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Ron Witwicky: You're not taking my son. Agent Simmons: Really? You gonna get rough with us? Ron ...
by Transformers
0 votes   499 views  

Next Friday
Day-Day: Roach, if Pinky catches you doing that X-Games shit on the counter, we gon' be ...
by Next Friday
0 votes   499 views  
The Boondock Saints
Paul Smecker: They exited out the front door. They had no idea what they were in ...
by The Boondock Saints
0 votes   499 views  
Scream 3
Roman: Not only did they-did they kill the film, but they killed my cast. You know, ...
by Scream 3
0 votes   499 views  
Private Parts
[after seeing Howard in his Fartman oufit] Ozzy Osbourne: What a fucking jerk.
by Private Parts
0 votes   499 views  
Air Force One
[Ivan has just killed Melanie Mitchell] Egor Korshunov: I know what you're thinking First Lady,you want ...
by Air Force One
0 votes   499 views  
Richard Torena: There's this cat I was locked up with in Folsom: did a couple, two-three ...
by Heat
0 votes   499 views  
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Lois Einhorn: [after she finishes wrestling with Ace, to the surrounding police officers] Shoot him! Shoot ...
by Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
0 votes   499 views  
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
Buzz McCallister: [after making a formal apology to the family; whispers to Kevin] Beat that, you ...
by Home Alone 2: Lost In New York
0 votes   499 views  
Arnold Rothstein: [his last words, while playing cards] ... What's the matter? Did I make a ...
by Mobsters
0 votes   499 views  
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
Romeo: Who ordered the whup ass fajita? Murphy MacManus: What? Connor MacManus: Whup ass fajita? Murphy MacManus, Connor ...
by The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
-1 votes   499 views  
No Country for Old Men
Ellis: Whatcha got ain't nothin new. This country's hard on people, you can't stop what's coming, ...
by No Country For Old Men
0 votes   499 views  
Lucky Number Slevin
Slevin's Girlfriend: [after Slevin walks in on her cheating on him] This is an accident. Slevin: What, ...
by Lucky Number Slevin
-1 votes   498 views  
Marie Antoinette
Ambassador Mercy: Madame du Barry would like to offer you some diamonds. Marie-Antoinette: I have enough diamonds. ...
by Marie Antoinette
0 votes   498 views  
Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie
Bill: My daughter's right in the middle, which is where you want them to be I ...
by Blue Collar Comedy Tour: The Movie
0 votes   498 views  
Fight Club
Narrator: Tyler, what the fuck is going on here? Tyler Durden: I ask you for one thing, ...
by Fight Club
0 votes   498 views  
Jennifer: This place gives me the creeps! Did you know that the books are blank? David: What? ...
by Pleasantville
0 votes   498 views  
Good Will Hunting
Will: Do you find it hard to hide the fact that you're gay? Henry Lipkin: [stammers] What ...
by Good Will Hunting
0 votes   498 views  
Sling Blade
Doyle: What'cha doin' with that lawn mower blade Karl? Karl: I aim to kill you with it.
by Sling Blade
0 votes   498 views  
Hunter Van Pelt: [leveling his gun at Alan] End of the line, Sonny Jim. Game's up. ...
by Jumanji
0 votes   498 views  
Crimson Tide
Hunter: [over the intercom] Radio, X-O. Mr. Zimmer, get those communication systems back online now. Zimmer: [over ...
by Crimson Tide
0 votes   498 views  
Up in the Air
Alex Goran: What a weasly prick. Natalie Keener: Yeah, but what does that make me? Someone who ...
by Up In The Air
0 votes   498 views  
Final Destination 3
Jason Wise: What's wrong? Wendy Christensen: Um. I was having that feeling like Deja Vu. You know, ...
by Final Destination 3
0 votes   497 views  
Memoirs of a Geisha
Sayuri Nitta: [to Pumkin after she led the Chairman to Sayuir and the Colonel] How could ...
by Memoirs Of A Geisha
0 votes   497 views  
The Perfect Man
Holly Hamilton: What's that? Adam Forrest: Um, nothing. Holly Hamilton: Is that supposed to be me? Adam Forrest: No, ...
by The Perfect Man
0 votes   497 views  
Mean Girls
Mr. Duvall: Never in my 14 years as an educator have I seen such behavior. And ...
by Mean Girls
0 votes   497 views  
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
Wealthy Woman in Car: [pulls up in a car] Hey guys! I need a quick gigolo ...
by Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
1 votes   497 views  
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Elizabeth: You didn't tell them about the curse. Jack Sparrow: I noticed neither did you. For the ...
by Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl
0 votes   497 views  
Van Wilder
Van Wilder: I'm all out of love. I'm so lost without you. I know you were ...
by Van Wilder
0 votes   497 views  
Brian Gamble: That woman is alive because of what we did. Capt. Thomas Fuller: Yeah, alive and ...
by S.W.A.T.
0 votes   497 views  
Next Friday
Craig Jones: What's that smell? Mr. Jones: Must be your upper lip, son, I don't smell nothing. ...
by Next Friday
0 votes   497 views  
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Yoda: Allow this appointment lightly, the council does not. Disturbing is this move by Chancellor Palpatine. ...
by Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
0 votes   497 views  
Loki: The last four days on Earth. If I had a dick, I'd go get laid. ...
by Dogma
0 votes   497 views  
A Time to Kill
Jake Tyler Brigance: What is it in us that seeks the truth? Is it our minds ...
by A Time To Kill
0 votes   497 views  
The Birdcage
Armand: What are you giving him drugs for? What the hell are Pirin tablets? Agador: It's aspirin ...
by The Birdcage
0 votes   497 views  
Bastard Out of Carolina
Anney Boatwright: Glen's not like that. Granny: You don't what that boy's like. Anney Boatwright: I know he ...
by Bastard Out Of Carolina
0 votes   497 views  
Picture Bride
Riyo: What was that sound just now. I've heard it before. Kana: People say Tanafochi, the Wind ...
by Picture Bride
0 votes   497 views  
A Goofy Movie
Max: You should've let me stay at home! Goofy: Why? So you'd end up in prison? Max: Prison? ...
by A Goofy Movie
-1 votes   497 views  
Dennis the Menace
Margaret: You guys are the boring ones. There's lots to do. Dennis: Oh, really? Like what? Margaret: We ...
by Dennis The Menace
0 votes   497 views  
Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity
Jeff Dunham: What I'm about to tell you has happened *five* different times, so it can't ...
by Jeff Dunham: Spark Of Insanity
0 votes   497 views  
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