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RSSTime Total of 3864 famous quotes  

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
Barry Simms: OK, next caller. We have Duanne on the line. What's on your feeble excuse ...
by Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers
0 votes   461 views  

Before Sunrise
Jesse: Would you be in Paris by now, if you hadn't gotten off the train with ...
by Before Sunrise
0 votes   461 views  
The Next Karate Kid
[Dugan is upset that no one else is willing to fight Julie] Sergeant Kesuke Miyagi: Enough! ...
by The Next Karate Kid
0 votes   461 views  
Made of Honor
Dennis: I can feel my sperm dying inside of me, one at a time.
by Made Of Honor
0 votes   461 views  
AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to George Lucas
Carrie Fisher: [about George Lucas owning each member of the "Star Wars" cast's likeness] Every time ...
by AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute To George Lucas
0 votes   461 views  
The Hunting Party
Benjamin: [after the waiter's warning] What the fuck was that about? Simon: A warning. Benjamin: Yeah? It seemed ...
by The Hunting Party
0 votes   461 views  
Masiela Lusha
It is wonderful to sense an overall community making up The Tolucan Times. As an ...
by Masiela Lusha
0 votes   460 views  
Logan Lerman
I`d much rather play sports with my free time. I also like watching classic movies ...
by Logan Lerman
0 votes   460 views  
Find Me Guilty
Giacomo 'Fat Jack' DiNorscio: for me it's easy, i still got a long time on my ...
by Find Me Guilty
0 votes   460 views  
Henry Chinaski: Amazing how grimly we hold on to our misery, the energy we burn fueling ...
by Factotum
0 votes   460 views  
Red Cockroaches
Lily Zarrasky: And now I've realized the world is even more... Dumb. Isn't that funny? Evolution ...
by Red Cockroaches
0 votes   460 views  
Capt. George Cummings: [as Purcell turns around in shock over getting a fourth wingman in the ...
by Stealth
0 votes   460 views  
Johnson Family Vacation
Glorietta Johnson: We gon' let Mack and Nate pray, uh see which one of 'em was ...
by Johnson Family Vacation
0 votes   460 views  
Ball in the House
JJ: Every summer when school let out, we had this Sandlot game of baseball. It was ...
by Ball In The House
0 votes   460 views  
The Insider
Lawyer: The unlimited checkbook. That's how Big Tobacco wins every time on everything, they spend you ...
by The Insider
0 votes   460 views  
Scream 3
Jennifer: Gale Weathers! Gale: [says quietly] Shit. Jennifer: I know we've never met... and I know you never ...
by Scream 3
0 votes   460 views  
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Captain Tarpals: Hey, you-sa! Stop-pa dere! Jar-Jar Binks: Hey yo, Daddy, Captain Tarpals. Mesa back. Captain Tarpals: No-ah ...
by Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
0 votes   460 views  
The Wedding Singer
Julia: May I ask what happened with Linda? Robbie: She wasn't the right one, I guess. Julia: Did ...
by The Wedding Singer
0 votes   460 views  
Hope Floats
Bill Pruitt: [Bill is leaving the Calvert house, Bernice is following him with her bag... he ...
by Hope Floats
0 votes   460 views  
Grosse Pointe Blank
Marcella: Sir, I'm really beginning to worry about your safety. Marty: Look, I got to go. Marcella: Yeah, ...
by Grosse Pointe Blank
0 votes   460 views  
Jerry Maguire
Avery Bishop: There is no real loyalty, and the first person who taught me that was ...
by Jerry Maguire
0 votes   460 views  
Super Mario Bros.
King Koopa: [bathing in mud] Do you know what I love about mud? It's clean and ...
by Super Mario Bros.
0 votes   460 views  
Jafar: I think it's time to say goodbye to Prince A-boo-boo.
by Aladdin
0 votes   460 views  
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze
April O'Neil: And they said if you don't mean them at the construction site tonight... Donatello: What? ...
by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret Of The Ooze
0 votes   460 views  
Frankie and Johnny
Frankie: Why do you want to kill yourself sometimes? Johnny: I want to kill myself sometimes when ...
by Frankie And Johnny
0 votes   460 views  
Boyz n the Hood
Tre Styles: I get a discount on clothes, and shit. You like? Doughboy: Nigga, you look like ...
by Boyz N The Hood
0 votes   460 views  
Gran Torino
Barber Martin: There. You finally look like a human being again. You shouldn't wait so long ...
by Gran Torino
0 votes   460 views  
The Spirit
The Spirit: I've known some pretty strange women in my time but this one, she's got ...
by The Spirit
0 votes   460 views  
The Last Sentinel
[first lines] Angel - Tallis' Rifle: 'It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded ...
by The Last Sentinel
0 votes   460 views  
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
[Edmund walks in after helping Peter out of a fight] Edmund Pevensie: You're welcome. Peter Pevensie: [Peter ...
by The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian
0 votes   460 views  
There Will Be Blood
Plainview: Now, Mr. Bankside, I'm not going to waste your time, and I'd certainly appreciate it ...
by There Will Be Blood
0 votes   460 views  
Mary Lee
We see people who are buying a second home selling the first most of the ...
by Mary Lee
0 votes   459 views  
Linda Thompson
We`re thinking that it`s a very good showing for my first time out. We had ...
by Linda Thompson
0 votes   459 views  
Hugh Masekela
South Africa at the time was becoming more and more unlivable both socially and politically. ...
by Hugh Masekela
0 votes   459 views  
Doug Jones
Do not be afraid, ever, of approaching the talent you want in your film. Because ...
by Doug Jones
0 votes   459 views  
Darren Sharper
The toughest thing about being a defensive back in the NFL is you do your ...
by Darren Sharper
0 votes   459 views  
Charlie Hofheimer
On Fathers` Day: This is the first time I`ve ever been in California, and working ...
by Charlie Hofheimer
0 votes   459 views  
Colleen Mccullough
They should all have their own speech patterns with their own tics and little foibles. ...
by Colleen Mccullough
0 votes   459 views  
Chantal Kreviazuk
When I was 21, I got into a motorcycle accident while traveling in Europe and ...
by Chantal Kreviazuk
0 votes   459 views  
The Lake House
Simon Wyler: Where's your brother? Alex: I sent him away. He wasn't feeling well. You know how ...
by The Lake House
0 votes   459 views  
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