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The Rules of Attraction
Rupert: You want some coke? Sean Bateman: Um. Sure. Rupert: Then buy some of your own, bitch.
by The Rules Of Attraction
0 votes   393 views  

Road to Perdition
Alexander Rance: This is Mr. Rance in the bridal suite and before you proffer your phony ...
by Road To Perdition
0 votes   393 views  
Lucky Numbers
Russ: [after finding out there are cops in Gig's club] I've always wanted to give an ...
by Lucky Numbers
0 votes   393 views  
Playing by Heart
Meredith: I'll tell you what I don't want. I don't want all this calculated artificiality. This ...
by Playing By Heart
0 votes   393 views  
Big Daddy
Ted Castellucci: Objection, Your Honor! The court is interested in the truth, not the opinion of ...
by Big Daddy
0 votes   393 views  
The Mummy
Beni: As long as I serve him, I am immune. Rick: Immune from what? Beni: Piszkas allat. Rick: What ...
by The Mummy
0 votes   393 views  
[Repeated line] Deputy Wargle: Hey, you want to see somethin'?
by Phantoms
0 votes   393 views  
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2
[the Labrador gives Sasha a first-place ribbon and a bone for winning the talent contest] ...
by All Dogs Go To Heaven 2
0 votes   393 views  
Mad Love
Casey: I don't want to be sick anymore, okay? Matt: You don't have to. Casey: I don't want ...
by Mad Love
0 votes   393 views  
Get Shorty
Doris: [on the phone] Hi, Karen, it's Doris. Listen doll, you might want to come by ...
by Get Shorty
0 votes   393 views  
Empire Records
Corey: So is this how your life's gonna be now, huh? You're just gonna screw every ...
by Empire Records
0 votes   393 views  
Devil in a Blue Dress
Mouse: You said don't shoot him, right? Well I didn't; I choked... If you didn't want ...
by Devil In A Blue Dress
0 votes   393 views  
The Baby-Sitters Club
Dawn Schafer: Want some tahini? Mary Anne Spier: [Smiles] I'll pass, thanks. Dawn Schafer: [Sits next to Mary ...
by The Baby-Sitters Club
0 votes   393 views  
Drop Dead Fred
Fred: [sitting inside the refrigerator] [about Charles] Fred: Snotface, he's the wrong man for you. Elizabeth: I don't ...
by Drop Dead Fred
0 votes   393 views  
Drag Me to Hell
Milos: [possessed by the Lamia] I don't want your cat, you dirty pork queen!
by Drag Me To Hell
0 votes   393 views  
Zombie Strippers!
Jessy: You want to get laid before you die. Davis: Is that such a crime?
by Zombie Strippers!
0 votes   393 views  
The Hurt Locker
Staff Sergeant William James: There's enough bang in there to blow us all to Jesus. If ...
by The Hurt Locker
0 votes   393 views  
[from trailer] David Frost: Why didn't you burn the tapes? Richard Nixon: I didn't want to take ...
by Frost/Nixon
0 votes   393 views  
All That I Need
Lia King: [to the camera crew] I want you to shut the cameras off. [to sound ...
by All That I Need
0 votes   392 views  
Uncle Arthur: Do you want the long version or the short version? And I have to ...
by Bewitched
0 votes   392 views  
Flesh for the Beast
Pauline: Well, how does it feel now to be the the weak one? The victim? Flesh ...
by Flesh For The Beast
0 votes   392 views  
The Village
Ivy Walker: Sometimes we don't do things we want to do so that others won't know ...
by The Village
0 votes   392 views  
Beyond the Sea
Bobby Darin: [trying to date Sandra Dee] I want to send 18 yellow roses every day ...
by Beyond The Sea
0 votes   392 views  
Death to Smoochy
Nora: We know you didn't kill Spinner so just cool your jets. Randolph: Oh, thank you, Mother ...
by Death To Smoochy
0 votes   392 views  
The Search for John Gissing
Linda Barnes: Why didn't you just say it was John Gissing? Because you don't want to ...
by The Search For John Gissing
0 votes   392 views  
Blue Streak
Miles Logan: [talking to Deacon] I know you don't want to go to jail in Mexico ...
by Blue Streak
0 votes   392 views  
Dancer in the Dark
Jeff: [referring to Gene] Why did you have him? You knew he would have the same ...
by Dancer In The Dark
0 votes   392 views  
Thirteen Days
[about the Joint Chiefs of Staff] Kenny O'Donnell: They want a war, Jack, and they're arranging ...
by Thirteen Days
0 votes   392 views  
American Psycho
Waiter: Would you like to hear today's specials? Patrick Bateman: Not if you want to keep your ...
by American Psycho
0 votes   392 views  
American Psycho
Patrick Bateman: I want you to clean your vagina.
by American Psycho
0 votes   392 views  
Pushing Tin
Russell Bell: If you ever want to sleep at night, don't marry a beautiful girl.
by Pushing Tin
0 votes   392 views  
That Thing You Do!
Mr. White: Put your glasses on, Shades. Give 'em what they want.
by That Thing You Do!
0 votes   392 views  
Getting Away with Murder
Psychiatrist: I want to see you six days a week. [looks at his appointment book] Psychiatrist: I ...
by Getting Away With Murder
0 votes   392 views  
Strange Days
Lenny: I am the magic man. I am your link to the subconscious. I have what ...
by Strange Days
0 votes   392 views  
Grumpy Old Men
Max Goldman: John! John! Are you dead? John Gustafson: Not yet. But I don't want to die ...
by Grumpy Old Men
0 votes   392 views  
Universal Soldier
Luc: Sarge, you want me? I am here. Let the girl go! Scott: Don't tell me what ...
by Universal Soldier
0 votes   392 views  
Bobby Ciaro: He wants to know what you're scared of. Jimmy Hoffa: Tell him it's none of ...
by Hoffa
0 votes   392 views  
Saw V
Mark Hoffman: What do you want from me! Jigsaw: I want to know if you have what ...
by Saw V
0 votes   392 views  
Rocky Balboa
Rocky Jr.: [questioning his father wanting to fight again] Don't you think you're a little, you ...
by Rocky Balboa
0 votes   392 views  
Dr. Pomatter: I want to talk to you, somewhere outside of here. Maybe we can have ...
by Waitress
0 votes   392 views  
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