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Planet of the Apes
Limbo: The young ones make great pets. Just make sure you get rid of them before ...
by Planet Of The Apes
0 votes   434 views  

Trent: Oh Mikey you don't want all that "Pirates Of The Caribbean" horseshit, or the "Rock ...
by Swingers
0 votes   434 views  
Now and Then
Samantha: I decided not to tell the others about my father, call me a fool but ...
by Now And Then
0 votes   434 views  
Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor
David Sloan: I thought you wanted to fight me. Defeat me in a match. Regain your ...
by Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor
0 votes   434 views  
A River Runs Through It
Norman: Truth is, I'm not sure I want to leave. Jesse: Montana? Why? It'll always be here. ...
by A River Runs Through It
0 votes   434 views  
Point Break
Pappas: [of Johnny, after the last robbery] Don't ride him in with the black and whites ...
by Point Break
0 votes   434 views  
Necessary Roughness
Coach Rig: Ok Banks. Ready, Hut! Come on, Banks, you're supposed to be hitting a sled, ...
by Necessary Roughness
0 votes   434 views  
Barton Fink
Charlie: Sometimes it gets so hot I want to crawl right out of my skin.
by Barton Fink
0 votes   434 views  
Rachel Getting Married
Walter: [opening lines] I want my fucking Zippo now! Rosa: Walter, this is a behavior... Walter: [ranking his ...
by Rachel Getting Married
0 votes   434 views  
The Ruins
Jeff: They don't want us to spread it. That's why they won't let us leave. They're ...
by The Ruins
0 votes   434 views  
Music and Lyrics
Greg Antonsky: Maybe you want something more commercial. More Pop-y. Alex Fletcher: Just hold that thinly veiled ...
by Music And Lyrics
0 votes   434 views  
Rocket Science
Earl Hefner: [Hal is taking a bath with the bathroom door locked; Earl is trying to ...
by Rocket Science
0 votes   434 views  
John Hudson
We want people to know that Como`s not going to be a dumping ground. The ...
by John Hudson
0 votes   433 views  
Brian Cooper
We want to do a really good job of analyzing things,
by Brian Cooper
0 votes   433 views  
Amr Mussa
Women are called upon to defend every bit of progress we have made against particularly ...
by Amr Mussa
0 votes   433 views  
The Aristocrats
Cartman: Hey, you guys want to hear a funny joke my grandpa told me? Kyle: No.
by The Aristocrats
0 votes   433 views  
Superhero Movie
Uncle Albert: Remember, with great power comes... Rick Riker: Great responsibility? Uncle Albert: Well, I was gonna say ...
by Superhero Movie
0 votes   433 views  
The Black Dahlia
Ofcr. Dwight "Bucky" Bleichert: [upon seeing a stuffed dog in the hallway] Who's this? Madeleine Linscott: Balto. ...
by The Black Dahlia
0 votes   433 views  
I Heart Huckabees
Mr. Hooten: God gave us oil! He gave it to us! How can God's gift be ...
by I Heart Huckabees
0 votes   433 views  
Wrong Turn
Jessie: Carly, look at me, OK? Scott died protecting us. We need to keep ourselves alive, ...
by Wrong Turn
0 votes   433 views  
Intolerable Cruelty
Miles' Receptionist: You have a discovery hearing at five thirty for the Maxine Gopnick case. Miles ...
by Intolerable Cruelty
0 votes   433 views  
Treasure Planet
Sarah Hawkins: Are you saying this because it's the right thing, or because *you* really wanna ...
by Treasure Planet
0 votes   433 views  
Dave the Lightning Guy: [to Joe] I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin', ...
by Orgazmo
0 votes   433 views  
Moby Dick
Cook: Hammer it good, mate. Don't want a leaky coffin! Carpenter: I'll hammer your lips together, you ...
by Moby Dick
0 votes   433 views  
The Pest
Angus: Today is Monday. I want all the money you owe me by Wednesday or I'm ...
by The Pest
0 votes   433 views  
Martin Bishop: Carl? Carl: The, young lady with the... Uzi. Is she single? Martin Bishop: Uh, Carl? Excuse ...
by Sneakers
0 votes   433 views  
Only the Lonely
Nick Acropolis: Rose! Rose, I am trying again. Will you please accept these flowers? Rose: I don't ...
by Only The Lonely
0 votes   433 views  
The Pit and the Pendulum
Cardinal: The Pope also want the Inquisition to stop the use of torture. And declare an ...
by The Pit And The Pendulum
0 votes   433 views  
The King of Kong
Billy Mitchell: ...but competetive gaming, when you wanna attach your name to a world-record, when you ...
by The King Of Kong
0 votes   433 views  
Tomb Hackers
Jack Loot: Remember Stacy from school? Rob Moore: The cute blonde, right? Jack Loot: Yeah, she asked me ...
by Tomb Hackers
0 votes   433 views  
Mira Nair
I was seen as an outsider in the beginning and then an object of great ...
by Mira Nair
0 votes   432 views  
Lee Grant
When I became a director, I wanted to convince a very reluctant Sidney into allowing ...
by Lee Grant
0 votes   432 views  
Josie Maran
When I was younger, I wanted to be a sex therapist - a hipper Dr. ...
by Josie Maran
0 votes   432 views  
Joe Piscopo
This is an important day for me, ... I want to offer my support to ...
by Joe Piscopo
0 votes   432 views  
Joe Mccarthy
Ultimately, we`re building a new sense of place in the town we`ve called home for ...
by Joe Mccarthy
0 votes   432 views  
Hoagy Carmichael
The recollection of how, when and where it all happened became vague as the lingering ...
by Hoagy Carmichael
0 votes   432 views  
Elizabeth Montgomery
The minute someone says `Oh God, you could never do that; you can`t get that ...
by Elizabeth Montgomery
0 votes   432 views  
Adam West
[on his being passed over for Tim Burton`s 1989 Batman (1989)] I cried for an ...
by Adam West
0 votes   432 views  
The Kingdom
Ronald Fleury: I just need to ask your boys some questions about maybe somthing that they ...
by The Kingdom
0 votes   432 views  
Domino Harvey: I want you to book us a hotel suite. Brian Austin Green: What, with my ...
by Domino
0 votes   432 views  
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