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The Aristocrats
Wendy Liebman: It's a family, the Cavanaugh's - Ann and William. They're eating dinner, and they ...
by The Aristocrats
0 votes   472 views  

The Namesake
Gogol Ganguli: So I'm two inches away from her. Her luscious lips part. Just as I'm ...
by The Namesake
0 votes   472 views  
A Prairie Home Companion
Jearlyn Steele: [singing] Why do you work so hard to get what you don't even want?
by A Prairie Home Companion
0 votes   472 views  
Abe: What's wrong with our hands? Aaron: [has his arms tightly wrapped around his chest, his hands ...
by Primer
0 votes   472 views  
A Good Woman
Tuppy: Men don't trust women. Women don't trust women. No one trusts women. It's what binds ...
by A Good Woman
0 votes   472 views  
Mean Girls
Student: Nice wig, Janis. What's it made of? Janis: Your mom's chest hair!
by Mean Girls
0 votes   472 views  
The Final Cut
Delila: What is it? Alan Hakman: Some implants have defect. They can't see the difference between what ...
by The Final Cut
0 votes   472 views  
Comic Book: The Movie
[Anita runs afoul the orangutan/beaver contest] Anita Levine: What is going on here? You know something, ...
by Comic Book: The Movie
0 votes   472 views  
Pete: You said no shock treatment. Sheriff Ryan: Shock treatment? You want to see some shock treatment? ...
by Gothika
0 votes   472 views  
Dr. Douglas Grey: [handing a Miranda a glass of water] Throw it on the mirror. This ...
by Gothika
0 votes   472 views  
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
[Barbossa pulls the bloody dagger from his chest] Barbossa: I'm curious. After killing me what is ...
by Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl
0 votes   472 views  
The Last Samurai
Algren: What do you want? Katsumoto: To know my enemy. Algren: I've seen what you do to your ...
by The Last Samurai
0 votes   472 views  
Big Fish
Josephine: [the phoe rings as a pregnant Josephine and Will come home from the grocery store, ...
by Big Fish
0 votes   472 views  
Finding Nemo
Marlin: Hey. Guess what? Nemo: What? Marlin: Sea turtles? I met one, and he was a hundred and ...
by Finding Nemo
0 votes   472 views  
The Royal Tenenbaums
[about Margot's play] Young Chas Tenenbaum: What'd you think, Dad? Royal: Didn't seem believable to me. [to ...
by The Royal Tenenbaums
0 votes   472 views  
Shallow Hal
Tony Robbins: You got a pattern of judging women by their exterior, we can't talk about ...
by Shallow Hal
0 votes   472 views  
Big Trouble
Annoyed Sports Radio Host: I'm looking for one brave Gators fan to call, just one. Oh ...
by Big Trouble
0 votes   472 views  
Big Trouble
Alan Seitz: What makes you think this is the first time? Pat Greer: Never mind which time ...
by Big Trouble
0 votes   472 views  
Artificial Intelligence: AI
Professor Hobby: Tell me, what is love? Secretary: Love is first widening my eyes a little bit ...
by Artificial Intelligence: AI
0 votes   472 views  
The Perfect Storm
Dale 'Murph' Murphy: So, I guess you're the big hero, huh? David 'Sully' Sullivan: You would have ...
by The Perfect Storm
0 votes   472 views  
Free Enterprise
Robert: I don't believe it. It's Bill. Mark: Okay, just be cool, don't stare, you'll go blind. ...
by Free Enterprise
0 votes   472 views  
An Ideal Husband
Lord Caversham: What are you doing here, sir? Wasting your time, as usual? Lord Arthur Goring: My ...
by An Ideal Husband
0 votes   472 views  
Half Baked
Historian Smoker: You know back in the 60's, we used to smoke this shit on the ...
by Half Baked
0 votes   472 views  
Jay: [to Bethany] If we're not gonna fuck, then what the fuck did you ask us ...
by Dogma
0 votes   472 views  
Sliding Doors
[Helen has broken up with her boyfriend] Helen: Bollocks to him. I'm over him. Anna: [skeptically] Oh. ...
by Sliding Doors
0 votes   472 views  
Meet Joe Black
William Parrish: I thought I was going to sneak away tonight. What a glorious night. Every ...
by Meet Joe Black
0 votes   472 views  
Ashley Crighton: [as seeing a huge gush of water pouring into the damaged tunnel] Excuse me ...
by Daylight
0 votes   472 views  
While You Were Sleeping
Lucy: I'm having an affair. I like Jack. Jerry: Who's Jack? Lucy: Peter's brother. Jerry: So? Lucy: So he thinks ...
by While You Were Sleeping
0 votes   472 views  
Swimming with Sharks
Buddy: What I am concerned with is detail. I asked you go get me a packet ...
by Swimming With Sharks
0 votes   472 views  
Bad Boys
Mike Lowrey: [Holding Jojo at gunpoint] Hey Jojo, I got 16 bullets in this gun and ...
by Bad Boys
0 votes   472 views  
Menace II Society
Pernell: [during a visit to the penitentiary] It's been a long time, Caine. How you doin', ...
by Menace II Society
0 votes   472 views  
[Discussing Early's job at the mirror factory] Adele Corners: Know what, Brian? One night when we ...
by Kalifornia
0 votes   472 views  
Cool Runnings
[Yul and Junior are in the hotel room, getting ready to go to a bar; ...
by Cool Runnings
0 votes   472 views  
The Beverly Hillbillies
Jed Clampett: I reckon you done what you done because you didn't know we was who ...
by The Beverly Hillbillies
0 votes   472 views  
A League of Their Own
[Mae is in confession; a thud is heard] Doris Murphy: It's the second time he dropped ...
by A League Of Their Own
0 votes   472 views  
[leaving to go travel the world] Genie: I'm history! No, I'm mythology! Nah, I don't care ...
by Aladdin
0 votes   472 views  
If Looks Could Kill
[discussing the "other" Michael Corben] Lt. Col. Larabee: This operative has been living under an alias ...
by If Looks Could Kill
0 votes   472 views  
The Wrestler
Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: When you live hard and you play hard and burn the candle ...
by The Wrestler
0 votes   472 views  
Planet Terror
J.T. Hague: Hey, hey. You want some barbeque? Best in Texas. Cherry Darling: Oh, no thanks. J.T. ...
by Planet Terror
0 votes   472 views  
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
Uncle Wayne: It's all for your own good. And what's not for your own good is ...
by Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past
0 votes   472 views  
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