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RSSTime Total of 3864 famous quotes  

Christopher Knight
Would I want my kids to watch the show, or to have watched it if ...
by Christopher Knight
0 votes   456 views  

Brion James
[in August 1999, when asked to what he attributes his success] Hard work. You gotta ...
by Brion James
0 votes   456 views  
Ben Hecht
Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like ...
by Ben Hecht
0 votes   456 views  
Barbara Bouchet
I prefer working and living here. It`s a more humane environment than Hollywood. I like ...
by Barbara Bouchet
0 votes   456 views  
Andrew Natsios
We`re comic. We`re all comics. We live in a comic time. And the worse it ...
by Andrew Natsios
0 votes   456 views  
Failure to Launch
Paula: I had a nice time. Tripp: I did, too. Paula: Good. Tripp: I had fun. Paula: Good. Kit: [screaming at ...
by Failure To Launch
0 votes   456 views  
The Dust Factory
Ryan Flynn: How long have you been here? Melanie Lewis: A while, I guess. Time is kinda ...
by The Dust Factory
0 votes   456 views  
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Bridget Jones: [Bridget is on the phone talking to Mark's answering machine while he waits outside ...
by Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason
0 votes   456 views  
Finding Neverland
J.M. Barrie: Listen, what would you think of loaning Emma out to the Davies' for the ...
by Finding Neverland
0 votes   456 views  
Punch-Drunk Love
Barry: [out of breath to his love Lena] Lena. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I ...
by Punch-Drunk Love
0 votes   456 views  
Erin Brockovich
Ed Masry: [after a meeting with a PG&E representative] Didn't you hear? They have $28 billion ...
by Erin Brockovich
0 votes   456 views  
[stranded on an island, Joe is making smoke signals to attract planes] Donna De Angelo: So ...
by Limbo
0 votes   456 views  
Waking the Dead
Fielding Pierce: I risk throwing away everything that I've worked for. This way eventually, I can ...
by Waking The Dead
0 votes   456 views  
An Ideal Husband
Lord Caversham: Now, if you don't make her an ideal husband, I'll cut you off with ...
by An Ideal Husband
0 votes   456 views  
Lethal Weapon 4
[Looking at a corpse] Butters: Ah, shit. He's dead, man. He's fuckin' dead, man. Yeah, this ...
by Lethal Weapon 4
0 votes   456 views  
Safe Men
Veal Chop: By the time I get home, flip on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, I'm looking ...
by Safe Men
0 votes   456 views  
American History X
Danny Vinyard: So I guess this is where I tell you what I learned - my ...
by American History X
0 votes   456 views  
The Horse Whisperer
Tom Booker: There was a boy from the Blackfeet reservation, he used to do some work ...
by The Horse Whisperer
0 votes   456 views  
Star Trek: First Contact
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: It's not too late. Locutus could still be with you. Just in the ...
by Star Trek: First Contact
0 votes   456 views  
Big Night
Primo: Give people time, they will learn. Secondo: This is a restaurant! This is not a fucking ...
by Big Night
0 votes   456 views  
T.S. Quint: Why do palm reading topless? Brodie: It makes the news easier to take. She could ...
by Mallrats
0 votes   456 views  
Second Best
Graham Holt: I cried. Debbie: So I heard. Graham Holt: Isn't it usual to phone before you visit? ...
by Second Best
0 votes   456 views  
Forrest Gump
Jenny Curran: Were you scared in Vietnam? Forrest Gump: Yes. Well, I-I don't know. Sometimes it would ...
by Forrest Gump
0 votes   456 views  
Decision 2006
Michael Southfield: Life has a funny way of throwing little nuggets of wisdom at us. Sometimes ...
by Decision 2006
0 votes   456 views  
Crank: High Voltage
Chinese Doctor 1: [following exchange the two Chinese doctors was in Chinese possibly Mandarin/Cantonese.Subtitles shown] How ...
by Crank: High Voltage
0 votes   456 views  
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
Dewey Cox: Springburry aint big enough for me no more. I reckon it's time for Dewey ...
by Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
0 votes   456 views  
The Half Life of Timofey Berezin
Timofey: [voiceover] Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium. They came from space; found their way here by comet and ...
by The Half Life Of Timofey Berezin
0 votes   456 views  
The Devil Wears Prada
Andy Sachs: Man the desk at all times. Got it.
by The Devil Wears Prada
0 votes   456 views  
The American Ruling Class
Himself - Folksinger: /singing/ Some say that human kind won't long endure. What makes them feel ...
by The American Ruling Class
0 votes   456 views  
Peter Benchley
Writing is sweat and drudgery most of the time. And you have to love it ...
by Peter Benchley
0 votes   455 views  
Keith Powell
Athol Fugard is one of my all-time favorite playwrights. It is an absolute honor that ...
by Keith Powell
0 votes   455 views  
Emily Blunt
(On her childhood) My head was occupied all the time. I was confused about what ...
by Emily Blunt
0 votes   455 views  
Demi Moore
Time is an amazing equalizer. I think if you stay true to yourself and keep ...
by Demi Moore
0 votes   455 views  
Fierce People
Finn Earl: [final statement of the introductory narration] This is my story of my time amongst ...
by Fierce People
0 votes   455 views  
Anton Ego: [Wipes his finger around his plate then licks it, talks to Linguini] I can't ...
by Ratatouille
0 votes   455 views  
The Dust Factory
[seeing the ghost of his dad, who can't say anything] Ryan Flynn: Dad? I wanted to ...
by The Dust Factory
0 votes   455 views  
How to Deal
[Michael is shopping around for a card for Scarlett with the "assistance" of Macon] Macon ...
by How To Deal
0 votes   455 views  
Sorority Boys
Doofer: [while contemplating how to get back the money stolen from the house safe] Though I ...
by Sorority Boys
0 votes   455 views  
American Outlaws
[after Jimmy gets shot] Cole: Bob, get me some bandages. Jesse James: And some whiskey, Bob. Jimmy: Too ...
by American Outlaws
0 votes   455 views  
Diego Delgado: How much time do you have? George: Oh, let's see. Twenty-six months. Diego Delgado: Twenty-six months? ...
by Blow
0 votes   455 views  
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