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RSSTime Total of 3864 famous quotes  

Title Card: [Anthony spies Colin after a drugged-up tryst with him] Anthony Mitchell: Hey Colin. Maybe I'll ...
by Groove
0 votes   394 views  

Artificial Intelligence: AI
Gigolo Joe: I know women! They sometimes ask for me by name. I know all about ...
by Artificial Intelligence: AI
0 votes   394 views  
Get Over It
Dennis Wallace: Well, um, sometimes, the coach calles me ''Crazy Legs''. Dr. Desmond Forest Oates: Ooh... DOES ...
by Get Over It
0 votes   394 views  
Detroit Rock City
Trip: Man, this is better than the first time I got to finger a chick, man.
by Detroit Rock City
0 votes   394 views  
Norman Bates: We all go a little mad sometimes.
by Psycho
0 votes   394 views  
Analyze This
[Paul is anxious about his impotence] Dr. Ben Sobel: I have to say, not being able ...
by Analyze This
0 votes   394 views  
Red Corner
Shen Yuelin: In China, we hold the welfare of the state above that of the individual. ...
by Red Corner
0 votes   394 views  
Primary Colors
Susan Stanton: That's how history is made, Henry - by the first-timers.
by Primary Colors
0 votes   394 views  
Tunnel Boy: [holding vials of virus] You always had an urge to shoot little boys? Sheriff ...
by Phantoms
0 votes   394 views  
Vincent: A year is a long time. Irene: Not so long. Just once around the sun.
by Gattaca
0 votes   394 views  
Sean Nokes: [to Inmates after breaking up fight] You know your time here hasn't taught you ...
by Sleepers
0 votes   394 views  
Michael: Revenge. Sweet lasting revenge. Now it's time for all of us to get a taste.
by Sleepers
0 votes   394 views  
Overnight Delivery
Ivy: You know, as bad as a situation ever gets, there's always time to get dressed.
by Overnight Delivery
0 votes   394 views  
Dream for an Insomniac
Frankie: Sometimes I study the Trivial Pursuit cards.
by Dream For An Insomniac
0 votes   394 views  
Vincent Hanna: [to Albert] Don't waste my motherfucking time!
by Heat
0 votes   394 views  
Nea: It was another age, another place. Here time had long emptied the world and in ...
by Knights
0 votes   394 views  
Us One Night
Nick: I'm sorry. By the time of the wedding they'll have known each other, what, three ...
by Us One Night
0 votes   394 views  
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo
Starfire: I will give you time to... Robin: Starfire? [the two of them lean in as if ...
by Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo
0 votes   394 views  
Starter for 10
Brian Jackson: Sometimes it's not about knowing the right answer.
by Starter For 10
0 votes   394 views  
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
Garfield: [jumps onto a table] We gotta put an end to this torture. [meaning the soft ...
by Garfield: A Tail Of Two Kitties
0 votes   394 views  
Michael Lombardi
We had a bad reputation at that time because of our quality.
by Michael Lombardi
0 votes   393 views  
Jay Austin: I cannot remember the last time I felt my life was going right. Max ...
by Flywheel
0 votes   393 views  
Find Me Guilty
Giacomo 'Fat Jack' DiNorscio: Time is fleeting...
by Find Me Guilty
0 votes   393 views  
Bad News Bears
Kelly Leak: [talking to a Hooters waitress] Hey, what time are you getting off?
by Bad News Bears
0 votes   393 views  
Bad News Bears
Timothy Lupus: Sometimes bird poo tastes like candy.
by Bad News Bears
0 votes   393 views  
The Bourne Supremacy
Marie: Because sooner or later, you remember something good. Jason Bourne: I do remember something good. All ...
by The Bourne Supremacy
0 votes   393 views  
The Gamers
Nimble the Thief: It's too early for ale, but the time is always right for some ...
by The Gamers
0 votes   393 views  
The Even Stevens Movie
Louis: [pulls out second chair] [to Tawny] Louis: Come sit next to papa. Tom Gribalski: I'll sit next ...
by The Even Stevens Movie
0 votes   393 views  
The Good Girl
Holden: You know, sometimes I think to myself: At least it can't get any worse. But ...
by The Good Girl
0 votes   393 views  
The Tailor of Panama
Uncle Benny: Harry boy, I've told you time and again, a man who tells the truth ...
by The Tailor Of Panama
0 votes   393 views  
The Suburbans
Danny: Last time I drank I forgot to stop for about ten years.
by The Suburbans
0 votes   393 views  
High Art
Lucy: I haven't been deconstructed in a long time. Syd: Yeah, I bet you hate that. Lucy: I ...
by High Art
0 votes   393 views  
Playing God
Claire: How did you lose your license? Eugene: I was operating on a patient and the patient ...
by Playing God
0 votes   393 views  
Grosse Pointe Blank
Marcella: As a graduate of the class of 1986, you are someone special. Remember, there's nowhere ...
by Grosse Pointe Blank
0 votes   393 views  
The Hudsucker Proxy
[having just rammed a broom handle through a clock, thus freezing time. Line spoken to ...
by The Hudsucker Proxy
0 votes   393 views  
Exit to Eden
Sheila Kingston: Maybe if you spiced up your sex life a little you wouldn't be divorced. ...
by Exit To Eden
0 votes   393 views  
[Heidi sees her grandfather after a long time] Heidi: Grandfather it's me Heidi. You didn't forget ...
by Heidi
0 votes   393 views  
Heart and Souls
Hal the Bus Driver: It is time, ooooh! Milo Peck: It is time? Ooooh?
by Heart And Souls
0 votes   393 views  
Zombie Strippers!
Lillith: [after stripping for the first time as a zombie] Death is good.
by Zombie Strippers!
0 votes   393 views  
In the Shadow of the Moon
Eugene Cernan: We went into darkness after being in daylight the whole time on the way ...
by In The Shadow Of The Moon
0 votes   393 views  
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