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Brian Lamb
My number one goal was not getting `A`s` - and I proved it. I was ...
by Brian Lamb
0 votes   436 views  

Benji Gregory
When ALF (1986) was canceled, it was a relief. I didn`t want to do any ...
by Benji Gregory
0 votes   436 views  
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
Cody Banks: [talking about entrance to CIA storage facility underneath summer camp] What? That's impossible! Kids ...
by Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
0 votes   436 views  
The Cooler
[last lines] Larry Sokolov: Gentlemen, I want to thank you for your vote of confidence. As ...
by The Cooler
0 votes   436 views  
[first lines] Captain Keyes: Cortana, all I need to know is did we lose them? Cortana: I ...
by Halo
0 votes   436 views  
Drowning Mona
Mona Dearly: Don't call yourselves BJ Landscaping. You don't want people to go around calling you ...
by Drowning Mona
0 votes   436 views  
The Best Man
Jordan Armstrong: [to Harper] I want to make love to you tonight. I feel our opportunity ...
by The Best Man
0 votes   436 views  
Runaway Bride
[Ike and Maggie have just kissed] Coach Bob Kelly: [to Maggie] If you were imagining me, ...
by Runaway Bride
0 votes   436 views  
Mob Queen
Glorice Kalsheim: Let me get this right. You want a blowjob gift certificate?
by Mob Queen
0 votes   436 views  
The Object of My Affection
Nina: I want you to be with me, I want you to marry me, I want ...
by The Object Of My Affection
0 votes   436 views  
The Santa Clause
Sarah the Little Girl: Santa? Scott Calvin: Scott Calvin. Sarah the Little Girl: Howcome your clothes are so ...
by The Santa Clause
0 votes   436 views  
Major Payne
Emily: Here. I want you to read this book. Read it. Apply it. Major Payne: The ABC's ...
by Major Payne
-1 votes   436 views  
South Central
Bobby: It isn't jail, Jimmie. Don't let him lie to you. Ray Ray is a drug ...
by South Central
0 votes   436 views  
Alice Newton: I don't think words for parts of the body make very good names. Emily ...
by Beethoven
0 votes   436 views  
Dances with Wolves
Ten Bears: Let us smoke a while. John Dunbar: [voiceover] With Ten Bears, it was always more ...
by Dances With Wolves
0 votes   436 views  
[the Gang Runaway awakes at the sound of an approaching Wanderer and points a gun ...
by Contention
0 votes   436 views  
Desolation Canyon
Samuel Kendrick: You might want to take off that badge before we get there. Tomas "Swede" ...
by Desolation Canyon
0 votes   436 views  
Josh Beckett
The last pitch I threw to Michael Young, that was about all I had left. ...
by Josh Beckett
0 votes   435 views  
Grover Cleveland
Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed ...
by Grover Cleveland
0 votes   435 views  
Mossad Accountant: In the operational funds box we will deposit 250,000 American dollars. You take it ...
by Munich
0 votes   435 views  
[Mal suspects Inara is being forced to lure them into a trap] Kaylee Frye: But how ...
by Serenity
0 votes   435 views  
Down with Love
Catcher Block: I never once said a word about Nancy Brown, and the only prize I ...
by Down With Love
0 votes   435 views  
Phil Parma: [making an order over the phone] I'd like to get an order of peanut ...
by Magnolia
0 votes   435 views  
Herman Blume: What does Guggenheim say? Max Fischer: Nothing. I felt I should go to you first. ...
by Rushmore
0 votes   435 views  
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Barry: What is it with you Ray? You were dogging us from the start weren't you? ...
by I Know What You Did Last Summer
0 votes   435 views  
Detective Jimmy Shaker: I got to him once. I'll get him again. And when I do... ...
by Ransom
0 votes   435 views  
Jerry Maguire
Dorothy: I love him! I love him for the man he wants to be. And I ...
by Jerry Maguire
0 votes   435 views  
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
Evie: I know this sounds weird but I just can't put the air in the tires ...
by The Incredibly True Adventure Of Two Girls In Love
0 votes   435 views  
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Dr. Schiller: They want you to know who's doing it to you. So this name Simon ...
by Die Hard: With A Vengeance
0 votes   435 views  
DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp
Genie: Big wishes always big trouble! The bigger the wish, the bigger the trouble! Louie: He's right. ...
by DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure Of The Lost Lamp
0 votes   435 views  
Stomp the Yard
April: Hi. DJ: What’s up? What’s wrong? April: Nothing. DJ: Hey you know, if you wanna talk, I'm here. ...
by Stomp The Yard
0 votes   435 views  
Across the Universe
[first lines] Jude: [singing] Is there anybody going to listen to my story all about the ...
by Across The Universe
0 votes   435 views  
Jeanne Carmen
I was just a little country girl that wanted to be a movie star. - ...
by Jeanne Carmen
0 votes   434 views  
Martian Child
David: Hi. What's your name? Esther: Esther. David: Hi, Esther. Esther: I know who you are. David: You do? Esther: You're ...
by Martian Child
0 votes   434 views  
Stage Beauty
Ned Kynaston: I want to act. King Charles II: Then act. Ned Kynaston: I want to act as ...
by Stage Beauty
0 votes   434 views  
The Matrix Revolutions
The Oracle: What about the others? The Architect: ...What others? The Oracle: The ones that want out. The ...
by The Matrix Revolutions
0 votes   434 views  
Waking Up in Reno
Donnie Earl: [in the convenient store] Yeah, ya just pile it on up here. Ole Lonnie ...
by Waking Up In Reno
0 votes   434 views  
The St. Francisville Experiment
Psychic - Madison Charap - Participant: Do you know why ghost people get so frustrated? Paul ...
by The St. Francisville Experiment
0 votes   434 views  
Romeo Must Die
Isaak: Mr Sing you have my deepest, deepest condolences. Ch'u Sing: Thank you. Isaak: What happened to your ...
by Romeo Must Die
0 votes   434 views  
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Freddie Miles: Oh God! Don't you want to fuck every woman you see just once? Dickie ...
by The Talented Mr. Ripley
0 votes   434 views  
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