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RSSTime Total of 3864 famous quotes  

About Adam
[Lucy brings Adam over to meet the family for the first time and Laura watches ...
by About Adam
0 votes   421 views  

Captain Jyanix Bach: Well, what we had here was that these, uh, Jawas had stolen some ...
by Troops
0 votes   421 views  
Mystery Men
[last lines] [to the news reporters] The Shoveller: Excuse me, could I say something? I think ...
by Mystery Men
0 votes   421 views  
L.A. Confidential
Lynn Bracken: There's blood on your jacket. Is that an integral part of your job? Bud ...
by L.A. Confidential
0 votes   421 views  
Julian Po
Julian Po: Everyone's time is short. Yours, too. It's an illusion that we have forever to ...
by Julian Po
0 votes   421 views  
The Ex
Deidre Kenyon: Sometimes you just can't see the things that are really dangerous...
by The Ex
0 votes   421 views  
Kazaam: Who dare to wake me? Ain't gonna mame this a mystery. Don't wanna do time ...
by Kazaam
0 votes   421 views  
Prehysteria! 3
Ella: Now, that's what I call a bloomin' good shot. This is more fun than a ...
by Prehysteria! 3
0 votes   421 views  
Brodie: I call you all time! Rene: "Rene, my mom's asleep. Come over." You call that romantic? ...
by Mallrats
0 votes   421 views  
The Santa Clause
Bernard: The Santa Clause: In putting on this suit and entering the sleigh, the wearer waives ...
by The Santa Clause
0 votes   421 views  
The Doors
Pamela: You actually put your dick in this woman? Jim Morrison: Well... sometimes, yeah.
by The Doors
0 votes   421 views  
Back to the Future Part III
Marty McFly: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You have a brother named Martin McFly? Seamus ...
by Back To The Future Part III
0 votes   421 views  
Aiden Smith: Rise and shine! C'mon... Up! No time for depressed-brain-damaged-sweet-dudes to lay around in bed!
by Bellflower
0 votes   421 views  
Command Performance
Venus: Joe, don't get killed. Joe: You know when this is over I wanna renegotiate my royalty ...
by Command Performance
0 votes   421 views  
The Wrestler
Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: I just want to say to you all tonight I'm very grateful ...
by The Wrestler
0 votes   421 views  
A Mighty Heart
Captain: [after the two men have just watched a man be tortured] Are you okay? Randall ...
by A Mighty Heart
0 votes   421 views  
Death Race
Hennessey: This prison is the home to murderers, rapists, and violent offenders of every kind. The ...
by Death Race
0 votes   421 views  
Greg Page
We couldn`t handle Chelsea in the third quarter. We had a hard time handling the ...
by Greg Page
0 votes   420 views  
Derek Jacobi
It`s as though you have crossed Niagara on a tightrope 250 times and, on the ...
by Derek Jacobi
0 votes   420 views  
Chris Byrd
Three fights in three years, it has been disappointing. Sometimes you get frustrated and just ...
by Chris Byrd
0 votes   420 views  
Branford Marsalis
You hear it in your brain. Whatever makes sense. Some songs work well as quartet ...
by Branford Marsalis
0 votes   420 views  
Alyson Hannigan
Nerds are far more interesting human in later life. - on the varying times of ...
by Alyson Hannigan
0 votes   420 views  
Conversations with Other Women
Man: Time really can move in two directions. It doesn't matter to the universe anyway.
by Conversations With Other Women
0 votes   420 views  
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Kate Brewster: Next time bring a clue, not a paintball gun.
by Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines
0 votes   420 views  
Keeping the Faith
Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: Jews want their rabbis to be the kind of Jews they don't ...
by Keeping The Faith
0 votes   420 views  
Mean Guns
D: I can't be here for this. This is wrong. Wrong time, wrong place... wrong life.
by Mean Guns
0 votes   420 views  
Star Trek: First Contact
William Riker: [Looking up at the moon] Wow! Look at that! Dr. Zefram Cochrane: Don't tell me ...
by Star Trek: First Contact
0 votes   420 views  
Hollow Point
[while Max and Diane are searching Garrett's hotel room, the phone rings] Garrett Lawton: Say, my ...
by Hollow Point
0 votes   420 views  
Angels and Insects
Matty Crompton: I wish humankind would create such altruistic virtues, but sometimes I think socialism may ...
by Angels And Insects
0 votes   420 views  
The American President
President Andrew Shepherd: Do you think there will ever be a time when you can stand ...
by The American President
0 votes   420 views  
[the bus has just entered LAX] SWAT Driver: He's just entered the airport. SWAT Officer: The airport? ...
by Speed
0 votes   420 views  
Powder Blue
Randall: Welcome back. Jack Doheny: Just passing through. I don't have a lot of time to waste. ...
by Powder Blue
0 votes   420 views  
The Ruins
Jeff: Are you here by yourself? Mathias: No, with my brother, but he left with some girl. ...
by The Ruins
0 votes   420 views  
The International
Louis Salinger: Sometimes the hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and ...
by The International
0 votes   420 views  
Shooting God
Stewart: When we were in high school together... did you like that time in your life? ...
by Shooting God
0 votes   420 views  
Islam: What the West Needs to Know
Serge Trifkovic: It would be incorrect to describe Islam as primarily, let alone solely a religion. ...
by Islam: What The West Needs To Know
0 votes   420 views  
Bateman: Motherfucker, you wanna know what it is? Pain, my friend is when the woman you ...
by London
0 votes   420 views  
Joe Anderson
[on working with Julie Taymor] She`s like working with an, I don`t know, atom bomb. ...
by Joe Anderson
0 votes   419 views  
Doug Jackson
We want the public to feel ownership in the process. We have to look at ...
by Doug Jackson
0 votes   419 views  
Diane Kruger
With Wolfgang Petersen, we were always the only two ready at time and the first ...
by Diane Kruger
0 votes   419 views  
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