on the Train: I haven't seen ...
by Waking Life
0 votes   472 views  
Keeping the Faith
Anna Riley: Rachel Rose. Yeah. When's that going down? Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: Thursday. Father Brian Kilkenney ...
by Keeping The Faith
0 votes   472 views  
The Sixth Sense
[last lines] Malcolm Crowe: [after realizing the time has come for him to move on] I ...
by The Sixth Sense
0 votes   472 views  
Dirt Merchant
[after Dirt Merchant joins Holly So Tightly per her request in centering himself via meditation] ...
by Dirt Merchant
0 votes   472 views  
Never Been Kissed
Josie Geller: Let me tell you something, I don't care about being your stupid prom queen. ...
by Never Been Kissed
0 votes   472 views  
An Ideal Husband
Lord Caversham: What are you doing here, sir? Wasting your time, as usual? Lord Arthur Goring: My ...
by An Ideal Husband
0 votes   472 views  
Lethal Weapon 4
Dr. Stephanie Woods: My time is reserved for police officers with REAL problems and REAL needs. ...
by Lethal Weapon 4
0 votes   472 views  
The Truman Show
Truman: I figure we can scrape together $8,000... Meryl: Every time you and Marlon get together... Truman: We ...
by The Truman Show
0 votes   472 views  
Meet Joe Black
William Parrish: I thought I was going to sneak away tonight. What a glorious night. Every ...
by Meet Joe Black
0 votes   472 views  
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