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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Padmé: What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic ...
by Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
0 votes   542 views  

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Supreme Chancellor: [Anakin cuts off Dooku's hands ending the battle. Anakin catches Dooku's lightsabre and ignites ...
by Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
0 votes   542 views  
Jerry Maguire
Marcee Tidwell: [shouting, to Jerry] What do you stand for? Dorothy: How about a little piece of ...
by Jerry Maguire
0 votes   542 views  
Get Shorty
[Harry Zimm calls Ray Bones on the phone] Harry Zimm: Ray Barboni? Ray "Bones" Barboni: Who is ...
by Get Shorty
0 votes   542 views  
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Veronica Corningstone: Mr. Burgundy, I am a professional and I would like to do my job. ...
by Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy
0 votes   541 views  
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
[Dewey walks in on Sam and groupies] Sam: Get out of here, Dewey. You don't want ...
by Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
0 votes   541 views  
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
Edith: What about my dreams? Dewey Cox: Edith I told you I can't build your candy house! ...
by Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
0 votes   541 views  
Bill Maher: It's how you do your work, isn't it? You know, at the end of ...
by Religulous
0 votes   541 views  
The Simpsons Movie
Russ Cargill: Anyone can pick something when they know what it is; It takes real leadership ...
by The Simpsons Movie
0 votes   541 views  
Bob Nelson
You get what you reward. Be clear about what you want to get and systematically ...
by Bob Nelson
0 votes   540 views  
Garden State
Andrew Largeman: Dude, we've been patient all day but it's my last day in town and ...
by Garden State
0 votes   540 views  
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Raoul Duke: Finish the fucking story man! What happened? What about the glands?
by Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
0 votes   540 views  
John Doe: What sick ridiculous puppets we are / and what gross little stage we dance ...
by Se7en
0 votes   540 views  
The Book of Eli
Eli: In all these years I've been carrying it and reading it every day, I got ...
by The Book Of Eli
0 votes   540 views  
Jackass Number Two
Dave England: [gets knocked out by a large airbag] Ah... fuckin' shit... what was that shit? ...
by Jackass Number Two
-1 votes   540 views  
August Rush
Arthur: [talking to August] Naw, I ain't got no family. My pops was a drunk. My ...
by August Rush
1 votes   539 views  
House of Sand and Fog
Behrani: [to Kathy] You think you can frighten me? You think you can frighten me with ...
by House Of Sand And Fog
0 votes   539 views  
Finding Neverland
J.M. Barrie: It seems to me that Peter's trying to grow up too fast. I imagine ...
by Finding Neverland
0 votes   539 views  
Love & Basketball
Monica: Yoy studip, And your daddy plays for the worst teamn in the NBA! Quincy: What? Monica: Last ...
by Love & Basketball
0 votes   539 views  
The Best Man
Julian Murch: Shelby, it's over. I am not the man for you and you are not ...
by The Best Man
0 votes   539 views  
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Raoul Duke: What kind of rat bastard psychotic would play that song right now, at this ...
by Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
0 votes   539 views  
The Mighty
Maxwell Kane: [referring to Kevin's homemade squirt gun] What did you *really* put in that thing? ...
by The Mighty
0 votes   539 views  
Jurassic Park
Dr. Ian Malcolm: What is so great about discovery? It is a violent, penetrative act that ...
by Jurassic Park
0 votes   539 views  
Genie: But oh, to be free. Not to have to go "Poof! Whaddaya need," "Poof! Whaddaya ...
by Aladdin
-1 votes   539 views  
Boyz n the Hood
Doughboy: Yeah, I heard you been gettin' that dope-head pussy. See, me, I probably get more ...
by Boyz N The Hood
0 votes   539 views  
Bill Maher: [in a deleted scene on the DVD] No, it is not a surprise that ...
by Religulous
0 votes   539 views  
The Dark Knight
[During a bank heist, the Joker has tricked all his men into killing each other, ...
by The Dark Knight
0 votes   539 views  
Requiem for a Dream
Harry Goldfarb: [Harry has just found out that Sara is on diet pills] Does he give ...
by Requiem For A Dream
0 votes   538 views  
When Trumpets Fade
Sgt. Talbot: You know it's amazing really when you stop to think about it. Whole platoon ...
by When Trumpets Fade
0 votes   538 views  
Mighty Aphrodite
Linda Ash: You're married, aren't you? Lenny Weinrib: How can you tell that? Linda Ash: 'Cause you got ...
by Mighty Aphrodite
0 votes   538 views  
The Power of One
[the African inmates are singing a song in Zulu, insulting the prison guards. One of ...
by The Power Of One
-1 votes   538 views  
Love in the Time of Cholera
Ricardo Lighthouse: Why are you so successful with women? Florentino Ariza: Um... because they see in me ...
by Love In The Time Of Cholera
0 votes   538 views  
Bad Boys
Ferguson: [as Julie reaches into her bra for a hidden handcuff key] What you got an ...
by Bad Boys
0 votes   537 views  
The Man from Earth
Dan: Wouldn't you have some relic, an artifact, to remind you of your earlier life? Like ...
by The Man From Earth
0 votes   537 views  
No Country for Old Men
Carla Jean's Mother: And I always seen this is what it would come to. Three years ...
by No Country For Old Men
0 votes   537 views  
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Andy Stitzer: You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much ...
by The 40 Year Old Virgin
0 votes   536 views  
The Formula
[Tom asks the group to help him make a fanfilm] Zarth: Dude, this is like our ...
by The Formula
0 votes   536 views  
Major General George E. Pickett: My boys! What's happening to my boys?
by Gettysburg
0 votes   536 views  
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Ben Stein: What if after you died you ran into God, and he says, what have ...
by Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
0 votes   536 views  
The Dark Knight
Lucius Fox: [On the plan to capture Lau] Now I must say compared to your usual ...
by The Dark Knight
0 votes   536 views  
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