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Memoirs of a Geisha
Sayuri Nitta: She paints her face to hide her face. Her eyes are deep water. It ...
by Memoirs Of A Geisha
0 votes   706 views  

Derek Zoolander: Look, I think I know what this is about and I'm complimented but not ...
by Zoolander
0 votes   704 views  
The Rock
General Hummel: Major Anderson, if you have any concern for the lives of your men, you ...
by The Rock
0 votes   702 views  
Into the Wild
Christopher McCandless: When you want something in life, you just gotta reach out and grab it.
by Into The Wild
0 votes   698 views  
The Departed
Colin Sullivan: [after Dignam has refused to turn over undercover files] I need those passwords. Ellerby: [smooths ...
by The Departed
0 votes   697 views  
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Jane Winslett-Richardson: Are we - are we safe in here? Steve Zissou: I doubt it. Klaus Daimler: Do ...
by The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
0 votes   697 views  
Dazed and Confused
Wooderson: Man, it's the same bullshit they tried to pull in my day. If it ain't ...
by Dazed And Confused
0 votes   697 views  
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Holden: Why in God's name would I wanna keep writing about characters whose central preoccupation are ...
by Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
0 votes   696 views  
Sin City
Gail: [to the Oldtown Girls] We'll fight the cops, the mob, and anybody else who tries ...
by Sin City
0 votes   695 views  
Beauty and the Beast
Belle: [singing] I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I ...
by Beauty And The Beast
0 votes   694 views  
Cher: I want to do something for humanity. Josh: How about sterilization?
by Clueless
0 votes   691 views  
The Princess and the Frog
Princess Tiana: Daddy never got what he wanted... but he had what he NEEDED: love! He ...
by The Princess And The Frog
0 votes   688 views  
The Departed
Ellerby: I'm gonna go have a smoke right now. You want a smoke? You don't smoke, ...
by The Departed
0 votes   687 views  
Pulp Fiction
[Jules, Vincent and Jimmie are drinking coffee in Jimmie's kitchen] Jules: Mmmm! Goddamn, Jimmie! This is ...
by Pulp Fiction
0 votes   683 views  
The Matrix
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the ...
by The Matrix
0 votes   678 views  
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
[from his 1997 Playgirl magazine interview, on whether he wants to get married someday] Yes, ...
by Jeffrey Dean Morgan
0 votes   677 views  
Sin City
Wendy: [Marv has just easily shrugged off the ropes] You sat there and took it... when ...
by Sin City
0 votes   677 views  
Sin City
Jack Rafferty: You want to see it? You wanna see what I got? Becky: I've seen all ...
by Sin City
0 votes   676 views  
Bowling for Columbine
Father of Columbine victim: I am here today because my son Daniel would want me to ...
by Bowling For Columbine
-1 votes   676 views  
Runaway Bride
Ike Graham: [on the perfect proposal] Look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that ...
by Runaway Bride
-1 votes   676 views  
Blind Dating
Danny: If we feel something for each other and she wants to do it, then we'll ...
by Blind Dating
-1 votes   676 views  
Love Actually
The President: I'll give you anything you ask for - as long as it's not something ...
by Love Actually
0 votes   674 views  
Tropic Thunder
Tugg Speedman: My son gave this to me. Kirk Lazarus: That's your stick buddy? Tugg Speedman: His name ...
by Tropic Thunder
0 votes   674 views  
The Deaths of Ian Stone
Gray: We feed on their fear. Ian Stone: So what are you, like vampires? Gray: It sustains us, ...
by The Deaths Of Ian Stone
0 votes   673 views  
A Life Less Ordinary
Tod: Do you think that I'd talk to a dog? Do you think I'd ask a ...
by A Life Less Ordinary
0 votes   672 views  
Kill Bill: Vol. 2
The Bride: You want to come to the wedding? Bill: Only if I can sit on the ...
by Kill Bill: Vol. 2
0 votes   671 views  
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Steve Zissou: You're supposed to be my son, right? Ned Plimpton: I don't know. But I did ...
by The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
0 votes   670 views  
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Chip: [to Ricky Bobby] Are you just going to let your sons talk to their grandfather ...
by Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby
0 votes   667 views  
Derek Zoolander: I just wanted to make you proud of me, pop. Larry Zoolander: How? With your ...
by Zoolander
0 votes   667 views  
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Coloman: He is much of a disease as William's Pestilence. You need to bring your pet ...
by Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans
0 votes   665 views  
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Banky: Well, you're rich, you're in love [to Jay] Banky: Well, *you're* in love. And you've both ...
by Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
0 votes   664 views  
The Great Debaters
Samantha: James, you know I value your friendship... James Farmer Jr.: How can you value something you ...
by The Great Debaters
0 votes   663 views  
Sin City
Dwight: Deadly little Miho. She won't let you feel a thing unless she wants you to. ...
by Sin City
0 votes   663 views  
A Beautiful Mind
Nash: I find you attractive. Your aggressive moves toward me... indicate that you feel the same ...
by A Beautiful Mind
0 votes   663 views  
Pineapple Express
Saul: You lied to me. Red: I did. I lied big time to you. Saul: Dale said that ...
by Pineapple Express
0 votes   657 views  
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Reg Hartner: And we do want to say to the people at home, the clit is ...
by Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
0 votes   656 views  
Remember the Titans
Coach Boone: Lastik. I want you to tell me something about one of your black teammates. ...
by Remember The Titans
0 votes   652 views  
[Aladdin has nearly drowned, and his unconscious body falls and rubs on the lamp] Genie: [appearing ...
by Aladdin
0 votes   652 views  
Good Luck Chuck
Charlie: My entire life, I've been nothing more than a stepping-stone to every relationship I've ever ...
by Good Luck Chuck
0 votes   650 views  
Vincent Hanna: So you never wanted a regular type life? Neil McCauley: What the fuck is that? ...
by Heat
0 votes   648 views  
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