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Meet Joe Black
[Watching the fireworks above the party before they depart] William Parrish: It's hard to let go, ...
by Meet Joe Black
0 votes   475 views  

[Irene has discovered Vincent's secret] Irene: I don't even know who you are. Vincent: I'm the same ...
by Gattaca
0 votes   475 views  
Almost Heroes
Bidwell: [returns to camp after a bear has bit off his leg] Sir, I've been to ...
by Almost Heroes
0 votes   475 views  
Mickey: Lead the way Alfred. Manley: The name is Manly, Manly will do very nicely thank you!... ...
by B*A*P*S
0 votes   475 views  
A Time to Kill
D.A. Rufus Buckley: Do you think men who kidnap a child should be free in 10 ...
by A Time To Kill
0 votes   475 views  
Gran Torino
Mitch Kowalski: What would I want? Walt Kowalski: I don't know... Your wife's already gone through all ...
by Gran Torino
0 votes   475 views  
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
Dewey Cox: [after being caught cheating] Baby, you don't know what it's like out there on ...
by Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
-1 votes   475 views  
In Bruges
[last lines] Ray: There's a Christmas tree somewhere in London with a bunch of presents underneath ...
by In Bruges
1 votes   475 views  
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Cristina: [Looking at a sculpture of Jesus] Are you very religious? Juan Antonio: No, no, no, no, ...
by Vicky Cristina Barcelona
0 votes   475 views  
Rocky Balboa
Rocky Balboa: What's so crazy about standing toe to toe with someone saying "I am"?
by Rocky Balboa
0 votes   475 views  
Dr. Simon: So, you're hearing voices? Who's voices are you hearing and what are they telling ...
by Bondage
0 votes   475 views  
eXposed: The Making of a Legend
himself: I know an awful lot of people who have a great fear of commitment. I ...
by EXposed: The Making Of A Legend
0 votes   475 views  
Black Christmas
[after receiving a disturbing anonymous phone call] Lauren Hanon: What do you know about dealing with ...
by Black Christmas
0 votes   475 views  
Oprah Winfrey
Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want ...
by Oprah Winfrey
0 votes   474 views  
Janet Leigh
When asked if it was true that she doesn`t take showers: It`s actually, honestly true. ...
by Janet Leigh
0 votes   474 views  
Gloria Stuart
When I went back to New York with somewhat of a name, they didn`t want ...
by Gloria Stuart
0 votes   474 views  
Edward Norton
I get heartbroken flying into L.A. It`s just this feeling of unspecific loss. Can you ...
by Edward Norton
0 votes   474 views  
Christopher Hampton
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how ...
by Christopher Hampton
0 votes   474 views  
Four Brothers
Detective Fowler: It's not looking good for you, homeboy. Angel: We'll see if they're still your boys ...
by Four Brothers
0 votes   474 views  
Million Dollar Baby
Frankie Dunn: What's she sayin'? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: Wants to know what you're readin'. Frankie Dunn: It's Yeats. ...
by Million Dollar Baby
0 votes   474 views  
Dawn of the Dead
Kenneth: Oh, I get it. You saw hell yesterday, and now you're scared of going to ...
by Dawn Of The Dead
0 votes   474 views  
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!
Pete: [attempting to teach Tad how to chop wood with an ax] Ok... So... The trick ...
by Win A Date With Tad Hamilton!
0 votes   474 views  
Nicholas Nickleby
[first lines] Vincent Crummles: What happens when the light first pierces the dark dampness in which ...
by Nicholas Nickleby
0 votes   474 views  
Wrong Turn
Francine: Drop your pants. Evan: What? Francine: When do people always show up, Evan? What are we doing? ...
by Wrong Turn
0 votes   474 views  
Monroe Hutchens: He's a fighter, I'm a fighter, if I'm better on that day, I win. ...
by Undisputed
0 votes   474 views  
Maid in Manhattan
Christopher: He's friendly. His name's Rufas. So what are you listening to? Ty: "The Best Of Bread". ...
by Maid In Manhattan
0 votes   474 views  
The Matrix Revolutions
Neo: I just have never... Rama-Kandra: ...heard a program speak of love? Neo: It's a... human emotion. Rama-Kandra: No, ...
by The Matrix Revolutions
0 votes   474 views  
Mason Verger: Cordell, shoot him! Get the gun and shoot him! Cordell Doemling: And go into the ...
by Hannibal
0 votes   474 views  
Love & Basketball
Young Quincy: Can't do this shit! Zeke McCall: Boy, what did I tell you about using that ...
by Love & Basketball
0 votes   474 views  
Gone in Sixty Seconds
Raymond Calitri: [over the phone] Time's up Atley. I've got 49 cars. That's one less than ...
by Gone In Sixty Seconds
0 votes   474 views  
Frank T.J. Mackey: [Frank is speaking to followers at his seminar] Men are shit. What? Men... ...
by Magnolia
0 votes   474 views  
Ghost World
Enid: [looking at a metal cowboy on a horse] What is this? Seymour: Dana got it when ...
by Ghost World
0 votes   474 views  
The Legend of Bagger Vance
Rannulph Junuh: Alright I'll play in your stupid golf tournament (to Adel) I shoulda' let you ...
by The Legend Of Bagger Vance
0 votes   474 views  
American Psycho
Patrick Bateman: Do you know what Ed Gein said about women? David Van Patten: The maitre 'd ...
by American Psycho
0 votes   474 views  
Donkey: You know what, Shrek? I think this whole wall thing is to keep somebody out. ...
by Shrek
0 votes   474 views  
Return to Me
Joe Dayton: [sees Grace crying] Aw, Christ. Who died? Megan Dayton: No one. Grace Briggs: [sobbing] Bob's wife! ...
by Return To Me
0 votes   474 views  
American History X
[Derek is leaving prison] Lamont: 'Sup, man? You getting outta here? Well, c'mon man! What the ...
by American History X
0 votes   474 views  
Men in Black
Edwards: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it. Kay: A person is smart. ...
by Men In Black
-1 votes   474 views  
Love Jones
Nina Mosley: You always want what you want when you want it. Why is everything so ...
by Love Jones
0 votes   474 views  
David Drumlin: I know you must think this is all very unfair. Maybe that's an understatement. ...
by Contact
0 votes   474 views  
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